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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Mita

  1. jebe keve
  2. cover je VRH imam neki osecaj da ce biti dobar album
  3. naravno inace zar je bitno ko ga je ubacio Anet i bolje sad da je oteraju i da dovedu onu sto Telkontar predlaze
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e29rhoaOF0c&feature=related totalni old skul
  5. Mita


    e jebi se
  6. Mita


    pa onda reci ko? ako znas xD
  7. 115 evra ukupno karta + prevoz sto se realno isplati
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_s5J0SGwbQg&feature=related :wub: pomerajte na progresivu
  9. znaci jedan dan 70 evra 125 sve ukupno ovo je mnogo fina kombinacija
  10. ne znam ali meni je ovo bilo presmesno ne znam zasto
  11. :haha: moguce moguce inace likire za novu pesmu Look north Ready to fight, Enemies charge from the hills, To arms - facing defeat There's no surrender - there's no retreat. Time, after time, Force the enemies back to the line Call to arms, banners fly in the wind For the glory of Hellas Coat Of Arms, reading freedom or death Blood of king Leonidas Air raid, pounding the land Bombers are flying all day and night Endure six days of rain Dropped by invaders, bomb raid in vain Strike hard, the tables have turned Drive them back over the hills At arms, just like before Soldiers, civilians Hellas at war By their own hand Forced the enemy out of their land CHORUS Just like their ancestors ages ago Fought in the face of defeat Those 300 men left a pride to uphold Freedom or death in effect Solo - Oskar Then, now again, blood of heroes saving their land CHORUS
  12. pa ko radi Sabaton ako ne rade Legasi a ni Tera Nostra xD
  13. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=371197155609&ref=mf za one koji imaju gejsbuk
  14. ma ko god da organizuje bice fino
  15. ovo jebe keve
  16. http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs100.snc3/16759_100267080003151_100000595773674_4204_4423312_n.jpg http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs120.snc3/16759_100278650001994_100000595773674_4657_3632424_n.jpg http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs100.snc3/16759_100277400002119_100000595773674_4612_5926565_n.jpg
  17. bolje pitaj Gojka
  18. situacia ce se popraviti kada ljudima bude 2000 ok da daju za koncert i kada im to ne bude prestavljalo finansijski problem
  19. 150-200 ne moze Pera vise ljudi da dovede realno
  20. Hang Astralis High :haha:
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