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Everything posted by banedeathmetal

  1. Hvala, hvala!
  2. Jbg, bice...nadam se i u Kuli do kraja godine hehe, bilo bi lepo! Hvala, cujemo se kad se vrnemo!
  3. OTKAZANO !!! Od strane organizatora, samo sam primio poruku gde je pisalo da otkazuje bendove jer nece moci da nam isplati put, zato sto valjda nije dobio novce od grada ili kako vec. Zao mi je, ali sta da se radi! Gledacu naravno da sviramo u Somboru kad se vratimo sa turneje, ukoliko to bude bilo moguce. Hvala puno! Naravno da moze. Samo, nazalost nikako pre 14 Novembra jer su nam do tada svi termini zauzeti...pa ako moze nesto da se iskombinuje krajem Novembra/pocetkom decembra, ja sam voljan. Samo me kontaktiraj na PM ili preko space-a.
  4. Respect za pri album! Moram da se pohvalim, vec kad smo kod toga Ja imam Vinyl - 7800 Degrees Fahrenheit Jedva cekam novi album!
  5. Joj nemam pojam stvarno :| dizajn je kao gotov, aali da li ce biti majice...nema pojma. :| Neznam ni da li ce diskovi biti gotovi, to mene brine :| Jbg, videcemo, sta bude - bice! Vidimo se za nedelju dana!
  6. +1 Bas do jaja kad ne dobijes reply na mail vec dugo, i nemas pojam sta se desava - da li je uspela rezervacija uopste.
  7. Aaaaa daaaaaaa jbte! Sad se tek setih! Pa tada sam i Dejana upoznao (iz Kule)...jbte! Kakva su to vremena bila, isao sam u srednju skolu i boleo me kurac za sve. hahaha, KVLT svirka bila u svakom slucaju, nema sta! Ovo ce da bude veselo!
  8. :) :) Tad sam jos i ja svirao u Sangre Eterni: :pivopije: :pivopije:
  9. NOVI INTERVIEW ZA "DEATHS DESIGN BRUTAL" (USA): http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseact...logId=505952898
  10. E nemam pojma zaista, ali videcemo kad dodjemo. Plakat je onda tr00, nema sta - odgovara nam 100%. Ae pa se vidimo uskoro!
  11. - 27.08.2009 - Sombor - "Open Air" koncert u centru grada: DISDAINED (Technical Death Metal, Novi Sad) http://www.myspace.com/disdainedserbia M.A.D & GOYA (Thrash Metal Cult, Novi Sad/Sonta) http://www.myspace.com/madgoya
  12. - 27.08.2009 - Sombor - "Open Air" koncert u centru grada: M.A.D & GOYA (Thrash Metal Cult, Novi Sad/Sonta) http://www.myspace.com/madgoya DISDAINED (Technical Death Metal, Novi Sad) http://www.myspace.com/disdainedserbia
  13. Po mom misljenju sve od Satanized-a pa do Live Legacy je KVLT. Jedino onaj poslednji "Reinkaos" nemogu da smislim. Uh, uzas... Ali zato sve ostalo je zaista prva liga.
  14. Da da, to je Ognjen-ova gitara (taj lik sto se slikao samnom).
  15. Hmhm...Majica sa koncerta kad su bili 2006-e, molim lepo. A sad da vidim koliko ste vi tr00? http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?...mageID=23907519
  16. Kakav bend jebote...
  17. Ma ne bitno to, bitno da ste dobili 7/10 u Madjarskom Metal Hammer-u.
  18. Imam i ja, ali hocu novi na originalu! Ali nemam para
  19. Neznam da li je neko post-ovao, ali u svakom slucaju: METALREVIEWS.COM - ALBUM OF THE YEAR: THE STONE - Umro Folter Records Black Metal 8 songs (52:46) Release year: 2009 The Stone is back again! With them, they bring their fifth full-length to date, Umro, which(alongside Immortal’s All Shall Fall) is my most anticipated black metal release of 2009. Never having the chance to listen to the band’s fourth effort, Neke Rane Krvare Vecno, I was very eager to listen to how The Stone had progressed since their third album, Magla (which I already gushed about in another review this week). Expecting to be presented with another masterpiece, I dove right into this album with high expectations… ...Or tried to, that is. After the first few seconds of the first track (The title track), I was instantly turned off. My first impression was that The Stone had taken a huge step backwards in their sound, resorting to generic BM riffs and drumming. It sounded as if they had lost all creativity and originality, and it resulted in a sloppy mess. I tried listening to the first two tracks, but never got past the one-minute mark on either song, and I eventually put the album aside in frustration, with hopes that one day I would “Get it.” So when It’s time to write this week’s reviews, I search my library to find an album to write about for an Archive review, and without hesitation I pick out Magla as my next victim. Then I remembered that I also had that new album from The Stone to review, so I figured “Why not review that as well? I need to write a review that craps on an album anyway, before the readers begin thinking I’m too soft.” So late one stormy night (it sounds cliché but that’s how it happened), I sat down with Umro in complete darkness and listened to it in its entirety. I was blown away. How could I have missed this? Why had I not understood?! All of a sudden, the intent of the album became so clear to me, and I was completely hooked after just a few minutes of listening. I was drawn into the world of The Stone, and they were NOT going to let me go until I had listened to Umro from beginning to end. And when I was finished, they were going to make me listen to it again! I soon realized that this was going to be a VERY difficult review to write, but by God I’m going to, as this is an album that deserves to be shared with the world, just as Magla does. Like Magla, Umro (which translates into English as either “Dead” or “Died”) is all about atmosphere. The production isn’t “Murky”, as it was on Magla, but it sounds much clearer now, and it fits the songs perfectly. Umro is much more straightforward, forgoing most of the thrash and death elements of the past for a more traditional black metal sound. The thrash and death moments are still very much intact (The thrash influence especially shines through on Krvav Ceo, Nigde Nijedne Rane); there’s just less of them. But despite that change, Umro is extremely complex. Tons of intricate riffs and insane tempo changes (One tempo change near the end of the title track made my jaw drop; the way it’s executed is phenomenal) are present, even more than were found on Magla. This album requires your FULL attention, or else it will race ahead of you and you’ll have to rewind the tracks constantly to see what you missed. I can divide this album into three stages: The first two tracks are the most traditional-sounding, with evil-sounding riffs and a LOT of blast beats; The next three tracks are the most complex, featuring the most brain-shattering tempo changes and riffs on the album; And the last three songs (one of which being a VERY haunting interlude) are the simplest, solely relying on great, simplistic riffs and dark melodies. The way that the tracks on Umro are laid out and the way the album matures and progresses as it reaches the end makes it sound like a concept album to me (Multiple uses of the word “Umro” and that fucking scary interlude help my opinion). The lyrics are all in Serbian, as they were on Magla, but I actually like it that way; it leaves me to create a story in my mind to go along with the music, which is so easy to do here. After listening to this album for the first time, I can honestly say I was on a natural high. Umro had ripped me from this world somewhere in the middle of the third track, and the effects remained long after the album was over. The Stone, while it might not seem like it at first, have crafted a truly incredible album, one that requires your absolute undivided attention to fully appreciate. Go ahead and listen to Magla first, though; it’s much more accessible at first listen. Most of you who decide to check this out will most likely think I over-quoted it and will say that Magla is better, but Umro to me has this magical quality to it that I've never heard anything like before. Umro truly shines as an album with several layers that will require multiple listens to fully understand, and it will stay in my playlist for a long, long time. For me, this is easily the best black metal album of the year, and Immortal better present us with a damn good record if they want to top this. Killing Songs : All. Every single one of them. Kyle 97 / 100
  20. E, to jeste potvrdjeno, samo jos uvek se ne zna da li ce biti 26-og ili 27-og Avgusta, tj kog dana cemo mi svirati. Ali svirka ce biti, i to na otvorenom, tako da ako ne padne kisa tada bice do jaja. Cim se potvrdi datum i ostali bendovi, javljam!
  21. OK, Promo Disk neki cu ti doneti sigurno, a ako budu gotove i majice donecu ti i to! Hm, pa recimo tako nesto ali dosta, dosta mracnije. U svakom slucaju mislim da ce se i tebi dopasti vise novi materijal, ti volis bolesnu muziku.
  22. NAJBOLJI STE !!! :rockdevil:
  23. vazi, dogovoreno!
  24. Da, ali ces konacno cuti pesmu kako i treba da zvuci. Dodao sam akusicnih gitara, klavijatura + na toj pesmi (i jos jednoj) gostuje Honza iz Avenger-a. Zvucace 100x bolje nego na onoj skrnavoj demo verziji. To ti kazem. :)
  25. Ma, tebi ce se svideti 100% Pa znas kako, nisu "samo" klavijature Black, i nabacane preko Death Metal deonica. Uopste rifovi se mnogo razlikuju od predhodnog albuma, pa sve preko aranzmana pesama, zvuka...recimo kad bih cuo odredjene momente, ne bih uopste rekao da je Death Metal bend u pitanju, nego da je cist Black Metal. Naravno, ipak ima vise Death Metala, ali ima deonica gde nije nimalo tako, a generalno atmosfera albuma je bas mracna i nije toliko "brutalna" koliko je progresivno. Glupo mi je sad da pricam u prazno kako ce zvucati, ali u svakom slucaju novi album nece (ali bukvalno) nece imati ni jednu dodirnu tacku sa predhodnim. Sad jbg, nekom ce sve svideti vise, a nekome nece uopste. Mada mislim da ce se dopasti manje/vise svima koji su otvoreni za Death i Black Metal (a nikako onim koji samo slusaju Ultra Brutal Guttural Death/Grind, ili obrnuto - True Old School Satanic Raw Black Metal). Aj ziveli
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