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Everything posted by Mita

  1. inace najjace je bilo poslednji dan slucajno smo svratili na Walls of Jerico i ona riba se popela na ogradu i tako su je izvatali jebali su joj sve po spisku
  2. bas je ok set lista nego sad jos malo idem pa ne mogu da skinem valjda kad se vratim bice na rapidu
  3. je sranje?
  4. xaxaxaax xaaxax axxaax axaxxa xaxaxa xaxaax xaxaxa xaxaxaax axaax aaxxaax xaxaxa ax xa xa xa xa xa x a
  5. fail facepalm
  6. naravno :D
  7. @Fake Citu nisi gej i nisi tr00 gtfo i stfu
  8. As Kamelot continues work on their follow-up to Ghost Opera, the band has been asked about the situation with their former label SPV/​Steamhammer (SPV recently filed for insolvency and their future is not clear). "We have met with SPV in Hamburg recently and I know they are trying hard to rebound from their insolvency. We had already terminated our deal months ago with them, even before the insolvency. Since then we have been approached by many labels to release the next Kamelot album, including 2 major labels. We have some great offers and now we just have to decide on the right partners for our next step" states vocalist Khan. Kamelot is coming off their last show of 2009 playing the Sonisphere Festival in Holland with Metallica, Slipnot and others. Kamelot frontman, Roy Khan, describes the crowd at their first-ever Sonisphere gig as “brilliant”, admitting he was not “expecting to see so many people out there ...”. Their new album yet untitled is tentatively schedule for a Feb/Mar 2010 release. The first leg of their 2010 World Tour is going to be announced any day now. jea zna se ko je faca :) :)
  9. za sve sto bleje na ovoj temi http://www.yumetal.net/forum/index.php?act...185061d28b34a2c
  10. isto
  11. tipicno Ensiferumski :)
  12. kada je izgovorio My Führer svi u sali su krenuli da placu od smejanja
  13. zato ja uskoro idem u kadu jer me mrzi da idem na Adu
  14. ja sam pravi geek prvo sam procitao knjige i onda posle kada sam rezao ortaku Gardijane posto sam mu bio nabavio(mogao sam sve da nabavim :) ) video sam slucajno pesmu Gandalfs Rebirth pa sam pustio tu pesmu itd itd :) tako sam krenuo da u opste slusam metal :)
  15. naravno :rockdevil:
  16. Novi Harry Potter sranje mnogo je lose uradjen bas mi je lose legao bukvalno 2.5 sati smaranja koliko traje toliko bi mu dao bodova ako bi ocenjivao :)
  17. taj fejl nikad necu zaboraviti sto je najgore ortak to slucajno izvalio
  18. ovo je win http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHMA_s...&q=glemerke
  19. :rockdevil: :rockdevil: leba ti rekni makar mesec da znam da otkazem sve tada
  20. NOVI HIT :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:
  21. zafaljujem
  22. zafaljujem stavljam na skidanje
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