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Everything posted by (sic)

  1. Ha! Ako nema weze s temom,obrati mi se na prajwat teehee
  2. "Owo shto wetjina kazu...nije istina" Ne znam za was al meni se dja owih 30sek i ne potsetja me na Stone S. Owo je u fazonu Vermillion pt.3 i kolko sam skapirala bitje jedina sporija pesma na albumu... I lyrics-i su kulj...ma swe
  3. Preview pesme Snuff http://home.q4music.com/cgi-bin/q50/track.pl?id=745 Ne znam kolko tje dugo da bude obeshena tamo tako da...koga zanima nek malo pozuri
  4. Chita se "Kimira". Najjache je shto swako ima swoj nachin izgowaranja Al eto ja werujem bendu Eo npr. klip sa The Dehumanizing Process DVDa gde na kraju Mark kaze... 4:04 / 4:26 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqPoeubiJ9E Ako otjete i u textualnom obliku eo interwju iz 2003-e: First question, how do you pronounce Chimaira. Can you spell it phonetically, so everyone will know how to pronounce the band name? Chimaira (kim-ear-a) Btw,Chimaira kida,i to opasno Swi albumi krljaju al Resurrection je fakin masterpiece. *************** Allegiance,dobrodosh'o na 4um Osetjam duznost da to pozelim swakom nowopridoshlom maggot-u hihi
  5. Meni je spot genijalan Dja mi se kamera tj. onaj slow-mo Najjache je kad se Sid okrene onako u "dramatic look" tanana fazonu
  6. AaaAaAaAaAAaA! Psychosocial (Official Video) [HQ] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN2Kl3PX4QI Doyaynos' http://rapidshare.com/files/130815760/slip...alterportal.avi
  7. G3n!j4ln0... Nego...shto se tiche Sid-a: http://www.metalunderground.com/news/detai...fm?newsid=37816 Uzas...
  8. Hm,nonagram je bash do wadzajne I josh kad uzesh te stepene i saberesh ih - swuda dobijesh br. 9. Shto je,je li,genijalno
  9. Nowi cover! Sretja,sretja,rados'
  10. According to Kerrang! magazine, SLIPKNOT was nearly forced to cancel its video shoot (on June 30) due to DJ Sid Wilson being hospitalized with a head injury. The band delayed filming of the promo clip for "Psychosocial", the first single from SLIPKNOT's upcoming fourth studio album, "All Hope Is Gone", after Wilson managed to knock himself out BEFORE arriving on set. Percussionist Shawn "The Clown" Crahan told Kerrang!: "Sid's building himself a studio downtown and got attacked by a door knob. Now he's got five staples in his head." Uglawnom...swe se sretjno zawrshilo - Sid je oke A najjache kao "got attacked by a door knob" hehe
  11. Oh,hwala rodjache,super zwutji stay (sic)
  12. Eo sad! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZujuY5LGFs Yaaaay!
  13. Psychosocial preview http://www.nuclearblast-musicshop.de/album...um_id=561111502 "Take a hint, can't expire again. I'm done! It has begun, I'm not the only one! And the rain will kill us all. Throw ourselves against the wall. But no one else can see. The preservation of the martyr in me. Psychosocial, Psychosocial, Psychosocial"
  14. ALL HOPE IS GONE 8.26.08 Slipknot, the Grammy Award winning hard rock machine from of Des Moines, IA is back. The band will release its fourth album, All Hope is Gone, on Roadrunner Records on August 26, 2008. The album was recorded this spring in Slipknot's home state and is co-produced by the band and Dave Fortman. "The nine" will spend their summer laying waste to arenas in North America as they headline the first annual Rock Star Energy Mayhem Festival. As Slipknot's first tour in three years, these dates are sure to bring the band's legion of diehard fans, affectionately dubbed "maggots," out in full force. All Hope is Gone is more of a statement than a record. Corey Taylor comments, "Every album we have made is a statement about that space in time. I think this era is the most mature, most beautiful and the most powerful. We have made an album that will show the road behind, the road ahead, and where we are as men. I think it's the best thing I've ever made. And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong." The album promises to blend elements of 2004's Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) and 2001's Iowa, while adding a perspective, freshness and depth that only three years apart can bring. The first single "Psychosocial" will be delivered to radio on June 30 and will be available digitally on July 1. A complete track listing will be announced shortly. Slipknot is the ever-evolving definitive voice in hard rock music. They are pioneers of an alternative metal scene, where scarring riffs and thunderous percussion are punctuated by vocals, which seamlessly shift from brutal to melodic within a breath. The band's previous studio albums, Slipknot, Iowa, Vol.3:(The Subliminal Verses) have all been certified platinum or better, as have their DVDs, Welcome to Our Neighborhood, Disasterpiece and Voliminal: Inside the Nine. The double live 9.0: Live holds a gold certification. Zashto je bitan fakin zanr? Uostalom oni nikad nisu mogli da se ubace u neki odredjen. Bili su...jesu...i bitje uwek sami SWOJ zanr. To shto neko reche da wuche na death ili shta god...slazem se da se posebno na pochetku pesme osetja. Posebno u bubnjewima *worship worship* Inache...po mom proffy mishljenju pesma je yebokewna. End of diskashn PS - A sad ono shto najwishe wolim - da dodajem news Cover za nowi singl:
  15. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA cela pesma!!!!! http://www.slipknot-metal.com/main.php
  16. Hah,ako imash celu pesmu...pristajem na swe
  17. http://www.amazon.com/All-Hope-Gone-Album-...2498&sr=8-2 Ja. Nemam. Rechi.
  18. Nowa slichitza I da,ako par minuta gledate owu fotku na http://www.outsidethenine.com/login - pojawi se kratak klip hel jea (sic)
  19. Eo,izbacujem ga http://depositfiles.com/en/files/4950056
  20. I da,eo ti i na RS-u ako ti wamo sporo http://rapidshare.com/files/68740461/01_20...006-03-2000.avi http://rapidshare.com/files/68607326/03_-_...nameless.hu.mpg http://rapidshare.com/files/68607603/04_-_...nameless.hu.mpg http://rapidshare.com/files/68606112/05_-_...nameless.hu.mpg http://rapidshare.com/files/68608389/06_-_...nameless.hu.mpg http://rapidshare.com/files/68609842/SlipK...nameless.hu.mpg http://rapidshare.com/files/68609042/SlipK...nameless.hu.mpg http://rapidshare.com/files/68608537/09_-_...nameless.hu.mpg http://rapidshare.com/files/68605786/10_-_...nameless.hu.mpg http://rapidshare.com/files/68608965/11_-_...nameless.hu.mpg
  21. http://www.nameless.hu/modules.php?name=eng_media_2000_06_03 stay (sic)
  22. Concept art... Samo tju to retji.
  23. A nikom nije sinulo da owo jednostawno najawljuje album? Da nisu nowe maske ili bilo shta slichno... Damn...
  24. (sic)
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