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Descender last won the day on September 4 2017

Descender had the most liked content!


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    On wheels

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Descender's Achievements

Master of Metal

Master of Metal (2/6)



  1. Upravo to sam htio da istaknem. Nadam se da nije prazna priča.
  2. The self-titled debut album from Silver Lake By Esa Holopainen scheduled for release on May 28th via Nuclear Blast. "Over the last few years, I have been writing a lot of music, and some of the stuff hasn't exactly sounded like Amorphis. Many times, when people think about a guitarist's solo album, they get the impression of technical stuff with a huge amounts of notes played extremely fast. Well, I‘m not a big fan of that kind of music. Whenever I write, I always want to pile up interesting songs, and not just shred for the sake of it. At first, I really didn't know if the album would turn out to be purely instrumental or would there be vocalists as well. However, one thing was certain, I wouldn't be the singer of SILVER LAKE", Esa Holopainen laughs. Several friends and favourite singers of Esa joined him from their home studios on these tracks to be featured on "Silver Lake By Esa Holopainen": 1. Silver Lake (instrumental) 2. Sentiment (feat. Jonas Renkse of Katatonia) 3. Storm (feat. Håkan Hemlin of Nordman) 4. Ray Of Light (feat. Einar Solberg of Leprous) 5. Alkusointu (feat. Vesa-Matti Loiri) 6. In Her Solitude (feat. Tomi Joutsen of Amorphis) 7. Promising Sun (feat. Björn 'Speed' Strid of Soilwork) 8. Fading Moon (feat. Anneke Van Giersbergen) 9. Apprentice (feat. Jonas Renkse of Katatonia)
  3. Ja Sodom prestao da pratim zaključno sa The Final Sign of Evil, mislim da nijedan nakon njega nisam odslušao u cjelosti, ali ovaj bih vala i mogao, svuda pozitivne reakcije...
  4. Isto, ubi me jednoličnost nakon Ironbound, nemam ni gram volje da pustim bilo koji. I Immortalis i ReliXIV su mi draži od njih, a da ne pričamo o I Hear Black ili WFO ili The Killing Kind od tih ne-klasika.
  5. Isto. I ne žalim se. 😁
  6. Drugo veče je svemirska poslastica! Valjda se bude snimalo pa padne kakvo izdanje...
  7. Ovo. Njihov gubitak. Ukratko - kao i ne znam više ni sam koliko već albuma u nizu - i ovaj kida samo tako. Sepultura nastavlja da bude i ozbiljniji i relevantniji bend od većine matorih bendova na sceni trenutno.
  8. Descender


  9. Pa sve ti jebem više!
  10. Čuj sad samo HC, kakva glupost! Nadajmo se da je glasina. Što se tiče SA - apsolutno je racionalnije, ali ja sam zbog većeg formata i prevoda (uvijek neuporedivo radije čitam srpski prevod) ostao (još uvijek) kod DW... Da je nešto drugo, ne bih ni razmišljao, ali KP bih znatno radije u ovoj verziji.
  11. Priča li se igdje jebeno hoće li ovi nastavljati sa Kenom? Zbog većeg formata i srpskog prevoda ostao sam vijeran njima i pored vrhunskog tempa Strip agenta, ali baš se rasteglo...
  12. Ralf Rotman - Umreti u proleće
  13. 😁
  14. Vala u posljednjih 7 dana samo riljam Motorhead! Bastards Sacrifice Overnight Sensation Inferno Pa opet.
  15. Yep! Vidjećemo šta će to da bude, na prvu zvuči interesantno. “With VALLENFYRE, we went down this path where it got more and more crusty,” Greg Mackintosh explains. “I thought we couldn’t take it any further, so I needed to put in some new elements. With STRIGOI, there’s a bit of spookiness, even some subtle elements of industrial and even black metal. The goal was to switch it up a bit. I was perfectly content with what I was doing in VALLENFYRE, but for STRIGOI to stand on its own, I wanted to try new things to separate ourselves from the pack.” STRIGOI are: Greg Mackintosh - vocals, guitars Chris Casket - bass Waltteri Väyrynen - Drums (studio only)
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