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Everything posted by Talvi
Ja sam za njih saznao još onomad preko Butcherian Vibe-a i veoma afirmativne recenzije/intervjua, ako se ne varam.
Možda ja odgledam taj film after all.
Mene ovo nasmeja k'o nezdravog:
Ja inače nisam neki poweraš uopšte ali ovo je takva albumčina da to nije normalno.
Stvarno jbt, u dva reda si uspela da me zainteresuješ za film i da mi ubiješ svaku želju za gledanjem.
Nope, Asgeir Mickelson lupa.
Ako misliš na ćelavog, to je Teloch, on im je gitarista od pre nekog vremena.
Koji fazon sa dve teme? Ima i jedna na power/prog.
According to Terrorizer magazine, Norwegian/Hungarian black metallers MAYHEM have revealed that they recently smuggled in real human remains to use as part of their stage show at Hellfest in Clisson, France. "They were all human remains — skulls and bones — on the stage of MAYHEM's 'Liberation By Evil' performance at Hellfest," stated frontman Attila Csihar. "It was [done] for spiritual reasons, not for sensation. To stand and sing from the 'Altar Of Death' in front of 8,000 people at Hellfest was extreme and important both artistically and personally — that feeling is just indescribable." He added, "I am not sure if it's the best idea to say officially that we used real human bones on our performance. However, it is the simple truth. We are MAYHEM and I am Attila, I always say the truth, nothing more and nothing less. I would like to thank our people and Hellfest for the help to make this great action happen, and also to our fans for the eternal support!"
Haha, a baš se pre neki dan setih kako nisam čuo Negator 100 godina, baš ću im posvetiti pažnju sad.
Što je dobro kad se black metalci svađaju oko toga ko sluša veću gomilu buke. Ovo je najagresivnija muzika ikad, i treba da bude haotična, čilirajte.
Jeste ono ranije, ali se sad opet nešto sjebao, jbg.
A ima i jedno drugo pravilo: da kad god Leprous izda album, da će biti super.
Rex više ni u Down-u ne svira, sjebao se čovek potpuno pa će biti van muzike jedno dobro vreme.
KATAKLYSM recorded the single "The Iron Will" last week in Montreal, Canada with guitarist/producer Jean-Francois Dagenais. It will be mixed this fall by Tue Madsen (THE HAUNTED, BEHEMOTH, MNEMIC) in Denmark and will be released with a video clip on iTunes one month before the release of the documentary DVD "The Iron Will: 20 Years Determined", which depicts the ups and downs of the band's long, turbulent career... one that made KATAKLYSM one of today's top names in extreme music. "The Iron Will" DVD will be released in the spring of 2012 and will include this year's live performance from the Summer Breeze festival.
We're happy to announce release dates, cover art and release concert for our upcoming album "Bilateral"! The album has been produced by Ihsahn -Official- and Starofash -Official- and has been mixed by Jens Bogren @ Fascination street studios! The cover art has been done by the surrealistic painter Jeff Jordan and the spanish designer Ritxi Ostáris. "Bilateral" will be released on August 22nd, 2011 in Europe and August 23rd, 2011 in North America via InsideOutMusic.
Izgleda da ni fudbalere niko ne bi smeo kritikovati jer je tu argument "Izađi ti na teren pa igraj". Ne jedite govna, 'leba vam. Prosečan slušalac njihove muzike nije neko ko treba samo da im ljubi dupe jer postoje nego potencijalna mušterija i neko ko bi mogao da odvoji pare za tu njihovu muziku ako mu se svidi, stoga i ima puno pravo da bude kritički nastrojen. Btw, "Wormwood" je super album a EP raznosi.
Trebao si sačekati još malo, da mu post bude stariji od godinu dana.
Išao komšija, bilo mu do jaja. Prvih mesec dana stvarno drao guzicu od posla po 12+ sati dnevno, posle se uhodao i imao vremena za zajebanciju, pijančenje u svakom pristaništu, video pola sveta (i to onog tropskog ) i tako to. Uglavnom svidelo mu se, sad je otišao opet. Glavna fora je da nađeš agenciju koja to stvarno radi jer imaš mnogo prevaranata koji navlače ljude tim pričama.
Vocalist/guitarist Adam "Nergal" Darski of Polish extreme metallers BEHEMOTH attended a hearing earlier today (Wednesday, June 29) at the District Court in Gdynia, Poland in connection with a September 2007 incident when he reportedly called the Catholic Church "the most murderous cult on the planet" during the band's performance in Gdynia and tore up a copy of the Bible, calling it "a book of lies" (see video below). While giving evidence on Wednesday as a witness, Darski confirmed that the Bible incident took place, but stressed that the concert at which it occurred was a closed event attended by several hundred people, none of whom felt offended by the tearing of the Bible and the accompanying words. "The only people who were offended were not at the concert, and they do not understand the context" in which the act was committed, he said. He added that every admission ticket to the show included a printed warning that no recording devices were allowed inside the concert venue and that any video footage of the incident was therefore made and distributed illegally. Darski also said that had no intention of offending anyone, explaining that the tearing of the Bible was "an artistic metaphor." He said, "I am a free man, living — I hope — in a free country. Although I do not publicly recognize the principals outlined in the Bible or the Ten Commandments, that does not mean that I am not a decent and useful human being." In a statement released by BEHEMOTH's North American record company, Metal Blade Records, Nergal said, "I spent five hours in the court in Gdynia today. The case is back on track and there's still a few witnesses to be interviewed. It's way too early to give any further comment. I just hope the final verdict is gonna be positive for me. I have a feeling that I'm in this situation for right reasons and I'm not giving up. Cross fingers! The battle ain't over yet…"
KomponovaLI. Dabome, i nju i "Deathmarch". Zapravo, "Deathmarch" jeste Arditi pesma, Marduk verzija je uslovno rečeno obrada.
2011.07.01. *Beogradska arena, Beograd* Judas Priest & Whitesnake
Talvi replied to METAL Man's topic in Arhiva koncerata
In other news: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=160061