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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Mita

  1. Mita


    AXAXXAAXXAAXXAXA 30 razlike aaxaxaxaxxaaxax PISAJ PO USTASAMA
  2. Mita


    do jaja
  3. :rockdevil samo da nastave da karaju te paprika ekipe i nece ispasti
  4. ko je ovaj anonimus?
  5. 90to je godiste ne treba mu zameriti
  6. steta sto je povredjen navijam da Bulsi u plejofu dobiju Majami da pokazu Lebronu kako se igra
  7. amin
  8. za one koje ne znaju http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000389848958
  9. axaxxaxaxaxaxaaxax axaxaxax ma dobar je
  10. vidi ovu te cigan doveo
  11. Mita

    Serie A

    He scored the BBC Goal of the Season in March 2000 with a volley against Wimbledon,[3] which is still considered among the best goals in Premiership history[4] and was named as the Premiership's goal of the decade in a December 2009 Sky Sports News viewers' poll, scoring 30% of votes.[5] In 2001, he won the FIFA Fair Play Award. The previous December, in a match against Everton, in a noteworthy display of sportsmanship, Di Canio shunned a goal scoring opportunity and caught the ball from a cross instead as the Everton goalkeeper Paul Gerrard was lying injured on the ground after he twisted his knee attempting a clearance on the edge of the box. FIFA described the act as "a special act of good sportsmanship."[6] u mad?
  12. Mita

    Serie A

  13. realno
  14. mene zanima sta je lockout??
  15. rispekt
  16. Djani KRALJ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_E3PLYfJHY
  17. Mita


    iliti KURCINA!
  18. na 10 minusa
  19. NAUCICEMO VASE BAKE DA SISAJU JAJA p.s ocekujem kult!
  21. smatram da su izvrsili zadatak sto se tice Evrolige(mada uvek mogu da naprave jos veci bum) sad da se lepo skoncentrisu na Jadransku ligu i da vise ne gube od anonimusa i da se kara komsinica
  22. namestaljka da Partizan ne prodje
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z59gAXZ0ksQ&feature=channel
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