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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NG486sbays Mikael Stanne gostovao.
Producer Rick Rubin, who is also co-chairman of Columbia Records, tells Billboard.com in a new interview that METALLICA is "about to start writing" material for the follow-up to 2008's "Death Magnetic" album, Rubin's first collaboration with the group. "I had a meeting with [METALLICA drummer] Lars [ulrich] in San Francisco... to explore what the focus was going to be this time around," Rick says. "I'm still sort of thinking about what that is going to be. I'll ask a lot of questions and we'll probably listen to some of the riffs that they've been writing. Usually I'll hear something that will sort of indicate the direction and then we'll talk about it from there."
FATES WARNING/OSI guitarist Jim Matheos and former FATES WARNING singer John Arch are currently working together on a new full-length album, "Sympathetic Resonance", that will be released in North America on September 13 via Metal Blade Records. The band, called ARCH/MATHEOS, began tracking the drums on January 12 and continued to record through mid-February with both John Arch and Jim Matheos producing the album. ARCH/MATHEOS features an all-star lineup, including the talents of Joey Vera (ARMORED SAINT, ANTHRAX, FATES WARNING, SEVEN WITCHES) on bass, Bobby Jarzombek (HALFORD, FATES WARNING, SEBASTIAN BACH, RIOT) on drums, and Frank Aresti (FATES WARNING) on additional lead guitar. Comments Matheos: "I think John and I work really well together. There's a lot of mutual respect and trust in what we do. But we're also both very critical of ourselves, and each other. This can make for a long and sometimes tedious process. But ultimately it's one I enjoy because I think it brings out the best in both of us." Adds Arch: "When I first heard some of the arrangements Jim had written and recorded, it took quite some time before I could wrap my mind around the odd time signatures and guitar work going on here. There are some long compositions, so putting anxiety and apprehension on the back burner it was time to dissect these numbers into digestible bits. After the lengthy process of lyrics and melodies, listening to the songs now, I can't imagine them any other way." In terms of the lyrical content on "Sympathetic Resonance", John Arch notes that "the lyrics this time around are more in line with [Arch's 2003 solo EP] 'A Twist Of Fate' and not of the mystical nature of some past albums." ARCH/MATHEOS recording lineup: * John Arch (FATES WARNING) - Vocals * Jim Matheos (FATES WARNING, OSI) - Guitar * Joey Vera (ARMORED SAINT, ANTHRAX, FATES WARNING, SEVEN WITCHES) - Bass * Bobby Jarzombek (HALFORD, FATES WARNING, SEBASTIAN BACH, RIOT) - Drums * Frank Aresti (FATES WARNING) - Additional Lead Guitar
Ni ne moraš da se izjašnjavaš, izjasnio si se na prošloj strani: Meni je "Atlantis Ascendant" najbolji, btw.
Toga mi dajte, ijaaoooooo
Ako je dodam tamo, mislim da će forum samo da pobaca postove tamo gde se po datumu uklapaju pa će nastati haos a nećemo je na đubrište, dobra je. Neka stoji tu, neće joj ništa biti, možda kult vampirski i vaskrsne.
Ćao, Blagoje. http://www.mediaboom.org/342131-jungle-rot-kill-on-command-2011-god.html
Od slušanja dooma celo veče? I ja bih.
Zju, ja bio pijan kad sam ovo video pa ni ne skinuh. Pristavlja se momentalno. Kontrapunkt ti se ne sviđa u odnosu na oktave i ekspoziciju?
Jessa Hinton:
Vikstromova ćerka valjda.
Mesec dana i mnogo forsiranja kasnije, moj utisak je sledeći: "Beginning Of Time", "You I Need" i "Mermaid" su super pesme i slušaću ih ubuduće (iako je gre'ota kako su smuljali kraj refrena u "Mermaid"), ostalo komotno nisu morali ni da snimaju. Jbg.
To kao kad su Nokturnal Mortum odbili NB.
Ovaj poslednji jeste bio vožnja na leru, ali ja na "Impressions" i "The Beast" nemam zamerki, čak mi oba ta albuma stilski deluju kao baš fini izlasci iz šablona. Uglavnom, čak i ako se opet provozaju na leru oprostiće im se jer je ovo godina kad je izašao novi Morbid Angel.
"Welcome To The Morbid Reich" track listing: 01. Ultima Thule 02. Return To The Morbid Reich 03. The Black Eye 04. Come And See My Sacrifice 05. Only Hell Knows 06. I Am Who Feasts Upon Your Soul 07. Don't Rip The Beast's Heart Out 08. I Had A Dream... 09. Lord Of Thorns 10. Decapitated Saints 11. They Are Coming... 12. Black Velvet And Skulls Of Steel "Decapitated Saints" neki re-record izgleda. Dobri su nazivi, mnogo bolji nego na prošlom.
Ima i video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=ZyYx3VXwQ4g It had been reported the performance at Sweden Rock would be Cyriis's last ever with AGENT STEEL. This, however, was refuted by the singer himself during the festival. Oni su luđi od njega, izgleda.
Koliko aktuelno ova "Fool Control" zvuči i 10 godina kasnije.
Ja nisam, ali ima jedan čova na forumu sa avatarom jako sličnim mom, pa verovatno na njega misliš.
Možete vi svi njima da se sagnete.
Samo Beherit.
Atlanta progressive metallers MASTODON have revealed more songtitles that will appear on their new album, "The Hunter", tentatively due in October. The CD is expected to include the following tracks, among others: * Blasteroids * The Octopus Has No Friends * Stargasm * Curl Of The Burl * All The Heavy Lifting * The Sparrow * The Ruiner
Due to manufacturing problems, the release of Gorgoroth's "Under the Sign of Hell 2011" will be delayed from 20 June 2011 to 29 August 2011.
Taj rad, možeš sam da napraviš novi folder i eto ti kompilacije, ne mora ništa da se skida.
Richmond, Virginia thrashers MUNICIPAL WASTE have inked a worldwide deal with Nuclear Blast Records.