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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Meni je super. "The Ascension" fazon u suštini, ništa preterano nije menjano pa ako si voleo taj volećeš i ovaj. Ima nekih baš razbijačkih stvari, ponegde Shamaya previše jede govna sa onim njenim naracijama ali u suštini je jako dobro, bar meni. Jedino su mi gitare malo tanke, tj. gitara, ali kontam da ovako ima više live osećaja.
  2. Otep - Atavist (2011)
  3. 8. jula na Exitu!
  4. Meni je super ovaj novi.
  5. Former STRATOVARIUS leader and current SYMFONIA guitarist Timo Tolkki has teamed up with fellow ex-STRATOVARIUS members Tuomo Lassila (drums), Anti Ikonen (keyboards) and Jari Kainulainen (former member of EVERGREY) to record a new studio album. The CD, which will be released in January 2012, will celebrate STRATOVARIUS' 30-year anniversary and will feature the same lineup as the one that recorded STRATOVARIUS' "Dreamspace" LP, originally released in 1994. For legal reasons, the band's original name — PROJECT STRATO — had to be scrapped. More than 20 songs have been written for the project, including "Return To Dreamspace", "Digital Jesus", "Santiago", "Chevaliers De Sangreal", "Full Circle" and "Farewell No. 2". "Return To Dreamspace" will see Timo Tolkki handling the vocals again and the fans of the "Twilight Time"/"Dreamspace" era will surely not be disappointed. Regarding the musical direction of the CD, Tolkki previously said, "It has been [17] years from [sTRATOVARIUS' 'Dreamspace'] album, so it will be interesting, for sure... It's not a 'remake,' but a brand new album. A closure for [what] I consider to be the end of STRATOVARIUS. It completes the cycle and returns to the beginning." Jebote više.
  6. Talvi


    Može onda ovako
  7. http://cover-paradies.to/?Module=ViewEntry&ID=297915
  8. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Altar Of Plagues - Mammal (2011)
  9. Što ja i jesam.
  10. Haemorrhage / Disgorge - Morgue Metal (2011)
  11. Talvi


  12. Talvi


    Juče u Kaliforniji na Big Four certu i Slayer izašli da sviraju "Am I Evil" a tokom Slayer seta Hanneman izašao na bis da odsvira "South Of Heaven" i "Angel Of Death". Koja istorijska fotka.
  13. Ili su bili fejkovi.
  14. Nema još, sere Gojko.
  15. Talvi


    Nisam još uzeo da skinem, nemam blage.
  16. Skindred - Union Black (2011)
  17. Talvi


    Vomitory - Opus Mortis VIII (2011)
  18. Talvi


    Bitno je za nas, last.fm manijake.
  19. Talvi


    Aosoth For those who did "download" the album, the track listing is : III-1, III-2 up to III-6. As in "chapter 3, scene 1". and not I, II, III or anything else you could find on those zip file available on blog/forum/rapidshare/megaupload....
  20. Talvi


    Pa zato i kažem, ko zna šta je tu bilo pa da su ga tako brzinski liferovali.
  21. Talvi


    10. jun.
  22. Talvi


    Ima, ali je to u drugoj "kartici" sad. Što se same šut-karte tiče, očigledno je da je nešto tu škripalo. Ashmedi je gazda u bendu, jbg, može mu se.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qrWe_0VeSI Gene Hoglan na bubnju.
  24. Talvi


  25. Čudna je to situacija. Sa jedne strane, meni su lično poslednja dva Kamelota bili promašaji pa bi bilo logično da budem ok sa tim što menjaju nešto u muzici, ali sa druge nije baš da mi se Khan činio kao ono što treba menjati...
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