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Everything posted by IronTooth
jel ono prava dupla ili je kompjuterski obradjeno? inace od danas su mi omiljeni black metal bend ^^
ma nije sigurno bolji od milojka, on tuce s jednom nogom po onom dole bubnju... :) :) :)
A jeste slusali vi Milojka iz Gornje Mrduse? 'nas kako on kuca keca...pih -.-
s jednom nogom pici blast () i to mu je jedini rispekt
ma da...Slayer je najbolji death metal bend a Joey Jordison je najbolji death metal bubnjar...pardon on je najbolji bubnjar na svetu -.-
Derek Roddy i George Kollias...po meni najbolji bubnjari death metala
Meni je bolji prethodni, za sad, sto kaze Goxy
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Hvala puno Sad ga slusam, krljacina teska
" KRISIUN's "Southern Storm" dawns upon us and is destined to set ablaze the entire extreme metal scene with untamed fury and deadly precision! Integrity, brutality, and an undying fervour for the uncompromising and unrelenting art of pure fucking death metal is what has kept the Brazilian three-piece going for more than 15 years! With their seventh studio album, "Southern Storm", the hyperspeed brothers prove once again that they are as unstoppable, violent and dedicated as ever. The album is set for release on July 21, 2008 (Europe). Once again, KRISIUN chose to work with producer Andy Classen (who already worked with the band on 1999's "Conquerors Of Armageddon" and "AssassiNation") at the Stage One Studio in Germany and the result offers everything the band's rabid fan-base loves since day one: ferocious high-speed blasting, infectious double bass-driven grooves, razor-sharp riffs, devastating leads and a unique feel for combining catchiness with technicality. Tracks like the massive opener "Slaying Steel", "Combustion Inferno" or the band's rendition of the Sepultura classic "Refuse/Resist" are nothing but crushing death metal hits! A first track as well as an in-depth studio report clip will be posted online soon! Furthermore, KRISIUN are confirmed for this year's Hellfest and With Full Force , GDL Metal Fest Portugal festivals plus European tour campaigns with Rotting Christ and Unleashed, so rest assured that KRISIUN will unleash the "Southern Storm" in a town near you soon!" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Znas li kolko ljudi igra wow???? jel mislis da je 10 miliona ljudi retardirano?????
Sta fali WoW-u? Vrh sto igra WoW i sto mrzi jebenu alijansu
Vrh bend, vocali ni meni nisu nesto. Inace za njih sam cuo tek pocetkom ove godine, i to iz neke knjige, bubnjarske, dereka roddy-ja , i kaze da je vrh bubnjar, itd itd. i ja skinem i odusevim se. Najjaca pesma: Epoch of the Gods sa poslednjeg albuma
najjaca epizoda u ovoj sezoni :)
Ovaj... u subotu 12. aprila odrzace se svirka u bioskopu sutjeska. svirka pocenje u 8 h salim se, naravno nego jedva cekam 5. septembar
South Park episode 1205 - Eek. a Penis While Ms. Garrison is off trying to find a way to become the man he was always intended to be, Cartman is put in charge of the classroom. Jedva cekam
Serije koje ste gledali ili gledate - preporuke
IronTooth replied to Zagrivuk's topic in Film, serije, emisije
Ovo ce vam se sigurno svideti, ako volite South Park http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/That's_My_Bush! Trey Parker i Matt Stone su pravili seriju, kao parodija na belu kucu i Busa -
10 000 000,00 Teoretical dollars?! Najbolja epizoda posle Tonsil Trouble. " leave chocolate rain guy alone " ahahahaha
Ovo mi je jedan od njihovih boljih albuma, pored onog "Echoes something". Nekako ne mogu da prestanem da ga slusam Inace nisam neki ljubitelj sadasnjeg bubnjara (Longstreth nije dobar speling ), jebe kevu kako svira, samo sto izgleda ko retard dok svira, iako sve dobro zvuci.