Et in Arcadia Ego
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Lik kome je poslat promo disk na kucnu adresu (!!!) a koji ce raditi intervju sa SW-om kaze da ni PC ni Mac nece da ga citaju i da su u Roadrunneru preduzeli sve moguce mere bezbednosti. Nacekacemo se...
Zaboravite ovo iznad. Reseno. Nekoliko novih previewa od juce:
Moze neko da mi ostavi link za ovaj remix Insurgentesa? Iz nekog razloga ga ne vidim na mediaportal strani posvecenoj albumu...
Ne na celoj turneji, na 5-6 koncerata. Pored njih bice i Engineers, Fripp i jos jedan bend cije ime mi pobeze. Sutra je listening party u Londonu. Semplovi bi trebalo da uskoro budu objavljeni.
Da, to je sa PTF. Tip je naknadno dodao jos neke utiske u tom threadu.
Nije obrada, naravno. Prvi listening party u Njujorku je bio pre par dana, prvi utisci bi trebalo da niknu na netu uskoro.
Jeste jedna pesma, zvanicno se vodi kao takva. U pitanju je song cycle, dakle vise pesama koje imaju tok kao jedna. Mnogima najblizi primer toga je 6DOIT.
Tracklisting za The Incident, disc 1.
Occam's Razor 1:55 The Blind House 5:47 Great Expectations 1:26 Kneel and Disconnect 2:03 Drawing the Line 4:43 The Incident 5:20 Your Unpleasant Family 1:48 The Yellow Windows of the Evening Train 2:00 Time Flies 11:40 Degree Zero of Liberty 1:45 Octane Twisted 5:03 The Séance 2:39 Circle of Manias 2:18 I Drive the Hearse 6:41
Jako mi se dopada ideja koja stoji iza albuma. Dakle, studio footage, pokusaj drugi: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/video/view.aspx?songID=2503
"New York, NY - Grammy-nominated UK recording artist Porcupine Tree have confirmed the title of their tenth studio album: The Incident. The captivating new record is set to be released on Roadrunner Records on September 22, as a double CD. The Incident is a stunning 55-minute musical statement, described by vocalist/guitarist/songwriter Steven Wilson as “a slightly surreal song cycle about beginnings and endings and the sense that ‘after this, things will never be the same again.’” The seeds of the idea that led to The Incident came to Wilson as he became caught up in a highway traffic jam while driving past an accident. “There was a sign saying ‘POLICE – INCIDENT’ and everyone was slowing down to rubber neck to see what had happened,” he recalls. “Afterwards, it struck me that ‘incident’ is a very detached word for something so destructive and traumatic for the people involved. And then I had the sensation that the spirit of someone that had died in the accident entered into my car and was sitting next to me. “The irony of such a cold expression for such seismic events appealed to me, and I began to pick out other ‘incidents’ reported in the media and news,” continues Wilson. “I wrote about the evacuation of teenage girls from a religious cult in Texas, a family terrorizing its neighbors, a body found floating in a river by some people on a fishing trip, and more. Each song is written in the first person and tries to humanize the detached media reportage.” Additionally, Wilson delved back into incidents in his own life that had profoundly affected him, including a lost childhood friendship, a séance, his first love and the day that he decided to give up secure employment to follow his dream of making music. The self-produced album is completed by four standalone compositions that developed out of band writing sessions last December – “Flicker,” “Bonnie The Cat,” “Black Dahlia” and “Remember Me Lover” – housed on a separate CD to stress their independence from the title track. Porcupine Tree – completed by Gavin Harrison (drums), Colin Edwin (bass), and Richard Barbieri (keyboards) – took a video camera into the recording studio, capturing a few moments to share with fans. Explore the behind-the-scenes footage here. Coming to the recording sessions following his first ever solo album, November 2008’s Insurgentes, Wilson admits that the experience of having worked alone affected the direction of The Incident. “Possibly because of having done that, this record is darker, expansive, and more experimental,” he theorizes. “But when I write for Porcupine Tree, I know the sound I’m after.” Porcupine Tree’s latest masterpiece The Incident will be released September 22." http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/news/PORC...LS-OF-THE-INCID ENT-20315.aspx
The Incident Porcupine Tree are happy to announce the forthcoming release of their tenth studio album "The Incident". The record is set to be released via Roadrunner Records worldwide on 21st September, as a double CD. The centre-piece is the title track, which takes up the whole of the first disc. The 55-minute work is described as “a slightly surreal song cycle about beginnings and endings and the sense that ‘after this, things will never be the same again’.” The self-produced album is completed by four standalone compositions that developed out of band writing sessions last December - Flicker, Bonnie The Cat, Black Dahlia, and Remember Me Lover feature on a separate EP length disc to stress their independence from the song cycle. Video footage of the band in the studio working on The Incident, as well as audio previews, will be available online soon. The band will tour extensively to promote the album from mid September onwards.
Jbt...do danas je pomisao na vidjanje PT, DT i Opeth u istoj godini bio domen sci-fi-a, a evo nas sad u prilici da ih strpamo u par dana.
Jea, prijavih se na temi (mislim...). Samo jos da skupim zainteresovane sa moje strane i we're all set.
...A sa vase desne strane vidite udzbenicki primer "I repeated 4th class 5 times and all I got is this lousy, infantile sense of humor." "humora". AstralliSe, ne nerviraj se za badava.
Mislim da ce ovima, kojima album nije legao na prvu, doci sa vremenom (iz dupeta) u usi. Sto se mene tice, delo sasvim blizu savrsenstva. 1000 thumbs up za upotrebu elektronike.
Lose. Ocekivao sam nesto bolje od prethodnih, ali ovo je bas, bas lose. Od odvratno "spojenih" recikliranih delova u TSF koji cine 80% pesme, preko cheesy hitic uzasa od Wither sve do abominacije od Petrucijevih tekstova na TCOT (zabraniti mu da pridje olovci i papiru/Wordu/notepadu ikada vise), ovaj album je ispod svakog proseka. Nista pamtljivo, nista senzacionalno. Meh. Novi Riverside pisa i sere po ovome.
To sa izdavackom kucom je potpuno irelevantno sto se tice "uticaja" na PT u umetnickom smislu. To se nece desiti. Elem, ono bitnije sto sam hteo da napomenem da PT sviraju u Madjarskoj prvog novembra, prvi put u istoriji, te da bi bilo vrlo isplativo iscimati se do tamo...ima li interesenata?
Fenomenalan! Napomenuli su u svom blogu da su se tokom snimanja ADHD-a zabavljali kao nikada pre u studiju i to se tako jasno oseca u zvuku. Odusevljava me agilnost i raznovrsnost albuma, ima i ambijentalnih elektronskih pasaza koji su sasvim komplementarni sa modernim metal rifovima i Deep Purple hammond zvukom klavijatura...dozivesmo, jazz i funk na Riverside albumu a cini mi se da nagovestih i primese blues-a (Left Out). PLasio sam se da ce zbog najavljene energicnosti albuma biti zrtvovana atmosfericna strana muzike, ali nije. Klavir je lepsi nego ikada a novih elemenata koji doprinose "neznosti" zvuka ima pregrst. Kvalitet. Sto neko rece, miljama ispred REM. Ja zadovoljan.
Mislio sam da nije nista kao do sad vidjeno od njih. A da su prvi i drugi epitomi savrsenosti, to svakako.
Vrlo realno. No sacekajmo i Porcupine Tree i jos tonu dark-ambient, neoclassic post-rock electronica opskuranata koje cu tek otkriti.
Au, jbt, fenomenalno. Kako pametna inkorporacija funka, truba, elektronike i metala u celinu. Samo ovo zvuci bolje od bilo cega na REM-u, svezije.
Egoist Hedonist (radio edit) na MySpace-u. Razbija. Kao nista do sad.
Bilo na prosloj strani, ali dobro.
Dark/black ambient
Et in Arcadia Ego replied to oʞɾoƃ's topic in Post Rock, Dreampop, Ambiental, Shoegaze...
Fenomenalan artwork. Samo, ovo trazi password.