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Everything posted by banedeathmetal

  1. DISDAINED – "WE ALL REEK" - CD – Filthy Records, 2008 Metal Sound (SER) – "Be sure to support this band as it is one of the best and most perspective on our scene." Hell-Is-Open.de (DE) – "…everything on this album goes with high speed & brings up dead bodies from the graves." 8/10 DeathMetal.be (BE) – "Heavy as wrecking ball and with twice the swing, 'We all reek' is one of those odes to the olden Gods of the metal of death…" 80/100 Pest Webzine (RO) – "Be sure not to miss this band as it has good chances to break some bones in the European metal scene! I mean it!" Anti-Christ Fanzine (UKR) – "Support these young monsters!" +4/5 Open Grave Records (USA) – "Don't fuck with Disdained!" Metalbolic Records (USA) – "Exciting and slam heavy technical death metal from Serbia! This country's answer to Pyaemia & Deeds Of Flesh!" Zware Metalen (NL) – "A nice death metal album." 7/10 Lords Of Metal (NL) – "On 'We All Reek' these former Yugoslavs at least make clear that they have excellent taste…" Masterful Magazine (POL) – "Disdained know how to play this genre yet their by-the-numbers songwriting sees them solely going through the motions..." MetalCentre.pl (POL) – 8/10
  2. Naravno! Hvala puno na odlicnoj recenziji!
  3. DISDAINED - WE ALL REEK - Filthy Records - CD - 2008 Disdained is domestic band who has amongst their ranks members of Defilement, Svartgren and M.A.D:Goya, to name just a few more familiar names on our scene. This machinery from Novi Sad was created in 2006. with goal to destroy Serbia with its brutal sound and from sole beginning they presented themselves as very promising act. Their quality and hard work did not stay unnoticed as these lads signed a contract with Dutch Filthy Rec for the release of their debut „We All Reek“. Well, that was more than enough for the introduction part, let’s see what they have offered to us here... „We All Reek“ is totally in style of old American brutal gods from the beginning of the nineties and that fact could be easily noticed even from bare listen to an album. Although I see that Disdained is often compared to Cannibal Corpse (and that fact is enhanced by picture on mighty Metal archives where all 5 members of the band wear CC T-shirts), I don’t think that this is the main influence here... Sure, Disdained have some blood and gore in their lyrics and it is hard to escape from that comparison when playing this style, but I would rather drop another mighty name here – Suffocation! I feel that this album is closely connected to those gods with its brutal but yet complicated style (the last track on the album is cover of their immortal classic „Infecting the Crypts“). You will find many crushing parts here but Disdained doesn’t just go for inhuman aggression which can become very boring after a while but instead they exchange many parts and rhythms in a composition preventing it from falling into „snooze“ category. My only complaint here is that sometimes some parts doesn’t go too well with one another and seem slap sticked just in order to have changes in a song – from time to time a bit more primal approach would be nice so the songs would have a better flow. Luckily, this doesn’t happen very often and we can forgive them because this band is still young so „We All Reek“ can be labeled as qualitative release. All members of the band are technically proficient, which is required if you want to play such style after all, and on top of their switching of brutal riffs (they can be compared to Cryptopsy and even Deeds of Flesh in that department) comes vokills of Tara Kerac, which are in standard grunting vein coupled with some back screams from time time. One more proof of Disdained’s serious and professional approach is the fact that they have recorded video clip for maybe the best song from the album „Obtuse Chisel“ and even better is that it is not hilarious like majority of Serbian metal videos are, it features scenes of standard band playing coupled with sick scenes of butchery and murders, nothing revolutionary but nicely and effectively done. In conclusion, people who crave for aggression should try out this album as they wouldn’t be dissapointed. This album was released in mid 2008. and this active band has already recorded one new promo song „Labyrinth Of Decay“, which is a sign for a things to come. In conversation with their guitar player Bane I found out that these lads are into a bit more tech vein of Death, and this song is a living proof of that statement. It features even more tempo and riff changes than their album but it is very catchy in the same time, without a shadow of doubt I claim that this their best song till now! This approach will possibly remind you on German band Necrophagist as they thread in similar waters. Disdained kept the brutality from „We All Reek“ and added improved compositional skills so the result is nothing short of great! Hopefully their next release can keep this level, and until then advice to all foreigners and domestic fans alike – be sure to support this band as it is one of the best and most perspective on our scene. Trifunović Slobodan (-) (METAL SOUND)
  4. Mlad Novosadski bend, Sympho Melodic Death Metal, za fanove (novi) Children Of Bodom, (novi) In Flames, itd... -Grupu "Myth" su prvobitno oformili 24 Januara 2008, pod imenom "Demona's cry", Tatjana Ognjenovic, Stefan Papic i Zeljko Popovic. U pocetku su prolazili kroz teska vremena, i u prolece iste godine prikljucili su se Boris Dzinic i Branko Maricic. Posle Tatjaninog odlaska sa mesta glavne pevacice, koje je preuzela Mina Popov, koja ce otici posle samo dva meseca, kada su "Myth" odlucili da nece vise svirati uz zenske vokale. -Posle vise meseci sviranja, a pri tom stalnih promena postave, konacno je nastupio mirniji period, kada su se okupili sadasnji clanovi i kada su sastavili uobicajen repertoar pesama, krajem Avgusta 2008, uz dolazak klavijaturiste Aleksandra Matkovica, sto je opet uticalo na promenu zvuka benda. -Trenutno usavrsavaju i uvezbavaju materijal koji treba da se pojavi na prvom albumu. Takodje su i Live nastupi u planu od 2009-te godine. POSETITE I POSLUSAJTE BEND NA NJIHOVOJ MY SPACE STRANICI: http://www.myspace.com/mythserbia
  5. Uh, ta pesma je bas pokidala...kad se prodere "Nevermoooooooooooooooooooore" pa na kraju cujes onaj malo delay/reverb na vokalu...najezio sam se.
  7. DEAD CONGREGATION - "Graves Of The Archangels" (2008) :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:
  8. Postovali su 2 pesme koje ce se pojaviti na novom albumu u Februaru na njihov My Space profil. To su ustvari stare pesme (Promo 2008), ali ponovo snimljene, sa zivim bubnjem, i sada (stvarno) zvuce svetski. Preslusati "Incarnated" i naravno vec dobro poznatu "Anti-Cosmic Overload" na: http://www.myspace.com/realmofobscura
  9. Hej super! Tada uvece radim kao tonac, ali gledacu u toku dana da svratim da vas vidim! Pa nista, za sada se samo vezba, polako usavrsavamo aranzmane novih pesama, koje ce biti na drugom albumu, vezbamo, i tako....opusteniji tempo za sada, pa na prolece nas ceka turneja, pa kad se vratimo kuci odmah posle toga krece snimanje drugog studijskog albuma! A sta sledi posle toga, videcemo Hajde brate sve najbolje pa se cujemo i vidimo !!!
  10. Hej pozdrav ljudi! Ajde nek vam je sa srecom sa Live nastupima i novim Promo CD-om, pa se vidimo valjda opet uskoro!
  11. Mislim da oni traze jako puno para, a pored toga, oni toliko dobro prolaze u Engleskoj (Britaniji), da njihova "Evropska" turneja od recimo sada lupam, 30 svirki, od toga 20 u UK, tipa par komada u Nemackoj, i mozda jos negde. Jbg...ju kad bi oni dosli pa neznam, kontam da bih kampovao nedelju dana ispred te hale gde sviraju.
  12. Uzivo ih nisam gledao, ali ih imas na Summer Slaughter Tour 2007 DVD, tu sam "video" kakvi su uzivo. Iskreno bolji su mi albumi, ali i ovo je super. Odlican bend, mada dosta modernih upliva imaju. A tu sliku koji si postovao znaci samo gledas majce i sve ti je jasno - Spawn Of Possession, Cryptopsy, Neurosis...
  13. :) ) :) Eh, strasno, ali bolje sto je izasao :P
  14. Posto ih nisu dovukli 1997, nema potrebe ni sada da ih dovlace. No, imas organizaovan prevoz za Budimpestu za njih, pa eto bar to. Neverujem da su ogromne cifre u pitanju.
  15. Glasah za NICKELBACK i BON JOVI A sto nema da se glasa za Justin Timberlake?
  16. Realno kad bih to doziveo, polako ali sigurno bi mi zivot krenuo da gubi smisao. Mournful Congregation Longing For Dawn Evoken Isole Officium Triste ...na jednom mestu? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!
  17. E, ovo se ceni (za razliku od onih mega tr00 ljudi, a garant ce ih biti, koji ce blejati ispred SKC-a celo vece sa pivom u ruci i bice u fazonu "mnogo mi je da dam 2000 dinara za ovo, znas ti koliko je to piva?"). Prodao sam par diskova svojih i skupio pare za kartu konacno, tako da je sada 100% da idem.
  18. LONGING FOR DAWN & MOURNFUL CONGREGATION EUROPEAN TOUR 2009 Friday 10 april Rouen,Le Bateau ivre, France Saturday 11 april Rotterdam,The Baroeg, Holland Sunday 12 april Hamburg,Bambi Galore, Germany Monday 13 april Day off/Gig, Travel Tuesday 14 april Tampere, Finland Wednesday 15 april Helsinki, Finland Thursday 16 april Tallinn, Estonia Friday 17 april Riga, Latvia Saturday 18 april Moscow, Russia Sunday 19 april Vilnius, Lithuania Wednesday 22 april Wodzislaw Slaski, Poland Thursday 23 april Prague, Czech Rep Friday 24 april Trnava Art Klub, Slovakia Saturday 25 april Potojna,MCP, Slovenia Friday 01-may SWR festival, Portugal Saturday 02-may Madrid,Ritmo y Compas, Spain Pa eto ljudi, najbolje je da odete u Sloveniji na Koncert, taman pada u Subotu...ja nazalost necu fizicki moci tada da odem jer sam sa svojim bendom u isto vreme na Evropskoj turneji...
  19. Tako je i kod nas bilo Potpisali ugovor u Martu, a tek kad je u Junu izasao CD, tad je tema bila prebacena prebacice se tema sigurno, o tome vodi racuna Apeiron, on je ozbiljan covek.
  20. Auuuu ovo je VRH bend !!! Samo sto se tice koncerta da, doslo bi nas 10...e onda znas da je pravi Doom, strasno...
  21. Znam da bih voleo da se tako zoves i prezivas, ali nemoze svako jbg P.S. - Necemo dalje da spamujemo, nije u redu.
  22. Ja sam tada imao 1 godinu.
  23. :) :) Ovo mi je do sada najbolji post na ovoj temi :) :) Vazi, hocu, obecavam. Samo nemogu do 8-og Decembra, mega sam zauzet...volim te ja i dalje
  24. Ovo je odlican bend, svaka cast za temu. Preporucujem naravno svakom Death Metalcu. P.S. Nemojte izbeci ovaj bend samo zato sto je "Old School", jer je ovo toliko dobro sve odsvirano i smisljeno da je greda ne poslusati. Jako mracna muzika, i nije stalno u mid-tempu, cak sta vise ima pre brzih delova !!!
  25. Naravno da ne volim ovaj bend Nije to sto trazim u Death Metalu. Ali sve pohvale ko god da im radi produkciju, super zvuce njihovi snimci. @Josif: Hahaha, da da jeste Deadborn koji mi je medju najomliljenijim bendovima recimo bas zvuci malik Cannibala jel?
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