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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Mita

  1. Mita


    evo ja ti dovedem drugu
  2. Mita


  3. jbg moji favoriti nisam emo
  4. Hocete li svirati na onoj Violent svirci?
  5. bre je dolazite u BG na HIT ono u KST-y
  6. Sad Shamandalie ima jos jednog da ispravlja XD dobro nece joj biti dosadno XD
  7. e jbg ja se ponadao
  8. nove obrade: Avantasia Maideni Dream drzim pesnice da su to te obrade
  9. ovaj lik je nepismeniji od mene do jaja
  10. brate idi pogledaj u najsmesnije u metalu(vrati koju stranicu) i videces moj ovnadge( ) zasto sam to pitao naravno da ne bi bio spam a sad spamujem XD on topic cuo sam da su oni poceli kao Maiden i Metalka tribut i da su posle presli na gej emo inace 5 zvezdica ide tebi
  11. jebem vas sve u dupeta neomascena bre ocu da vas cujem uzivo mnogo mi se svidja ovo na space-y ove nove kidaju bre vidim ovo trazi se skrim vokal koji ce vam kurac bre trazite nekog ko zvuci kao da nema muda bre da mozete da radite Avantasiy
  12. Mita

    Amon Amarth

    Cry Of The Black Birds Raise your swords up high! See the black birds fly! Let them hear your rage! Show no fear! Attack! Charge your horses across the fields Together we ride into destiny Have no fear of death, when it's your time Oden will bring us home when we die! The ground trembles under us As we make our thunder charge The pounding hooves strikes blinding fear Into their heart Our helmets shine in the sun As we near their wall of shields Some of them turn and run When they hear our frenzied screams Draw your swords to strike Hear the Black Birds cry! Let them feel your hate! Show no fear! (Attack! Attack! Attack! Attack!) Charge your horses across the fields Together we ride into destiny Have no fear of death, when it's your time Oden will bring us home when we die! The enemies are in disarray Ride them down as they run Send them to their violent graves, Don't spare anyone Dead and wounded lie all around, See the pain in their eyes Over the field an eerie sound, As we hear the ravens' cry
  13. tako je neo-progresiv
  14. http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=nPfPVDrWyk4
  15. znam a meni to zao jbg mnogo dobre pesme imaju jbt pa se nekako tesim da mozda kad dodju (AKO DODJU) kod nas da nece ukenjati da i nerviraju me tr00 metalci kad mi kazu aaaaa ti slusas flower-power dodje mi da e da izgleda koliko sam cuo na tom koncertu si se prestimali
  16. nemoj da lupas naravno da ne moze to uzivo da se do jaja odsivira i otpeva ti da cutis nemoj da lupas mogu da ti nadjem jednu bas gde je bilo kao na CD-y ali mrzi me Dragonforce da mi niko ne dira
  17. Deadnight Boban
  18. i to Korpens Sagu
  19. blago vama vi ce te na Avantasiu
  20. Silent Night, Boban Night On the eve of their doom they are baptized in the unholy waters of Boban With no hint of the torture awaiting to greet them at the break of dawn When the Boban wants more... When the calm is setting in we'll watch it swiftly disappear Too many years of silence soon he's bound to Boban The Boban is calling for you to come home With the thrust of a switchblade on the grip of a madman And the waters of Boban turn a blood shade of red As the Children Of Boban Take their last breath. When the calm is setting in we'll watch it swiftly disappear Too many years of silence soon he's bound to Boban
  21. koji gay XD znamo da je fotomontaza XD valjda
  22. Mita


    e sad i ja bi ubacio svasta ali ne moze dobro je ovako bolje nego dz dz dz You living in lie you living in lie and podseca me na Timmy and The Lords of the underworld
  23. Jebem vas spamere: Today's Top 20 Poster MemberJoinedTotal MemberPosts Posts Today % of today's posts The Joker 6.4.2008. 1438 38 5.28% AstralliS 3.4.2004. 2214 34 4.72% Angrist. 17.9.2007. 505 21 2.92% VooDoo SoloSouL 14.2.2003. 4881 21 2.92% RNA 10.7.2001. 20745 19 2.64% Grobodan 23.8.2003. 11517 15 2.08% cotoha 23.8.2001. 651 15 2.08% KROSTIC 2.11.2007. 64 14 1.94% Pit 25.10.2003. 95 14 1.94% Mita 16.11.2007. 912 12 1.67% http://www.yumetal.net/forum/index.php?act=Stats
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