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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. "Khaos Legions", the ninth studio album from Swedish/German extreme metallers ARCH ENEMY, sold around 6,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to enter The Billboard 200 chart at position No. 78.
  2. Talvi


    Season of Mist As you probably heard, Norwegian Black Metal act TSJUDER recently reunited after a five-year hiatus. The infernal trio's forthcoming album is entitled "Legion Helvete" and has been scheduled for an October 14th release (October 18th in the US).
  3. Lou ima last ali neće da se druži sa nama? Btw, kul je to ali meni ambient generalno nekako nije muzika za slušanje uživo.
  4. Baš oni rekoše u intervjuu a i ja se slažem, ja ne znam gde ljudi na "Addicts" čuju industrial. Toga će biti na sledećem, po svoj prilici.
  5. Addicts > Assassins, iako obožavam oba.
  6. Cleveland, Ohio hardcore heavyweights RINGWORM will release their fifth album, "Scars", on July 19 via Victory Records.
  7. Talvi


    According to AOL's Noisecreep, MASTODON guitarist Brent Hinds is working on an as-yet-unnamed new project with THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN guitarist Ben Weinman, former MARS VOLTA drummer Thomas Pridgen and ex-JANE'S ADDICTION bassist Eric Avery. "We tried to get together and do an album, but there's been no time," Hinds recently told Noisecreep. "We want to record crazy stuff and Ben is working on that, but it's been hard to get together." Ovo će biti neka žešća ludnica.
  8. According to The Pulse Of Radio, KORN has decided to cancel the release of an EP it was due to release on Tuesday (June 14) and expand the project into a full album. The EP was an experimental recording on which the band was collaborating with a number of dub step producers/DJ, including Kill The Noise, Excision, Skillets and 12th Planet. It's not clear whether the entire new album will involve dub step, but singer Jonathan Davis told The Pulse Of Radio that the band was excited by the possibilities. "I thought it would be fun to experiment again and see what we come up with, and maybe come up with something like this that we're really, really excited about," he said. "We like to experiment and try things and we're not gonna put out something that we don't all like. So I think me and [Munky, guitar] and [Fieldy, bass] and Ray [Luzier, drums] are really, really excited about this." There's no word on when the new KORN album, which will be the band's tenth, will arrive.
  9. http://www.nocleansinging.com/2011/05/01/an-ncs-interview-nachtmystium/ Fenomenalan, preiskren intervju. Pričaju o tome kako su presrećni ako van Čikaga sviraju pred 150 ljudi, o vremenu kad je Blake bio na heroinu, kako su izdelili "Seasick" u 3 dela jer ih je izdavač uslovio da imaju 10 pesama na albumu, čime je inspirisana "Ghosts Of Grace", spomenuli su i zajebantski radni naslov novog albuma, kako su sigurni da Wrest nije silovao onu ribu i zašto... Presjajno.
  10. Arkona proudly announces, that sixth album, which is called "Slovo", is completely ready! According to band's opinion this album is the most controversial and the most diverse in all Arkona's history. The band first time worked with professional choir and orchestra, booklet is made by good known artist Kris Wervimp. Album will be released in the end of August on Napalm Records. E da: Nemojte i vi, života vam.
  11. Talvi

    Anal Cunt

  12. Meni ta verzija bolja od originala, daleko. I ovo je pobeda: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbPT9e16OsM
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGfzt98gQRk
  14. Koleginica bila na WGT-u, i gle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qElSpzVFo7E http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mMwgCk9M3s
  15. Talvi


    Ali, realno, ljudi su toliko pristrasni i subjektivni u toj priči da je to smešno. Sve mislim da bi svi prvoborci za Maxova prava, da su bili na mestu ove trojice kad su ga izbacili, raspustili bend ili mu promenili ime. Yeah, right. Sad mi nešto proveja kroz glavu - zamišljam situaciju da jednog dana, kad se dobro isvađaju i izmire, urade ono što su Amorphis uradili prošle godine - odrade nekoliko koncerata na foru da se tokom nekih starijih pesama bivši članovi pojavljuju na bini pa zajedno sviraju. Pa da bude vs.
  16. Talvi


    To su isto ljudi pričali i '97, pa evo Green već ima duži staž u Sepulturi od Maxa.
  17. Više mu je od mraza to. http://www.htbackdrops.com/v2/albums/userpics/11610/The_Wretched_End_28229.jpg
  18. Talvi


    Mislim da je Kurir objavio identičan tekst, tako da je pitanje ko je prepisao od koga, haha.
  19. Konza bend. "Monuments Of Ash"
  20. When asked about when fans can expect to hear new music from DOWN, Windstein replied, "We finally [started] jamming [new material] at Phil's [Anselmo, vocals] and we're putting out four six-song EPs. We've got the first one written and it's all hard-hitting songs; we don't have any acoustic [stuff on it]. We don't know yet what we're gonna do, but we figure with the state of music today, as far as retail [goes] and people not really buying [music]; number one, the EP will be cheaper; number two, we can get it out quicker and then we can keep putting out the [product]. We literally can put out an EP the first of the year and then have another one come out the fall of next year and give [the fans] music a lot sooner than what we've given them in the past, 'cause it always takes fucking years. So we really think it's a good idea. Pepper [Keenan, guitar] usually does all our artwork and the four cover designs are all gonna work together in some kind of thing."
  21. Talvi

    Anal Cunt

  22. Najbolji. Omot. Ikada.
  23. Gorod - Transcendence [EP] (2011)
  24. Talvi


    "Tempo" je predrkan album u svakom mogućem smislu.
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