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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by banedeathmetal

  1. Neznam, videcemo...
  2. Ja koji kupujuem originale, Summer Slaughter Tour 2007 NIKAD ne bih kupio. BAs sto kaze Dead MAn Walking...a iskreno, i zvik je kod 90% bendova jako lose izmiksovan... Sve su to super bendovi koji se nalaze na DVD-u, ali nekako mi je sve...neznam, nisam uzivao. I da, jbte, ajde "Ignominious And Pale" jos i moze da prodje, ali "The Stillborn"? :| Neznam...a umesto da su ubacili "Diminished To Be", "Seven", ili "Stabwound", oni stavili Drum Solo od Marco Minneman, traje jebenih 20 minuta lol.... Da je ovo recenzija, 5/10 bi dao DVD, i to samo zato sto su to svi bendovi koji kidaju. Los zvuk, i los izbor pesama su ubili ovaj DVD.
  3. Slazem se da je bilo odlicno! Takodje se nadam da cemo se videti uskoro!
  4. 1200 Dinara.
  5. Studio Update 1 Hey every​body,​ Alex from Canni​bal here check​ing in from Mana Studi​os in St. Peter​sburg​ Flori​da.​ Paul has finis​hed all the drums​ track​s for our new album​,​ and we think​ he did an amazi​ng job. Thing​s reall​y went smoot​hly with the drum track​ing this time,​ and that gave us a littl​e extra​ time for Paul to get creat​ive with some of the drum parts​.​ Every​thing​ is still​ fast and bruta​l as you'​d expec​t,​ but there​ are a few diffe​rent rhyth​mic ideas​ happe​ning that we think​ our fans will appre​ciate​.​ The next step for us will be to start​ worki​ng on a guita​r sound​,​ and then begin​ guita​r track​ing.​ The sound​ of the rhyth​m guita​r is one of the most impor​tant thing​s on a metal​ album​,​ so we will take our time and make sure that we get the heavi​est sound​ possi​ble.​ The recor​ding of the rhyth​m guita​rs will be somet​hing we'​ll take our time with as well.​ Rob, Pat and produ​cer Erik Rutan​ are truly​ perfe​ction​ists when it comes​ to guita​r track​ing,​ they'​ll settl​e for nothi​ng less than a flawl​ess perfo​rmanc​e.​ That kind of dedic​ation​ can make for a chall​engin​g recor​ding sessi​on,​ but when the end resul​t is a crush​ingly​ heavy​ album​ it's more than worth​ the time and effor​t.​ OK, that'​s all for now. Stay tuned​ for more updat​es in the comin​g weeks​,​ we'​ll have lots of cool info for you such as the new album​'​s title​,​ song title​s,​ studi​o photo​s,​ and more.​
  6. DISDAINED - WE ALL REEK Filthy Records CD 002 - 2008 Disdained from Serbia is not to be confused with the Swedish, female fronted band that goes by the same name. But then, one minute of the pounding and grinding death metal these guys spew out would eliminate all confusion. Heavy as wrecking ball and with twice the swing, "We all reek" is one of those odes to the olden Gods of the metal of death, as the Suffocation cover "Infecting the crypts" clearly testifies to. Not at all original, Disdained nonetheless succeeds in moving my head up on down… -No not that way, get your minds out of the gutter, you slags.- A more than decent release that is a safe buy for any brutal death fan. 80/100 Written by Nihil, from deathmetal.be (Belgium). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disdained – "We All Reek" "Serbian? Right. As far as I..m concerned, not too many metal bands have made it from there. Good old Metal-Archives from the internet shows that I am in fact right: there are barely 189 bands from the list in which the country represents a little white drop on the map. However, this little white drop will soon become soaked blood red, thanks to Disdained`s Death Metal playing. So much nostalgia comes from these guys from Novi Sad, they deserve a lot of respect. In question is not the "blah-blah" stuff, but the true old Death & Gore stuff. And beside that, finally with the production that brings you pain in the ears, and not today`s ultra modern clean shit-sound type of production. You get the image like some one is grinding you with raw sand paper on your ears on 120` (degrees). Technically, these Balkan terrorists are doing their job so brutally, that it is not hard to hear their main influences. None other than Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, and of course, Deeds Of Flesh. Beside that, looking at one photo where they all wear Cannibal Corpse t-shirts, says more than 1000 words, and from Suffocation they simply covered the track "Infecting The Crypts". Several sound samples, and some parts turn away from the main genre (like the beginning of "Content Of Another Being") which brings down the whole impact a little. Anyway, everything on this album goes with high speed & brings up dead bodies from the graves. Artificial harmonics and solos by guitarists Branislav & Srdjan, blast beats and punishing double bass drumming from Zoltan, supported by Stevan..s bass, and all that with screaming/growling vocal chords diversity from singer Tara. Plus here and there a creak from the dead, fuck yeah, that is real, killer Death Metal. Too bad it lasts for only half an hour, but the ones who survived this war can use for sure the repeat button for another shot, because the music is much complicated that it can be heard many times, and still not become boring. And I am sure that these guys love what they are doing, and that they can..t get enough. All in all: unfortunately, on today..s Metal scene, there is no room for fame, but if there were, these Serbians would decidedly deserve it, for sure. Personally, I enjoyed this album, still, knowing that there could be a lot of bands with the same subject. After all, that is the flavour of the Underground. After 364 High-quality produced albums, I loved to hear something like this – raw & real. Special attention should pay everyone who is into the previously mentioned." Recommendation: Obtuse Chisel Review: 8/10 Total playing time: 36:00 Label: Filthy Records Written by "Stalinorgeler" from http://www.hell-is-open.de/
  7. Imas od mene 1000 dinara za taj paket. Trebali bi da sviramo 5. Oktobra u BG-u pa cemo se cuti vec nekako, ako ne onda mi posalji postom paket a na PP mi posalji kako da ti uplatim pare. Pozdrav!
  8. Pa ko bi imao zivaca da ispise rucno 1000 brojeva na tim silnim kasetama?! To je Hand-numbered izdanje, nije ni cudo sto je stampano u 99 primeraka.
  9. Tako je! Bice odlican provod i mnogo dobre muzike !!! Vidimo se !!!
  10. Nazalost nije jbg, ljudi su zauzeti, neko radi, neko vija godinu za fax....a neko pije pivo. E matori, ja mislim da nije pametno ubacivati jos jedan bend, realno, svirka ce GARANT kasniti, a 5 bendova, cal i da je cena 200 dinara (upad) to je vise nego OK. A cisto da nemora svaki bend da skrati svoj reperotar za 10-15 minuta, nego polako lepo da se cepa Death i Thrash. To ti je moj predlog, ali ti kako hoces!
  11. Full-Length album Angelgoat je SNIMLJEN u Positive Family Studio. Taj snimak je gotov ima vec 2-3 meseca ako se ne varam...verovatno trazi izdavaca, ili je doslo do nekih komplikacija jer Igor nista nikome ne javlja za to...no, cekacemo, cucemo!
  12. Srecno vam bilo, i da se snimi kako treba!
  13. "Report" kako je bilo na Gitatijadi u Ratkovu! -Bodovanje zirije od 1 do 5 (5=odlicno, 1=nedovoljno): Disdained: gitara: 5 (i NIJEDAN drugi bend nije dobio 5, svi ostali su manje dobili). -bas: 4 -vokal: 5 -bubanj: 5 -scenski nastup: 5 -originalnost: 3 (inace, 3 je bila maksimalna ocena za originalnost). Sve ukupno, Disdained je imao najvise "poena". 4 ljudi su bili zirija, od kojih su trojica rekli da treba Disdained da osvoji mesto kao najbolji bend Gitarijade, jer po bodovanju smo imali najvise, a i kod publike smo imali daleko vise najvise glasova. Naravno, Death Metal zauvek ostaje UG, tako da su pobedili The Dark Ocean iz Sombora. Spisak ostalih nagrada: -Najbolji gitarista: Branislav Panic (Disdained) znaci JA -Nabolji basista: Stevan Patic (Disdained) -Nabolji scenski nastup: DISDAINED -Najbolji bubnjar: (posto je Zoli pobedio pre 2 godine, onda su mu rekli da zbog toga nemoze i ove godine da pobedi LOL). -Najbolji vokal: (ova iz The Dark Ocean). Eto, toliko. Vidimo se sledece subote u Somboru !!!
  14. Da cestitam Amon Dinu i Legacy-u sto je (skoro) sve proslo savrseno!
  15. Konacno, evo svi potvrdjeni datumi (na gomilu): 12 Sep 2008 - Gitarijada Ratkovo 2008 - Ratkovo 13 Sep 2008 - Gitarijada Ratkovo 2008 - Ratkovo 20 Sep 2008 - Extreme Metal Festival - Sombor 04 Oct 2008 - Club Annuska - Mol 05 Oct 2008 - Living Room SKC - Beograd 31 Oct 2008 - Club Dvoriste - Novi Sad SREBIAN DEATH METAL DIVISION
  16. Ja se nadam, zaista bi bilo lepo...
  18. Hej ljudovi, evo neke svirke gde ce nastupiti DISDAINED, one koje imaju * NISU potvrdjene: 12.09.2008 - Ratkovo - Gitarijada 13.09.2008 - Ratkovo - Gitarijada 20.09.2008 - Sombor - Metal Fest 31.10.2008 - Novi Sad - w/Formless Terror (Makedonija) & Sacramental Blood 01.11.2008 - Beograd* 02.12.2008 - Novi Sad* Treba jos tokom Oktobra da sviramo u Molu i Senti, javljam ako se nesto od toga potvrdi...vidimo se!
  19. Eee! Rezervisi mi primerak jedan !!!
  20. Hahahahahaha, hocemo sigurno, sa svim onim Iron Maiden i AC/DC tribute bendovima :) E, jos kad bi i to znao... Ali znam nekog ko zna - Net Hehehe, KVLT, nema sta OK, hocemo! PoZzZzZz...
  21. Ljudi! DISDAINED ce nastupiti na Gitarijadi u Ratkovu 12/13 Septembar 2008 !!! Eto, zaista cudno, ali istinito. Sta da vam kazem, vidimo se tamo! Serbian Death Metal Division !!!
  22. Strpljivo se ceka!
  23. Slike sa Hellbound Tour 2008 sa Torture Squad & Cilice su okacene: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?...albumId=1146254 :pivopije: :pivopije: :pivopije: :pivopije:
  24. "Sermon Of Mockery" (1993) PREPORUCUJEM fanovima ranog SUFFOCATION (Effigy Of The Forgotten konkretno). Odlicno je!
  25. Realno. Ne ide realnije
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