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Et in Arcadia Ego

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Everything posted by Et in Arcadia Ego

  1. Ovo mi ne radi...ako ima igde neki netorrent d-load, bilo bi odlicno.
  2. Jbt, prestigao si me za sekund! Kad neko nadje link za ovo, zna sta mu je ciniti. Edit: http://ghosts.nin.com/main/home Postoji mogucnost besplatnog downloadovanja prvih 9 pesama sa albuma.
  3. Na ovo devetog bi zaista vredelo otici...no, izgleda da se nesrecne okolnosti zbog kojih nisam mogao ici na Antimatter ponavljaju, #$%^@... I cisto, onako u prazno, da uputim psalm/mantru/zacudjenost nad dosadasnjim nedolazenjem Anatheme u ove napacene krajeve...nesto tu ne stima, mora to pod hitno da neko ispravi.
  4. Uh, aj' da skinem ja ovo kad ste svi vi ljudi od ukusa tako odusevljeni.
  5. Jebem ti...Opeth, Katatonia i Anekdoten na jednom mestu. A to mesto - brod. ZOMG!!!11
  6. Jedan od najvecih gubitaka za muziku u zadnje vreme, a bogme, i mene je licno zabolelo (ne, ne u preponama). Weighing Souls With Sand je bio jedan od najboljih albuma proteklih godina, a i Coma Waering nije daleko. Jbg...
  7. Danke, danke moglo bi to i lepse, kad je ovakav album u pitanju. Lepo je videti da PT, i na nasem lokalnom i na globalnom nivou, poprimaju znacajnije razmere. Voleo bih jos da svet shvati kakav je muzicki oktopod Steven Wilson, po pitanju produktivnosti i workoholizma (No-Man, Bass Communion, Blackfield, IEM, produkcijski radovi i kooperacije...). Zeljno se iscekuje njegov prvi pravi solo album krajem godine. Edit: I novi No-Man u maju, narafski.
  8. FoaBP sigurno gazi ka prvom mestu moje licne PT liste. Jednostavno, album uradjen na onaj classic nacin, kako je radjen npr. Dark Side of the Moon - sa idejom celine, pre svega. Album ima neverovatan flow i dojajno je kohezivan. U tom smislu, sigurno njihov najozbiljniji do sad.
  9. Porcupine Tree - We Lost the Skyline (2008)
  10. :) SW The Great!
  11. Da, i meni mirise da ce se tu odvijati glavna fora albuma.
  12. Pokusaj dostojnog opisa novih pesama part II - zadnje 3: 5. Porcelain Heart (8:01) Tool/Sabbath/Tull - Heaviness merges with nearly medieval balladeering into lurching Sabbath riffs. The first two verses are repetitive and memorable - something that wouldn't feel out of place on a Tool record. Then the Sabbath riffs come along rolling in like a friggin' tsunami of doom. 6. (11:26) The Epic-Jazz fusion melds into gentle renaissance melodies. Just as the song hits its most quiet and beautiful moment complemented by spare piano, a pulsing keyboard ushers in the ferocity and grandeur that only Opeth can muster. Then, about halfway in, the f**ker gets real heavy...replete with the usual Opeth-ian twists and turns. 7. (6:59) Middle Eastern Introspection: An oceanic riff settles into a gentle keyboard while vocals lap against the shore - only to rise into unexpected and beautiful Middle Eastern guitar melodies. The rhythm section Bassist Martin Mendez and Martin Axenrot build and build only for vocals drift in and out of as the record gently trails off.
  13. Odlican album The Dark Third, vrlo obecavajuca skupina mladih ljudova. Videcemo sta ova godina nosi, eno demo verzije nove pesme Deus Ex Machina na majspejsetu im.
  14. Nije li to mali Akerfeldt u trenutku svog prvog growla, upucenog ciki iza objektiva? A onaj svecnjak nije nimalo tr00. A ni kvlt. Apropo Moody Blues, bese nekih reminscencija i pozivanja bas na njih kad je u pitanju novi album. Citao sam to negde...
  15. Anonimno postovani preview (za sada samo prvih 4 pesama?) Watershed-a, na jednom forumu, veli sledece: 1: (3:07) Zeppelin - Mostly acoustic driven with female vocals complementing Mike. These were done by Swedish vocalist Nathalie Lorichs. Completely different than anything Opeth have ever done before. A gorgeous moment that sets the tone for the record. You will listen to this track over and over again. Let's just call it a "panty-soaker".... 2. (8:51) Metal - Brutal. Lots of musical twists and turns. Many quiet moments that verge on free jazz. Here we also get the first taste of both new guitarist Fredrik Akesson who shows lead chops at the three minute mark. There's also no question about Axenrot's abilities to handle the rhythmic demands of Opeth with the adroitness of his predecessor. This is the only song that has full-on heavy vocals all throughout, harkening back to the Opeth of old. 3. (8:48) Metal - Something that's never been tried before...sung vocals over blast beats. Toss in Per Wiberg's eerie keys and atmospheric guitars that melds into a pure Krautrock freakout that also reminisces Chic Corea at his most bombastic. Throughout the song it's riffs galore all slaked with both gorgeous singing and pure death metal growls. Listen for the "asylum murmuring" the end of the track. 4. (7:42) Deep Floyd - A truly beautiful moment that sounds like John Lord playing keys for Pink Floyd. A ballad with a powerful chorus. Fantastic guitar playing trails out at the end of the song. Listen hard for Mikael's moment of guitar whimsy. :smajlikomesedize: Premda, pomalo neuobicajene duzine pesama, u smislu kratkoce, za Opeth standarde, zar ne?
  16. @Talvi Album je uveliko snimljen i izmiksovan i sve...spreman za (zlo)upotrebu u potpunosti. Ako nista, sigurno cemo biti pocasceni nekim odlomcima na Opethovom MojProstor-u. Uzgred, omot ponovo radi Travis Smith, cime je eye-candy i ejakulacija artistickih nagona zagarantovana.
  17. Sumnjam da ce pre maja doci do procurivanja, obzirom da je izlazak albuma gurnut za Jun. Ipak, mysterious are the paths of piracy, tako da... Mike je imao i ovo da doda: Says Mikael Åkerfeldt: "I´ve worked so hard with these songs for quite some time now, I´ve listened to 'em a zillion times. I don't hate them just yet! The album sounds great sonically and I think I can hear us evolving as the record plays on. It is taking us somewhere musically and I don't know where. It's very exciting to say the least! I can't remember having enjoyed a recording this much ever before."
  18. Opeth - Watershed Track listing: 01. Coil 02. Heir Apparent 03. The Lotus Eater 04. Burden 05. Porcelain Heart 06. Hessian Peel 07. Hex Omega Swedish progressive metal titans OPETH have set "Watershed" as the title of their forthcoming album, due out on June 3 via Roadrunner Records (one day earlier internationally). The CD, recorded in the band's native Sweden and produced by frontman/guitarist Mikael Åkerfeldt and Jens Bogren, is a masterwork that follows the time-honored OPETH tradition; its modern yet timeless, progressive yet paying homage to the sounds of classic rock. According to a press release, "Watershed" is truly one of those special records that cycles through a variety of moods, speeds and textures, complete with lots of subtleties and nuances of sound. Because of its expansive scope, "Watershed" is destined to land the album atop many "best-of" lists. Album opener "Coil" is a gorgeous acoustic number, featuring local folk vocalist Nathalie Lorichs, while "Heir Apparent" will knock listeners unconscious with its blunt force metal. Always one to defy the rules, OPETH posits sung vocals over artillery-like blast beats on "The Lotus Eater", cementing their reputation as innovators and redefiners. "Watershed" combines elements of modern metal, prog rock, free jazz and hints of European folk music, all of which come together for a seamless, unique collection of songs that will leave an indelible mark upon all who listen. The follow-up to 2005's "Ghost Reveries" is the first OPETH release to feature new guitarist Fredrik Åkesson and drummer Martin Axenrot and is the band's second effort for Roadrunner Records. In a recent interview with Revolver magazine, Åkerfeldt stated about "Watershed","The music is much more complex. The metal parts are even faster and a lot more technical than the last one. It's really hard to play some of this stuff. I mean, I wrote it and even I have trouble playing parts of it. I think it's going to be hard for some people to get into. It's definitely not a commercial-sounding record. The arrangements are exhausting. And it's much darker. Even the major patterns are very dark, while I think 'Ghost Reveries' had some light." When asked if the songs were influences by anything musical, Mikael replied, I was hugely inspired by Scott Walker, who's an avant-garde artist and crooner. Last year he put out a record called 'The Drift', which is quite extreme and frightening, and it made a huge impact on me. Immediately, I wanted to do something like that. It just felt right. Also, with the situation the band has gone through over the last couple of years with the lineup changes, I just wanted it to be this way. I didn't want it to be a happy-sounding record." Takodje, verovatno prva (nazovi) recenzija albuma: http://runningthevoodoodown.blogspot.com/2...bum-update.html
  19. 'El bi mogao sibnuti linAk ovde, meni nista ne otvara na stmusic.com, osim izdasne cene za this domain is for sale
  20. Apsolutni favoriti u zadnjih godinu-godinu i po. Jednostavno, bend cija muzika implementira sve one raznovrsne elemente koje neciji zvuk cine potpunim praznikom za usi. Melanholija, ljutnja, radost, izgubljenost, nada (ne i vera...to ostavljamo Neal Morse-u), ocaj...jasne granice medju njihovim erama, sound-wise, cine ih jos uzbudljivijim, jer i pre Signify i Stupid Dream/Lightbulb Sun i post 2002 era imaju toliko toga da ponude...omiljeni: zadnja tri plus The Sky Moves Sideways i Stupid Dream...top 10 pesama je krajnje nemoguce sastaviti. Mogao bih da balim do bogojavljenja (sto ce zaista biti znacajan period vremena), ali neka...neka ostane na ovome i nadi da cemo ih gledati tokom najavljene "limitirane turneje" sledece godine, u sklopu promocije novog zivog albuma (snimljenog na FoaBP turneji).
  21. Ne znam da li trazim previse, ali da li neko ima/moze da nadje link za skidanje Heima DVD-a od Sigur Ros? Rec je o najvecem umetnickom delu posle oslikavanja Sikstinske kapele, a nema ga nigde...(po mogucstvu rapidshare ili mediafire) Inace, sve pohvale za savrsenu kriminogenost ove teme. Mnogo dobroga mi je donela.
  22. Iznenadjujuce (?) ucestalo spominjanje Porcupine Tree me veseli i mozda nagovestava da angazovanje promotera oko njih mozda ne bi bio Sizifov posao? Elem: Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet The Angelic Process - Weighing Souls With Sand Gazpacho - Night Radiohead - In Rainbows Ulver - Shadows of the Sun 65daysofstatic - The Destruction of Small Ideas Riverside - Rapid Eye Movement Caspian - The Four Trees Sigur Ros - Hvarf/Heim (a ono sto se ZAISTA anticipira je njihov zvanicni studijski sledece godine) Galahad - Empires Never Last Dakle komada 10, ne 5 jer je tako anoreksicno. Od metala, slabo konzumiranog ove godine (osim avangarde *feel my ego growing, mofo*), jedno sto bi dospelo na ikakvu listu, i to onu najvecih razocaranja godine je DT. Evo i cele liste: 1. Dream Theater - Systematic Chaos (fucking strange deja vu, vala bas!) Uzgred, daleko bolja godina za muziku nego li prethodna. Naravno, IMO, bitches.
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