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Everything posted by CROSSIĆ

  1. Evo meni sad tih jebenih 1500 dinara mnogo fali u računici .prekosutra krećem u srednju sa 100din.A jesu govna od ljudi Destruction al obožavam prve albume ove nove se i nisam trudi da preslušam,vidim da kažete da su govnarski pa ih neću ni preslušavati nikad... Sve u svemu zbogom Legay koncerti i Destruction albumi novi. . .
  2. Cena karti su sasvim pristojne i vidimo se skoro pa sigurno tamo...
  3. Boli me kurac,volim bend...Al mi je prekurcalo ako LEgacy organizujem ne idem 100%!
  4. U jebote sunce...Ako otkažu Sodom šta ćeš moram da idem na ovo,još u areni....
  5. Razbijač-NAAĆI to,to baća.imaš moju punu podršku.ja samo ćekam da otkazu sodom.ćuo sam,ni 70 karata im nije prodato.mene tu nešto vonja.
  6. E nemoj da me nerviraš,ako hoćeš ja ću ti dati žiro račun pa mi ti uplati te pare,oćeš?Uzgred ja sam srednjoškolac i 50 dinara mi je važno.Da barem znam da te pare idu za neštop korisno reko bi nema veze ko ga jebe,al ovako.... Frubi se ne javlja već mesec dana ,a na youtube-u je bio online pre par dana...Svjedno smo ga ispušili...Jebem ti sunce,samo da napunim 18 godina pa pičim ja na Wacken od para što dobijem za osamntesti....
  7. Skandinavija je kulturna i povijesna regija u sjevernoj Europi koja se sastoji od većeg dijela skandinavskog i jutlandskog poluotoka, te otoka između njih. Regija obuhvaća tri suverene države: * Danska * Norveška * Švedska Ove se tri zemlje međusobno priznaju kao dijelovi političke i kulturne regije od sredine 19. stoljeća kada su nacionalistički pokreti u tim zemljama bili na vrhuncu (skandinavizam). Regija je dobila ime prema poluotoku za kojeg se pak misli da je nazvan prema povijesnoj provinciji Skåne (Skanija) smještenoj u današnjoj Švedskoj na južnom kraju skandinavskog poluotoka. Prije sredine 19. stoljeća regija je uključivala veće područje sjeverne Europe usporedivo s modernom "Velikom Skandinavijom": * Danska-Norveška * Švedska-Finska
  8. Evo ti si četvrti,još malo pa ćemo imati veliki ZAJBEO NAS FRUBI ZA PARE METAL CREW @Toksa Jebote kako Finska nije skandinavska zemlja,pa nalazi se na skandinavskom poluostrvu,zar ne???!
  9. Da kao i još jedan čovek sa ovog foruma i njegov ortak.Karte smo poslali odavno poštom,al je Frubi uvek govorio šaljem SIGURNO za koji dan blablabla...
  10. Jurim Frubija mesecima za pare od Destructiona,stalno sa mu makar tražio kartu za Sodom makar uz doplatu i kurac sam dobio..Meni bi odgovaralo da je pomereno jer sad nemam ni dinara ,a kamo li kartu....Inače sranje ne zaboravite prvo otkazan Kreator,pa Deestruction treba ono da bude treća sreća pa da Sodom ne bude...
  11. Why DoB plays only instrumental music? It be better if you wrote songs about Tesla and his inventions,or somethings like that...I like band and music but it needs singer! Stay metal 111
  12. Znam da je razumljivo,al ne znam fora je i u tom što nigde nema pa je vreme da neko napiše,probaću ja ... Evo prva pesma,naznačio sam stihove za koje nisam siguran dal sam dobro protumačio... 01. Inferno Mrtva tela padaju Krv I čelik vladaju -Bdije smrti oko nas- Mrtva duša traži spas Nebo i zemlja ratuju Gladne zveri lutaju Meso će da rastrgnu I u blatu umiru Borba zveri Život gubi Svud su sad leševi Crvi će ih pojesti Ljutski rod odumire -Ovo je sve u đubrište- Borba zveri Život gubi Borba zveri Žiovt gubi e ovde već dva stiha ne mogu da shvatim 02.Armagedon Armagedon!... Na granici raja i paka Srećeš anđela smrti Tama ti gasi oči Zlog kralja ćeš čuti Kraljevo-- (pivo) ili šta već— Sklapaš oči U delirijumu smrti Sada ćeš poći Telo u zemlji Duša u vatri Večni spokoj Neće ti dati U carstvu bola i straha Anđeo smrti vlada -Sa sedam krugova svaki- -Crna vreća . .. - Anđeli krvavih krila U tami nestaju Armagedon Armagedon
  13. Da li negde imaju heller tekstovi ,da mi skrate muke ili moram sam da ih pišem Da li negde imaju heller tekstovi ,da mi skrate muke ili moram sam da ih pišem


    E stvarno ne znaš koliko si mi puno pomogo...Hvala.A za upload pa ako ti nije frka,ako nije veliki fajl,šta džabad a se mučiš.
  15. Evo što se tiče novog albuma Release dates: G/A/S - September 11th, 2009 United Kingdom - August 31st, 2009 Japan - September 9th, 2009 United States - September 15th, 2009 Produced by Dave Mustaine and Andy Sneap. Recorded from January 7th through May 19th in San Marcos, California. All songs written by Dave Mustaine except for tracks 9 and 10. 1. Dialectic Chaos 02:24 2. This Day We Fight! 03:31 3. 44 Minutes 04:37 4. 1,320 03:51 5. Bite The Hand That Feeds 04:01 6. Bodies Left Behind 03:34 7. Endgame 05:52 8. The Hardest Part Of Letting Go... Sealed With A Kiss 04:42 9. Headcrusher 03:26 10. How The Story Ends 04:47 11. The Right To Go Insane 04:20 Endgame Attention! Attention!! All citizens are ordered to report to their District detention centers! Do not return to your homes; do not contact anyone! Do not use any cellular or GPS devices! Surrender all weapons at once! Attention! This way to the camps! I woke up in a black FEMA box Darkness was all around me, in my coffin My dreams are all nightmares anymore And this is what I dream every night The Leader of the New World Order, the President of the United States Has declared anyone now residing inside the US of A Without the RFID chip, you’re just an illegal alien An enemy combatant of America, welcome to the New World Order This is the end of the road; this is the end of the line This is the end of your life; this is the . . . A society in a society, inside the fence life as you know it stops They got their rules of conduct and we got ours Be quick or be dead, you crumble up and die, the clock is Ticking so slowly and so much can happen in an hour I learned my lessons the hard way, every scar I earned I had to bleed, inside the day yard A system of controlled movement, like a giant ant farm Any time is long time, now you’re not in charge of your time anymore The Ex-President signed a secret bill that can Land a legal US Citizen in jail and the Patriot act stripped away our constitutional rights They say a Concentration camp just popped up, yeah, right! Refuse the chip? Ha! Get persecute and beat by the Tyranny of Mind control, for the mark of the beast All rights removed, you’re punished, captured, and enslaved Believe me when I say, “This IS the Endgame!” Headcrusher Time to take your last walk in this world Before your journey begins underground But not before we torment you from your Cell straight to hell with a short detour in-between Begging for mercy, all alone Unable to handle the pressure Before his mortification, now let the torture begin Death by the head crusher, Head Crusher! The horrific torture device For those who fail interrogation The most painful technique ever known People thirst for the worst, the skull’s disintegration Beaten, broken, in bloody rags Adding insult to injury, he recants But it’s much too late, now let the torture begin Death by the head crusher, Head Crusher! On your knees, prisoner, take your position Place your chin forward into the restraints Your head slowly caves in from the compression You faint in a blackout from the infernal pain Twisting, turning the giant screw Your teeth are breaking loose Crushed and splintering into your mouth Winding down, cutting through Like broken glass being chewed The fragmented skull and shattering bones There's nothing you can doTime to take your last walk in this world Before your journey begins underground But not before we torment you from your Cell straight to hell with a short detour in-between Begging for mercy, all alone Unable to handle the pressure Before his mortification, now let the torture begin Death by the head crusher, Head Crusher! The horrific torture device For those who fail interrogation The most painful technique ever known People thirst for the worst, the skull’s disintegration Beaten, broken, in bloody rags Adding insult to injury, he recants But it’s much too late, now let the torture begin Death by the head crusher, Head Crusher! On your knees, prisoner, take your position Place your chin forward into the restraints Your head slowly caves in from the compression You faint in a blackout from the infernal pain Twisting, turning the giant screw Your teeth are breaking loose Crushed and splintering into your mouth Winding down, cutting through Like broken glass being chewed The fragmented skull and shattering bones There's nothing you can do


    Ne znam kad ga izbacuju ne mogu ništa da nađem,nadajmo se da će biti ko pesme sa spejsa...Nego ja i nemogu da nađem te da kažem novije albumei demo pa ako neko može link da mi ostavi,znam da sam dosdan i ta stalno tražim blablabla Holy Terror Demo, 1985 The Saga of Nemesis Demo, 1986 Live '87 Demo, 1987 Demo Demo, 1989 The Assassin ...live forever live/compilation 2003 The Club Full-length, 2005 Najbitnije mi je ovo poslodnje dvoje


    Ma ništa lakše ,evo i covera za novi album....Sve se može kad se hoće :) +The band have recorded thirteen songs for the album, seven written by Jeff Hanneman and six by King, although not all of these are expected to be included. Greg Fidelman – production Rick Rubin – executive production
  18. Nisam znao da je šakira počela ad pegla kosu ili šta već,dobro joj ovako stoji,dobra pička nema šta ,ko to ne bi karo....


    Ja sam mislio da svi znate.još sam mislo da će te da kao kažete već smo čuli blablabla,nazivi mi se ne sviđaju baš nešto al mora da bude kidanje pošto ih je radio hanneman ... Inače naziv albuma je World Painted Blood


    Full-length, American Recordings/Sony Music September 30th, 2009 1. Ameri-con 2. Unit 731 3. Beauty Through Order 4. Public Display of Dismemberment 5. Hate Worldwide 6. Snuff 7. Psychopathy Red 8. The Human Strain 9. World Painted Blood 10. Playing with Dolls 11. Atrocity Vendor


    Čekajte ko meni šalje da mu pošaljem adresu,a ko će da mu ja pošaljem kad meni stigne nek mi sotavi adresu. . .
  22. E tu se definitivno slažemo JEDINI I NEPONOVLJIVI SLAYER...Živeo! Nema svrhe da vše palamudimo...Kao što rekoh u prošlom postu,znači moj najomljineji album je REIGN IN BLOOD.
  23. Ma u redu JE,nije to sad ni toliko bitno.Moj omiljeni thrash album je Reign In Blood hehe dobro speed/thrash album...Posle sigurno Bonded by blood i The Legacy.I hteo sam reći ,kad slušam podzemni thrash tj manje poznati bendovi svi zvuče slično jako i to je taj thrash dok su se veliki bendovi iz velike četvorke razvijali i svako stvaro svoju vrstu thrasha,na svoj način,tako ja smatram i bez obzira meni će Slayer uvek biti thrash al ću reći sa speed uticajem ili tako nešto...
  24. Izvini,poznaješ više nego ja sigurno...Ali kako je to REIGN IN BLOOD ploča SPEED METAL,ne razumem,što je brz ritam zbog toga je speed,jbg nemam ja pojma.Samo sam se razočaro,speed a ne thrash šta ja znam.Ja sam konto da je endless pain speed
  25. Reign in Blood SPEED METAL...ajde molim te nemaoj da nas yeya[ nismo mi deca idi na neki retardirani forum i tamo lupaj gluposti...
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