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After a successful world tour of more than 100 concerts all over the globe in support of their latest CD, "Tinnitus Sanctus", German melodic metallers EDGUY have entered the studio to begin recording a new album. Still under the influence of their arena tour as special guests of the SCORPIONS and the latest AVANTASIA world trek (featuring EDGUY's Tobias Sammet and Felix Bohnke), the members of EDGUY feel it's time they squeeze their energy on tape in a recording studio again. This time the band has chosen the famous Peppermint Park studio (SCORPIONS, PHIL COLLINS) in Hannover, which is described by the group as "a recording temple with a tremendously great-sounding room." Commented Tobias: "We have chosen the Peppermint Park to record the basics there. I had done a few little bits and pieces for AVANTASIA there, but it's so great to record drums and stuff like Hammond B3 with a big bad fat mean Leslie there. The room is big and the sound is mean! "We were always striving for a powerful but natural sound. I guess we had a good sound recently, but I think there is always room to improve. "The more I listen to what's going on in the heavy metal world these days, the more I long for drums that sound like drums. I want them to sound powerful without sounding like Atari. "Sascha and I came to the conclusion that we have to start from scratch and do things the way they have to be done, not the fashionable way. I don't want a distorted master copy, just so it is loud enough on an iPhone or on PC speakers. "If you talk to your most fancy producer, he will say something like, 'Well, it's the sign of the times, you have to be able to compete in the loudness war...' "What the fuck?! If I want it to be loud, I turn up the stereo. I want dynamics, room, a real big sound, not that distorted trendy compression. "Why don't we all move back a little and record great-sounding music, not loud-sounding music? "Do a Google search for 'loudness war' and you'll see what I mean. "Whatever. "The new songs sound great, we have thirteen of them, and we'll pick maybe ten and put them on the album. We have anthemic melodies, although it's not kitsch. "When you record anthemic music, you tend to be dangerously close to kitsch, it's a fine line and I think we balance on that fine line pretty well. "To cut a long story a little insignificantly shorter: I just think it is great, and that's what counts. Real music, you know?"
Stoji to, ja ću prvi da vrtim album do besvesti ako bude dobar, samo mi ovo trenutno više liči na pokušaj navlačenja albuma samo da bi izdali nešto kao Morbid Angel. "Daj da ovaj novi mali napiše koju, ja ću uzeti nešto što mi ostalo iz Genitorturers, na'vataćemo one fensi industrial likove da nam urade remix, skrpićemo još koju + imamo onu jednu koju drvimo uživo već godinama..." To mene plaši. I da, meni "Domination" omiljeni MA.
I plus podatak da je od tih nekoliko metal pesama dve napisao Destructhor - opet, volim ja Zyklon, hahaha, ali to će biti sve samo ne MA.
Posle ovog teksta sam još skeptičniji. Šta će ovo da bude bog te jeb'o, ovo će izgleda biti pola Morbid Angel pola Genitorturers. Da se razumemo, volim ja Genitorturers, ali grandmothers and frogs na istom albumu...
Baš sam slušajući "The Great Mass" došao do zaključka da je ovo zapravo ono što Dimmu pokušavaju da ubodu već više od 10 godina ali ne umeju, ovo je taj ekstremni sympho zvuk ali milijardu puta mračniji, zajebaniji i nadrkaniji od Dimmu-a.
Sad primeni to isto i na Ulver, molim te. Inače, meni se čini da su i raniji Burzum albumi snimani u studiju - ne znam da je ijedan rađen u šumi među trolovima i mladim djevama.
Swedish metallers IN FLAMES will release a new digital single, "Deliver Us", on May 10 via Century Media.
Je li ovaj bend beše "Fenriz Approved"? Poznato mi ime ali ne mogu da se setim otkud.
I dobih novi Arkan. Sazreli su dosta u odnosu na prošli album, ali i učinili muziku znatno melodičnijom nego ranije - Orphaned Land fanovi ima da odlepe na ovo, sa sve Kobijevim gostovanjem u "Deus Vult". Ali se stvarno oseća miris OL-a all the way.
Voz do Budimpešte i onda voz odatle do Krakova.
Uh, na prvo slušanje... Ubica od albuma. Prvi utisak je da su strukture pesama dosta razvijenije nego na "Communion"-u, gde su sve pesme manje-više imale jedan isti trip celom dužinom. Ovde te pesma prvo onako kurvinski uljulja u neko melodično, opušteno raspoloženje i onda niotkuda krene neki prestrašan ultra-brz deo od kojeg ti se zavrti u glavi, skroz neočekivan ali opet zvuči sasvim prirodno. Nekako su postigli taj kontrast da su melodični delovi još melodičniji a brutalni još brutalniji dok orkestar cepa sve vreme. Shodno tome, pesme su manje direktne/komercijalne/zovi to kako hoćeš, ali se u svakoj dešava 1000 stvari. Orkestracije jebu sve živo i mrtvo, kao što rekoh - ima ih na sve strane, ima i ženskih operskih vokala, čak i orijentalnog folka na momente, jebe keve kako zvuči. Favoriti na prvo slušanje - "Pyramid God" u kojoj lead melodija rastura (čuje se i u trejleru) i možda "Therianthropy" (nešto kao što je "Sunlight/Moonlight" bila na prošlom, i melodija malo podseća), mada ovde ima materijala da se sluša, sluša i sluša. I kako ja sad da slušam i onaj novi Arkan?
Stigao mi link. Izvin'te me, odoh da ga bacim pa da preslušam.
Pesma! Kvarforth himself defines the finished result as “THE” SHINING album. “It is”, he commented, “the natural successor to our fifth album “V/Halmstad”, rather than to our last release “VI/Klagopsalmer”, which I have always thought of as more of an experiment both in terms of writing and performance”. “VII / Född Förlorare” includes an array of guest appearances, and here follows a track by track description of the album. First song: “Förtvivlan, Min Arvedel” (Despair, My Heritage) marks the start of what promises to be the darkest album in SHINING’s career to date - and for a band that epitomises the exploration of darkness, the significance of that statement is self-evident. A video of the track is currently being made. Second song: “Tiden Läker Inga Sår” (Time Heals Nothing). As well as being tortured behind the microphone throughout most of the song, WATAIN’s Erik Danielsson makes an appearance on vocals on a track whose atmosphere is evocative of Led Zeppelin. Third song: “Människa O’Avskyvärda Människa” (Man Despicable Man) could perhaps be the most groovy, yet most sinister and dark song from SHINING. Chris Amott of ARCH ENEMY contributes a magnificent solo on the track. Fourth song: “Tillsammans Är Vi Allt” (Together We Are All) sheds an entirely new light on the band with its melancholic structure and the use of a grand piano as the lead instrument. The refrain is sung by Nordman, one of Sweden’s biggest pop stars. Fifth song: “I Nattens Timma” (In The Night Hour). As can be expected with a SHINING album, there is always one track that differs from the rest, and this is the one, with only piano, mellotron and a guest vocal appearance by Peter Bjärgö of ARCANA. Sixth song: “FFF” A track exploring family relationships, this is one of the most personal songs that Kvarforth has ever written.
Sad tek skapirah podatak: 6 od 11? Hm...
Btw, meni neki od ovih naziva glupavi malo. Mislim ono, "Too Extreme!" (ovo je bio radni naslov garant ), "I Am Morbid"... Idi, bre. Ali samo neka muzika opere, ostalo će se lako oprostiti.
Evo je i kao free download: http://media.nuclearblast.de/download/gratisdownload/index.php?link_kampagne=Pain-DirtyWoman
Ceo omot: Jebote. Ili ovako: www.septicflesh.com
1. Omni Potens 2. Too Extreme! 3. Existo Vulgoré 4. Blades for Baal 5. I Am Morbid 6. 10 More Dead 7. Destructos VS the Earth / Attack 8. Nevermore 9. Beauty Meets Beast 10. Radikult 11. Profundis - Mea Culpa Inače, majica je kul ako ima samo onaj logo i ništa više, ostalo ne bih komentarisao.
Evo ga i novi: http://www.mediaboom.org/337570-liturgy-aesthethica-2011.html
To je onaj isti fazon kakav je uradio i na kraju "Selfinflicted Overload", haha. Inače, super mi je ova pesma.
Mislim da je to sve on.