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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Srećom, tvoje mišljenje nije od nekog velikog značaja.
  2. Pa dobro, i ovaj prvi ima skoro sat.
  3. The 11th of November Ván Records will unleash the second full length entitled "THE THOUSANDFOLD EPICENTRE". The cult is just in the studio to ban the tracks with the help of Pieter Kloos in the Void Studios. Expect a 70 minutes monster of psychedelic rock... more info soon.
  4. Talvi


  5. Finland's progressive death/doom maestros BARREN EARTH have entered Helsinki's Sonic Pump Studios to record the follow-up to last year's highly acclaimed debut album, "Curse Of The Red River". The band has written 12 new songs, and is currently laying them down with engineer/co-producer Jukka Varmo. Dan Swanö (KATATONIA, OPETH) will once again be at the mixing helm. The tracks mainly continue in the vein of the previous record, having perhaps even more '70s prog influences, but maintaining the basic heaviness and brutality one has come to associate with BARREN EARTH. The album is due for release in autumn 2011 on Peaceville Records, and the artwork will be made by Paul Romano (MASTODON). Studio reports will be updated at BARREN EARTH's Facebook page.
  6. Talvi


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNknpfGjM_Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1UMDwdtP64
  7. Talvi


    SÓLSTAFIR new album 90% done.... and expect big news here very soon !
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW_iUixPq_M Fino devojče.
  9. Ja mislim da Blagi nije ni bio na tom koncertu.
  10. Jes'.
  11. Talvi


  12. Zapravo, ovi mi malo vuku na neki finski goth, poslušaj samo prvu stvar.
  13. Year Of The Goat - Lucem Ferre (EP) (2011) Veoma verovatno nova occult rock atrakcija.
  14. Talvi

    Peste Noire

    Na onoj verziji koja je prva curnula 4. pesma nije bila cela no samo sempl, ovde bi trebala biti ok: http://www.mediaboom.org/342057-peste-noire-lordure-a-letat-pur-2011.html
  15. Ja sam žgoljav čovek, meni to odgovara.
  16. Top model, anyone?
  17. Šteta što domaći bendovi ne kače muziku na ifolder, to bi bio hit.
  18. Editovah, sad radi link. iFolder, doduše.
  19. E, ćao.
  20. Užas. Ni sat vremena ne traje a čak su i "Black Winter Day" izbacili radi ovog novog.
  21. Paradoksalno, naslovna stvar još ispade najbolja na EP-u. Dosadno.
  22. Ne mogu da se odlučim, stoga: http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=666&q=Arianny+Celeste&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=
  23. Dobro, ipak je standard gore znatno viši od našeg.
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