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Et in Arcadia Ego

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Et in Arcadia Ego

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DevSBj_iF4A Krece lagano, a onda negde pri kraju prve trecine...ludnica!
  2. Kao sto si rekao, zvuci znatno toplije od Insurgentes koji je, barem svojim vecim delom, bio hladan album (sto ne znaci da je bio los, naprotiv). Jako mi se svidja naznaka pretezne sinteze vintage prog/jazz/dark ambient pasaza. Uh, izuzetno zvuci! Cini mi se kao da su se SW i Akerfeldt opkladili u to ko ce napraviti bolji prog/jazz album ove godine.
  3. Stigli semplovi. Zvuci nemoguce. http://www.kscopemusic.com/stevenwilson/gracefordrowning/mp3s/myWimpy.html http://www.porcupinetreeforum.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?action=dereferer;url=http://www.burningshed.com/store/kscope/freedownload/11/ Download kompletne pesme Remainder the Black Dog
  4. CD1: 1. Grace For Drowning (2.00) 2. Sectarian (8.00) 3. Deform to Form a Star (8.00) 4. No Part of Me (5.45) 5. Postcard (4.30) 6. Raider Prelude (2.30) 7. Remainder the Black Dog (9.15) CD2: 1. Belle de Jour (3.00) 2. Index (4.45) 3. Track One (4.15) 4. Raider II (23.15) 5. Like Dust I Have Cleared From My Eye (8.00)
  5. Rich Wilson na Voices UK forumu:
  6. Iskreno, nemam previse fenomenalnih intervjua koje sam procitao za nabrojati, sto se muzike tice bar, ali ovaj definitivno spada medju takve. Volim intervjue koji imaju formu normalnog toka razgovora umesto nemetodicnog skakanja sa pitanja na pitanje.
  7. Potpuno. Ne mogu da docekam. Mislim, jbni Alex Acuna gostuje, eeejjj...:worship:
  8. Nije, sigurno novinarska greska.
  9. Hello guys. I have bought the french edition of "Rockhard" magazine, with an Opeth studio report of Heritage Here is some informations that I have translated (sorry for my pretty bad english...) - "Heritage" is an instumental song, played by Joachim. It's a solo piano (like silhouette) - "The Devil's Orchard" is the single of the album but, according to RockHard, it is not really formated for the radios...On the chorus, there is a very impressive passage where mike repeats "God is dead, God is dead, God is dead..." - When mike starts to write the album, he composed 2 songs whith the "watershed style", but he deleted them and tried another direction with "The lines in my hand", wich is one of the most experimental track of the album. - "Famine" featured Alex Acuna and Björn J:son Lindh with a very intense passage with flute + double bass - "Marrow of the earth" is an instrumental song - According to RockHard, the album is very complex, it's very difficult to know what is the song that you are listenning in the tracklist - According to Mike, the guitars used for the album are mostly fender Start and telecaster (but you can see Lespaul and PRS 245 on photos) - According to RockHard Heritage sounds very psychedelic and experimental, each song is different, but the whole album is still very dark. - According to Mike, heritage is not "vintage", it is just not a "clinic and cold" metal album. Opeth didn't want to use digital effects, the want natural sound of each instrument. - Per have left the band because he is a frontman, and he didn't wants to play Mike's music... Sa unofficial Opeth foruma. Edit: a i ovde ima nekih zanimljivih izvoda: http://www.opethforum.com/showthread.php?t=11335
  10. E, to bi bilo nešto. I to sa Beogradskom Filharmonijom.
  11. Ne znam. Nije utisak koji sam stekao, ali dobro, postujem misljenje.
  12. Stvarno mislis da ta izjava nije kipela od ironije? Jebes pretencioznu misticnost. Njegovo ponasanje i ironican smisao za humor je ogromno osvezenje u moru mrstavim pozerima prezasicenog metala koji foliraju auru dragon slayera. Atipicno je i po mom je ukusu. Edit: Evropska turneja najavljena. Srbistana, logicno, nema na spisku. http://www.facebook.com/Opeth?sk=app_123966167614127
  13. Ovo prilicno potvrdjuje teoriju da nesto debelo nije stimalo unutar benda. Odlican intervju.
  14. Danas je onaj Heritage listening party u Londonu. Treba očekivati prve recenzije uskoro.
  15. "Porcupine Tree will get together early next year and work on a new record." http://www.guitarworld.com/interview-guitarist-steven-wilson-blackfield-and-porcupine-tree
  16. Kako to bizarno zvuci!
  17. Zapravo, ne: To conclude, during this 2011 edition of Hellfest, we caught the frontman sneaking in Pain Of Salvation’s dressing room. A good opportunity to point out the harmony between the two bands. And yet, Mikael confirms that no musical collaboration is in store. More simply: "We became friends and we’re going to bring them on tour with us in October. I think we have a lot in common, like our love for the Beatles. I respect them. I wasn’t a big fan of Pain Of Salvation until their last album came out. I really like that album. It clicks with me better than the other stuffs that they did. I thought they were a good band before but this album really is something that I listen to, which was not the case with previous albums." http://www.radiometal.com/en/article/opeth-information-hunting-in-the-toilet,36520
  18. Sa PoS FB stranice: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=144197652324473 Pain of Salvation @ Kuglaš 07 October at 21:00 - 08 October at 00:00 Edit: Black Desire got there first.
  19. I mene. Odavno se nadam necemu prozetom jazzom od SW-a, i izgleda da je konacno stiglo.
  20. Sine, deder priuci se jos po kojem epitetu radi efikasnijeg vredjanja pa i komunikacije uopste, nece ti otpadnu mudasca. Back on topic, od Manginija licno (a ti, derle, knjigu u ruke):
  21. Eto, ljudi, edukacija je gej. Sad znate.
  22. Psovanjem ne dizes sebi kredibilitet niti mene diskreditujes, moraces jace da napnes neurone, malisa. Pa-pa!
  23. Da, ovaj forum vapi za kindergartenom! Edit: Hvala sto mi osvezi pamcenje zasto se vise ne samosortiram medj "metalce koji znaju sta su gej (sic!) klavijature".
  24. Jbt, ovom forumu tako fali "under 12/kindergarten" sekcija.
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