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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Mita

  1. eh kada bi svirali sve albume 1980-1990 bio bi presrecan
  2. 1-maloletan 2-bilo bi lepo da ih vidim u mojoj zemlji
  3. Bodomi posto znam da nikad nece doci ovde
  4. frubi cmar cu ti polizati
  5. moze
  6. pojasni?
  7. odlicna set lista valjda ce i kod nas biti tako nesto
  8. ja imam dve kasete
  9. Mita


  10. nebitno
  11. rtsp://helix.beotel.net/encoder/rbgd202.ra za one koji imaju Real Player
  12. Mita


    And if we all were not brothers of metal would we fall?
  13. xaxxaxaxaxaxaxa xaaxaxaxaaxxaxaxaax xa xa xaxa xa xaxaaxaxaxx axaxax Reki prestani ako imas boga :)
  14. neki n00b :)
  15. xaxaxaaxxaaxxa xaaxaxaxxaax axxaaxaxaxax axaxxaxaaxxaaxax xaxaaxxaxaxaxa axxaxaxaxa xaaxaxxaax alo Reki nisi valjda napravio dva akaunta mislim koji bi lik sa Marduk nicom slusao Tarju
  16. samo ocekujem Mormone da mi dodju na vrata uh jedva cekam posto kod nas svakojaki debili dolazili samo ocekujem Mormone bice samo Joseph Smith was called a prophet dum dum dum dum dum
  17. mene nervira sto ne naprave onako malo pauzu pa se razderu bifor d storm ja to na probi radim
  18. kako je do jaja ova nova spica kada iskoci Rodzer iz kola stalno se smejem
  19. Dargoron je predgrupa tako da bas razmisljam da dodjem i KA i Dargoron tako da ja sam tu jos mi je kuca vise manje blizu
  20. svaki jebeni koncert otkazan strasno mislim ne slusam kupera ali strasno jbt
  21. Mita


    raspitaj se ima valjda pevaca na sceni koji bi da rade CD predlazem Maxa iz Najtfola on bi skinuo stopedeset posto isto!!!!!!!! e sad ako ne slusa jbg
  22. Omiljena pesma od Ensiferuma: He is the man who travels in the land of dragons and magic spells He rides in the winds of fire and snow and he rules the forest of elves ---------------------------------------------------------------- There's a place in the North, far far away Home for the wandering man Dreaming fields with skies so pale Calm is the glorious land Flames will send the sign to the sky That we have come to feast tonight The lakes are echoing with our song Shadows are dancing on the forrest wall Shadows are dancing on the forrest wall! Enchantment of the fire and moon Lost in the whispering night The raven's magic enthralls the woods Crawling in the sweet starlight We have gathered in this distant land Full of wisdom, secrets and tales The morning will never rise again Roaming wolves are howling for the dead Roaming wolves are howling for the dead! Oh yea! ovo se ne moze zaobici ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- i naravno: Swords in their hands they killed each and every man Who dared to invade their sacred land Victory songs are raising in the night Telling all of their undying strength and might :D
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