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Everything posted by Mita

  1. ne ovo je samo sranje ovo nije k od kvlta
  2. axxaaxaxaxaxxaxaxxaax axxaaxxaax kvlt
  3. cekaj da obrnem Sentenced nisam bas lepo obrnuo
  4. :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:
  5. axaxxxaxa axxaxaxa axxaaxax axxaxaxa xaaxaxaxa xaxaxxa xaaxxaxa xaaxaxxa axxaaxxa axxaxaxaxa xaxaaxax axaxxaax axaxxa axaxaxxa axxaaxx xaaxax jbt umalo da se upisam u gace axaxaxx axaxaxa axaxxaax
  6. Satane i ti dolazis ?
  7. tako je aj neka se neko seti za Mejdene ti si mogao opusteno poslednje nedelje da kupis bez problema kartu za bilo koje mesto znaci nije bitno bilo da li si uzeo prvi dan ili poslednji kao sto je LeX rekao ovo ce sad da ode prva serija ide lepo stampanje druge itd itd
  8. ovaj pevac je bas faca
  9. Mita

    Black Sails

    znam da nije sasvim novo ali staces ovo je samo prototip pesme bice raznih ubacivanja i promena aranzmana sto se tice pevanja Ilija je vecinom pijan pa mu to nece biti problem
  10. Mita

    Black Sails

    ajte prozivajte komentarisite kritikujte itd na sve smo spremni :)
  11. Episode 1302 Announcement From the Comedy Central Press Release: "THE COON" IN AN ALL-NEW "SOUTH PARK" ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 AT 10:00 P.M. ON COMEDY CENTRAL‚ NEW YORK, March 16, 2009 – One young citizen takes it upon himself to maintain order during a time of despair in South Park. An all-new episode of "South Park" titled, "The Coon,” premiers on Wednesday, March 18 at 10:00 p.m. on COMEDY CENTRAL. “The Coon” rises from the trash and takes his place as a lone vigilante who wipes out crime in the town of South Park. A rival superhero appears on the scene in the form of “Mysterion” and challenges the Coon’s place as a “symbol” for the town.
  12. ti ako skines one perverzije sto je Zare pravio svaka ti cast
  13. budala
  14. Black Sails - promo pesma(tizer ) Black Sails-Black Sails http://www.megaupload.com/?d=653SCR49
  15. to je kada si od pola sedam do sad na nogama
  16. sad kad vidim ko sve dolazi ocekujem jedan bas gej koncert
  17. kako me nerviraju Hail Metal i Lemi jbt kenjate nesto o Fergusonu i ManUtd-y kako namestaju utakmice i kako koriste steroide a vi navijate za Juventus i Milan koji rade 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 gore stvari licimeri jedni
  18. koji mjetal
  19. Mita

    Counter Strike

    pitanje skidam 1.6 sta mi od paceva treba da bi igrao preko neta sta cu n00b sam :)
  20. Gojko reaguj
  21. a najace u Ever Frostu Jesus saves we will piss upon your graves :) tada sam umro od smejanja
  22. Vengeance Is Mine [Music: Tenkula & SENTENCED, Lyrics: Lopakka] I am stunned, you caught me by surprise It's so damn wrong, you outdid yourselves Beaten numb, I didn't see you sneaking round the corner, how could I? There is no sight in my third eye When I'm done I will hunt you down One by one I'll blow you all to hell For you faceless, nameless, cowards, cannot hide The day of reckoning will arrive Strike from behind and knock me to the ground Kick me while I'm down, stab me in the back, you bastards Tear my heart out of my chest I rise from the ashes, from these ruins of mine, from the rage I'm right on your track you bastards Dozen of eyes for an eye Vengeance is mine I have dreams of hammering your skulls Fantasies of bashing in your brains Obsessively I am watching, I am stalking, I am following And then the massacre begins Strike from behind and knock me to the ground Kick me while I'm down, stab me in the back, you bastards Tear my heart out of my chest I rise from the ashes, from these ruins of mine, from the rage I'm right on your track, you bastards Dozen of eyes for an eye Vengeance is mine Strike from behind and knock me to the ground Kick me while I'm down, stab me in the back, you bastards Tear my heart out of my chest I rise from the ashes, from these ruins of mine, from the rage I'm right on your track you bastards Dozen of eyes for an eye Vengeance is mine Dozen of eyes for an eye Vengeance is mine Vengeance is mine genijalan tekst
  23. ne znam meni je bas bila smesna ta poslednja scena
  24. Mita


    sad sam skratio kosu i kao da sam se farbao sad je jos crnja debil ja se nisam sisao 9 meseci :)
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