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Everything posted by banedeathmetal

  1. BANE "Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness" (Full-length CD, 2010) CD nabavljiv od ovog trenutka u ogranicenom tirazu! PORUDZBINE/INFO: [email protected] www.myspace.com/gromrecords www.grom-records.blogspot.com mobile: +381-64-9318326 (call or sms) Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=493581418&blogId=539929943#ixzz12Vv4wwTa ---
  2. Samo da pitam, posto ce mozda biti organizovan prevoz, da li neko hoce da gleda Saturnus uzivo sa October Tide i Forgotten Tomb? Cena zavisi od toga koliko nas bude bilo/islo, a sto se tice koncerta evo ceo info, pa ako neko hoce neka se javi na PP. --- The 7th Of November 2010, The Silver Church Club, Bucharest DonisArt would like to invite all lovers of Old School Metal, in its latent form, to join us on the 7th of November to DOOMED SOULS EVENING. KATATONIA, PARADISE LOST or ANATHEMA, together with MY DYING BRIDE are landmark bands that have written history at the beginning at the nineties! That particular style of oppressive Doom Death Metal and its immediate by-products going towards Gothic or Funeral, immediately created a fragile but committed community that broke away from the ultrafast-ultra brutal legions of fans. SATURNUS is a band that came to be in 1991, by the hands of bass player Brain Hansen who immediately brought on board Thomas A.G. Jensen and his unmistakable voice. In the last 20 years, the guys experienced many line up changes and lot of collaborations with musicians more or less knows. The only one who hasn’t left the band is Thomas. Now speaking about achievements, SATURNUS have released in 1996 “Paradise Belongs to you”, in 1998 “For the Loveless Lonely Nights” EP, in 2000 “Martyre” and in 2006 “Veronika Decides To Die”. Rune Stiassny has been playing live for SATURNUS for over 2 years now and has become an official member since then, along Thomas and Brian. With a new line-up the Danish quintet is coming to Bucharest, for the first time in Romania to perform a first concert for 2010 - a real unforgettable live experience. OCTOBER TIDE has recorded in 1995 the album “Rain Without End”, appreciated by the press and fans as one of the top 5 first genre albums of all times. Because the band was started by members of KATATONIA, there were a lot of discussions about linking their music to the legendary album “Brave Murder Day”. In 1999 “Grey Dawn” was released, album after which the bands split up due to intense activity with KATATONIA. After more than 10 years, the guitarist Fred “North” Norrman has decided to reform the group, therefore in September Candlelight Records will be launching a new album, entitled “A Thin Shell”. Fred has brought in the band various members from bands like IN MOURNING, AMARAN, MANDYLON and DEMONICAL, with whom he’s planning to start fresh even if the plan is to follow the path laid down by the previous work. For those who do not know, Fred was the main guitar player in KATATONIA for the last 15 years, but last year, family problems forced him to terminate the collaboration. The band is unleashing their new album in Bucharest, but the public will have the opportunity to enjoy older material as well, played in a new formula, but bearing the same authenticity. http://www.myspace.com/octobertideband FORGOTTEN TOMB was born in 1999 to Herr Morbid as a Depressive Black Doom Metal project, influenced by old KATATONIA, PARADISE LOST or BURZUM. During the 10 years of activity, this particular Italian guy released 4 albums and has just now finished to record a new material to be released next year under Agonia Records. The band has put out now a double album featuring the most important tracks of its history, recorded again without effects or studio tricks. The album’s correct concept is actually “Live in Studio”. The listener will find on the CD, two covers, one of NIRVANA and the other one of BLACK FLAG, and premiere song “Spectres Over Venice”. The material bears the mark of the famous Avantgarde Music label and it is extremely limited. FORGOTTEN TOMB will be coming to Bucharest in a formula of 4 and will play for over an hour for all depressive Metal lovers. http://www.myspace.com/darknessinstereo All bands are coming exclusively for this Special Evening, the concert is not part of any tour, which means that fans will be able to talk to the artists for as long as they like! Event: DOOMED SOULS EVENING Performing bands: SATURNUS(DK), OCTOBER TIDE(SE), FORGOTTEN TOMB(IT) Location: The Silver Church Club, Calea Plevnei Nr. 61, Bucuresti Date: 7th November 2010, 20.00 hours Organizer: DonisArt Tickets: 70 lei Distribution: Tickets through Eventim: Germanos, Orange, Vodafone stores, Humanitas and Carturesti BookShops and online www.eventim.ro. Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=13772599&blogId=538015205#ixzz11UAQ5CzN
  3. Samo da pitam, posto ce mozda biti organizovan prevoz, da li neko hoce da gleda Saturnus uzivo sa October Tide i Forgotten Tomb? Cena zavisi od toga koliko nas bude bilo/islo, a sto se tice koncerta evo ceo info, pa ako neko hoce neka se javi na PP. --- The 7th Of November 2010, The Silver Church Club, Bucharest DonisArt would like to invite all lovers of Old School Metal, in its latent form, to join us on the 7th of November to DOOMED SOULS EVENING. KATATONIA, PARADISE LOST or ANATHEMA, together with MY DYING BRIDE are landmark bands that have written history at the beginning at the nineties! That particular style of oppressive Doom Death Metal and its immediate by-products going towards Gothic or Funeral, immediately created a fragile but committed community that broke away from the ultrafast-ultra brutal legions of fans. SATURNUS is a band that came to be in 1991, by the hands of bass player Brain Hansen who immediately brought on board Thomas A.G. Jensen and his unmistakable voice. In the last 20 years, the guys experienced many line up changes and lot of collaborations with musicians more or less knows. The only one who hasn’t left the band is Thomas. Now speaking about achievements, SATURNUS have released in 1996 “Paradise Belongs to you”, in 1998 “For the Loveless Lonely Nights” EP, in 2000 “Martyre” and in 2006 “Veronika Decides To Die”. Rune Stiassny has been playing live for SATURNUS for over 2 years now and has become an official member since then, along Thomas and Brian. With a new line-up the Danish quintet is coming to Bucharest, for the first time in Romania to perform a first concert for 2010 - a real unforgettable live experience. OCTOBER TIDE has recorded in 1995 the album “Rain Without End”, appreciated by the press and fans as one of the top 5 first genre albums of all times. Because the band was started by members of KATATONIA, there were a lot of discussions about linking their music to the legendary album “Brave Murder Day”. In 1999 “Grey Dawn” was released, album after which the bands split up due to intense activity with KATATONIA. After more than 10 years, the guitarist Fred “North” Norrman has decided to reform the group, therefore in September Candlelight Records will be launching a new album, entitled “A Thin Shell”. Fred has brought in the band various members from bands like IN MOURNING, AMARAN, MANDYLON and DEMONICAL, with whom he’s planning to start fresh even if the plan is to follow the path laid down by the previous work. For those who do not know, Fred was the main guitar player in KATATONIA for the last 15 years, but last year, family problems forced him to terminate the collaboration. The band is unleashing their new album in Bucharest, but the public will have the opportunity to enjoy older material as well, played in a new formula, but bearing the same authenticity. http://www.myspace.com/octobertideband FORGOTTEN TOMB was born in 1999 to Herr Morbid as a Depressive Black Doom Metal project, influenced by old KATATONIA, PARADISE LOST or BURZUM. During the 10 years of activity, this particular Italian guy released 4 albums and has just now finished to record a new material to be released next year under Agonia Records. The band has put out now a double album featuring the most important tracks of its history, recorded again without effects or studio tricks. The album’s correct concept is actually “Live in Studio”. The listener will find on the CD, two covers, one of NIRVANA and the other one of BLACK FLAG, and premiere song “Spectres Over Venice”. The material bears the mark of the famous Avantgarde Music label and it is extremely limited. FORGOTTEN TOMB will be coming to Bucharest in a formula of 4 and will play for over an hour for all depressive Metal lovers. http://www.myspace.com/darknessinstereo All bands are coming exclusively for this Special Evening, the concert is not part of any tour, which means that fans will be able to talk to the artists for as long as they like! Event: DOOMED SOULS EVENING Performing bands: SATURNUS(DK), OCTOBER TIDE(SE), FORGOTTEN TOMB(IT) Location: The Silver Church Club, Calea Plevnei Nr. 61, Bucuresti Date: 7th November 2010, 20.00 hours Organizer: DonisArt Tickets: 70 lei Distribution: Tickets through Eventim: Germanos, Orange, Vodafone stores, Humanitas and Carturesti BookShops and online www.eventim.ro. Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=13772599&blogId=538015205#ixzz11UAQ5CzN
  4. Jos jedna nova pesma je okacena na MySpace profil benda, koga zanima moze je poslusati: http://www.myspace.com/baneband @ Dejan: Hvala na pohvalama i lepim zeljama brate moj! Sledece godine obavezno sledi jos jedan nastup u Kikindi
  5. @ Bethroned & Nefas (Voja): Drago mi je cuti, hvala na podrsci! Album se moze rezervisati vec preko Grom Records-a ako vas zanima da cujete celinu), bicu dostupan najverovatnije od 16-og Oktobra (jer diskove treba da pokupim na turneji). @ Darko, Tanja & Srdjan: Hvala puno! E majke mi, najbolji ste ljudi, stvarno svaki put dodjem kuci iz Kikinde, dodjem sa osmehom na licu. Gledacemo sledece godine da sviramo opet, taman da ponesemo i album. Ovo je bilo sve na frku i brzinu, (svega 2 probe smo imali pre nastup, a samo jednu sa svim clanovima), no bilo nam je odlicno i sledeci put obecavam da ce biti jos bolje!
  6. Idemo dalje: Jewel Case izdanje info + tracklist objavljen na SMP: http://www.serbian-metal.org/index.php/bane-otkriveni-detalji-predstojeceg-albuma.html Promena u postavi: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=493581418&blogId=539289928 Svoj primerak možete rezervisati na: [email protected] , a grupa već ima potvrđeno nekoliko koncertnih datuma u predstojećem periodu, i to: 25.09. - Metal Onslaught Fest Kikinda, RS 07.10. - Le Select, Lille, FR 08.10. - Blue Devil's Bar, Arras, FR 09.10. - Shaka Laka, Hazebrouck, FR 10.10. - Schwarzer Adler, Laufach, Hain, GER 11.10. - Wagon Club - Wroclaw, PL 12.10. - Korba Pub - Katowice, PL 13.10. - Kawiarnia Naukova, Krakow, PL 14.10. - Music Bar Kremelka, Strakonice, CZ
  7. Ilija, Ostavi mi 20-tak diskova da ih razdelim sad na turneji po Francuskoj, Nemackoj, Poljskoj i Ceskoj. Javi kad si slobodan da se nadjemo, taman da se dogovorimo za Saturnus u Novembru!
  8. --- @ Amphitritê: @ Лука: Hvala brate moj! 666 @ krchulj: Hvala!
  9. +1
  10. Info u vezi izdavanje novog albuma je kompletiran, jedino jos ostaje da se odredi tacan datum izdavanja + da se objavi tracklist. Celokupan info o izdavackim kucama i okviran datum izdavanja mozete procitati odmah ispod: "Hails! We're proud to announce that new fresh blood from Serbian Black Metal scene BANE will release their new album "Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness" on GROM Records. Together with WEREWOLF Productions (Czech), ZERO BUDGET Productions (Czech) and GODEATER Records (Germany) we've joined our forces and will honorably cooperate on releasing of this more then meaning full album! "The long-awaited first full-length album of Serbian Black/Death Metal Horde BANE will be released in late September 2010. Recorded in HellSound Studio (CZ), the album includes 9 tracks of Black/Death Metal supremacy with artwork done by Marcelo Vasco (Belphegor, Gorgoroth, Satyricon, Vader, Obituary, etc...)." HORNS UP!" GROM RECORDS: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=62199865&blogId=539005672 ZERO BUDGET PRODUCTIONS: http://easilythefinestinextrememetal.blogspot.com/2010/09/bane-cd-out-soon.html ***Najverovatnije krajem Septembra izlazi disk, a u Srbiji album u prodaji od polovine Oktobra. Za rezervacije i kupovine pisite na: [email protected] --- ABYSS RECORDS (USA) ce takodje izdati "Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness" u DIGI-PACK verziji sa bonus pesmom krajem Oktobra/pocetkom Novembra. Vise informacija o tome: Official Website: http://www.officialabyssrecords.com/ Official MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/abyssrecordsofficial MySpace Blog: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=516810931&blogId=538878765 --- Kasetno izdanje ce takodje biti dostupno (sa drugcijim omotom). Vise informacija o tome + datum izdavanja uskoro. --- @Baron: Vidimo se! @oNe: Hvala, lepo cuti!
  11. Pre Evropske turneje i izlaska albuma ce bend nastupiti na Metal Onslaught Festival u Kikindi (drugog dana). Ovo je najverovatnije poslednji Srpski datum za ovu godinu.
  12. BANE posts new track online, announce European Tour & Full-length to be released soon! The Gauntlet: http://www.thegauntlet.com/article/3388/19945/BANE-Post-New-Track-Online.html#axzz0yYNRqTC5 Metal Machine: http://www.metalmachine.net/blog/2010/09/03/bane-post-new-track-online-announce-european-tour/ Metal Underground: http://www.metalunderground.com/news/details.cfm?newsid=59314 Alt Sounds: http://hangout.altsounds.com/news/121608-bane-post-new-track-online-announce-european-tour.html
  13. @ Khargash: Hehe, ma da nije te pesme ne bi bilo ni albuma. @ Marko, Sisus: Hvala, stvarno mi je drago cuti! @ Wolfshade: Hvala! Hehe ma nema, bez Dissection obrade nema svirke uopste. --- BANE on altsounds.com: http://hangout.altsounds.com/news/121608-bane-post-new-track-online-announce-european-tour.html
  14. @Satanicmaster: Momce, imam dosta pitanja za tebe, a verujem da i ostale ljude zanima sledece: 1. Da li si bio ozbiljan kada si post-ovao tvoj koment? 2. Da li slusas Extremni Metal? 3. Koliko ti imas godina? 4. Da li je moguce da imas toliko puno vremena u zivotu da si tako takav komentar napisao? --- I sad malo da analiziram tvoje reci/recenice/konstatacije: Nikad cuo za Maroth? - Toliko o tome koliko si poznavatelj Extremnog zvuka domace scene. Beastcraft - ocigledno ih nisi slusao. "Nesto rezes na CD a nesto na CD-r" - Kao prvo, "CD" diskovi se ne rezu vec se proizvode od polikarbonata u granulama koji se tope, pa se metaliziraju. Tako da ako vec pricas o necemu bar se raspitaj/informisi. A kao drugo, opet vidim koliko si upoznat sa scenom generalno...da li ti znas da imas vise izdavaca sirom sveta cija su pficijalna izdanja na CD-r, hm? I sada tvoja najkultnija recenica: "I NAJBITNIJE, koji kurac se tu postuje engleski? zar ovo nije Srbija?" Znas sta...muka mi je vise od takvih pacenika kao sto si ti. Kazes da nikada nisi cuo za Maroth koji je Srpski bend, a onda kazes ovo je Srbija? Totalno si promasio forum, bolje onda nadji neki drugi forum pa tamo pricaj kako si veliki Srbin koji zivi u Srbiji i koji ne tolerise Engleske post-ove po forumima, jer iskreno mislim da nisi nikome potreban ovde. I da, jos nesto me zanima - "Satanicmaster", jel ti imas predstavu uopste sta nosis kao pseudonim/nickname? Ocigledno je ovo tebi zajebancija...mislim da je tebi ipak mesto u crkvi.
  15. Au braco! Pa vi niste normanli! Ovo JEBENO PREBRUTALNO ZVUCI!
  16. @ Mita, dimmu1, Kurton, archsound: Hvala braco! @ Baron: Hvala i nema na cemu - zasluzeno! @ Apeiron: Ogromno hvala na iskrenoj podrsci i lepim recima brate!
  17. Ponavljam vest jer se nalazi na predhodnoj stranici. "No comment" za tvoj post, hvala puno! Hvala!
  18. Kao sto je i receno, NOVA PESMA SE NALAZI NA PROFILU: http://www.myspace.com/baneband Vise vesti o albumu i predstojecoj Evropskoj Turneji uskoro. --- Takodje mozete procitati novi interview za Americki WINTER TORMENT ZINE: http://www.wintertorment.com/2010/08/serbian-metal-scene-feature-interviews.html
  19. Svaka cast Ilija! Nadam se da cete biti zadovoljni sa vasim novim Label-om (koji god da je, ocekujem dobre vesti). Hajde pa se vidimo kad se vratim iz CZ za koji dan, taman da razmenimo albume, moze? P.S. Izvini za spam ali zaboravicu - hajde da se organizujemo Mile, Karci ti i ja da odemo na Saturnus u Rumuniji u Novembru, hm?
  20. Hej brate, Jeste, hvala. Vec kad se zavrsio Brutal Assault sam bio dosta bolje, i recimo tamo nedge 16-og sam totalno ozdravio. Snimanje ide odlicno, moram priznati. Bas juce smo zavrsili i sve lead gitare (radili smo jedan par ritam gitara na ENGL, drugi par na MESA BOOGIE, i onda tek posebno lead), a vokale cemo danas najverovatnije i zavrsiti. Sutra mi je ostalo jos samo par akusticnih gitara da dosnimim, i imamo jos 3-5 dana za miks i mastering, tako da ce sve biti gotovo za manje od nedelju dana. Kacim novu pesmu najverovatnije 28-og, pa mi javi utiske kada budes cuo!
  21. @Mihajlo: Haha, ma dzaba ja tebi pricao, ne razumes ti to...sve je u marketingu, niko muziku ni ne slusa vise. @Darko: Hehe, da...pricao sam bas sa Lord Ahriman-om pre nekih 2 nedelje...tako da ce biti zlo i naopako, to obecavam. 666
  22. Ovo je flayer samo za Digi verziju CD-a koji ce izaci za Americkog izdavaca ABYSS RECORDS: (http://www.officialabyssrecords.com/ + http://www.myspace.com/abyssrecordsofficial) A evo i njihova objava za potpisivanje/izdavanje diska: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=516810931&blogId=537869943 I naravno, vest se brzo rasirila po Americkim Metal sajtovima: http://www.bravewords.com/news/143849 http://www.metallife.com/news/display_news.php?id=1168 http://www.metal-rules.com/metalnews/2010/08/04/bane-to-release-chaos-darkness-emptiness-through-abyss-records/ --- Od Nedelje cemo vec uveliko biti u Ceskoj, pocinje snimanje albuma u HellSound Studio. Update-ova biti manje, ali zato krajem meseca ocekujte jednu novu pesmu na profilu.
  23. "Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness" - BANE`s first full-length album will be recorded in HellSound Studio (Czech Republic) during the second half of August 2010. It will be recorded, mixed & mastered by Honza “Butcher” Kapak (Judas Iscariot, Krieg, Nargaroth, etc…) who will also be playing the drums for this release. The line-up for this recording shall be as following: Branislav – Lead, Rhythm & Acoustic Guitars, Growl Vocals Khargash – Bass, Scream Vocals Butcher – Drums The album will also contain very special guest appearances from: JB of Svart Crown Nocturnal of Shadowdream Deimoz of The Revenge Project Labels and release dates to be announced soon, as well as more news... --- @Darko: Hvala! @Darko: Nesto izmedju, duga prica!
  24. Tako i treba, naravno. Inace, nabavih "Mardraum: Beyond the Within" na kaseti, kultni Osmose Records hehe.
  25. NOVI MYSPACE LAYOUT POSTAVLJEN: http://www.myspace.com/baneband --- FULL-LENGTH ALBUM NAJAVLJEN: CHAOS, DARKNESS & EMPTINESS Artwork by the legendary Marcelo Vasco (Belphegor, Obituary, Vader, Borknagar, Gorgoroth, Satyricon, etc...). http://www.myspace.com/poisonedtoreality The album shall contain 9 tracks, and will be divided into three chapters: Chapter I – CHAOS Chapter II – DARKNESS Chapter III - EMPTINESS Informacije o snimanju, izdavacima i datuma izlaska najavljenog albuma - uskoro... Sa oficijalnog blog-a: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=493581418&blogId=537677469#ixzz0v6KOYivE
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