Blind Guardian Lazing on a Sunday afternoon? Not at all. We are becoming more and more picky. Charlie has started "Valkyries" while the rest discusses final adjustments on Road of No Release(piano), Wheel of Time(choirs) and Sacred(more orchestra? less orchestra?).
Blind Guardian A very wise man once said "Opinions are like a...holes - everyone has one". That's pure philosophy. What we will witness today is a total showdown of opinions. "A Day at the Races" has been turned down as the perfect album title by some (one?) cowardly band member. We of course won't reveal who is the cowardly lion, but we have sent him to the "Wizard of Oz".
Blind Guardian On the to do list for today: The perfect setlist, the perfect album title, the perfect mind, the perfect ...
statusi od juce i danas
realno "A day at the races" je glupo ime za album,do jaja sto se tako nece zvati
sa nestrplenjem cekam album