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Et in Arcadia Ego

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Everything posted by Et in Arcadia Ego

  1. Prilicno je izvesno da je jedna od obrada To Tame a Land od Maidena.
  2. JP-a ocito drma kriza srednjih godina, sve to bildovanje i shredovanje verovatno je ahiperktivan i u groupie girl segmentu turneja. Zbilja, vrlo primetna stvar u vezi sa DT-om i njihovom (de)evolucijom tokom godina je infantilizacija. Nije, bogamu, prirodno da su tekstualno i misaono najzreliji period imali na pocetku karijere kao klinci pisuci znacajnu liriku koja je navodila i na razmisljanje. Kako omatorise, nastupi period grotesknih bica, mracnih gospodara i lame-ass politickih komentara na nivou osmoljetke.
  3. To je bio Rudess. Izgleda da nije bas najpomnije slusao finalni miks. Kao ni to koje dirke pritiska pri "sviranju".
  4. Prilicno se slazem sa azalom. The wank show must go on! Neki znaci su ukazivali da BC&SL moze biti njihov "reinventing" album, sto im je preko potrebno, ali ovo je samo jos vise istog. Sta se desilo sa njihovom sposobnoscu da iznedre smislenu melodiju? Otkud se pojavi prisila da si 15 minuta konstantno bombardovan neusaglasenim zvucima, da nemas ni minut neophodnog prostora za disanje, gde bi do izrazaja i dosla dinamika? Zeleo bih i da revidiram svoj misljenje po pitanju toga ko bi mogao dobiti sut kartu iz benda: ne LaBrie, vec Rudess. Upravo iz razloga sto covek iako raspolaze velikim talentom radije bira jednodimenzionalne synth brljotine koje zvuce sve istije od albuma do albuma, lisene su bilo kakve kreativnosti i...sta je koji kurac ono pri kraju AROP??? Kevin Moore, jedini covek koji je imao autoritet na klavijaturama u bendu a da mu Portnoy ne odredjuje sta ce da svira, napustio je bend iz pravih razloga. To sam znao i ranije, ovim je samo potvrdjeno. Zaista mi je zao, kao fan ovog benda nadao sam se necemu drugacijem, ali ovo ide iz loseg u sve gore. Jbg...
  5. Ako je po artworku, ocekuje nas promena. U svakom smislu. Meni se svidja cinjenica da album traje (po modernim standardnima) kratka 44 minuta. Mislim da to otkriva da su bili fokusirani na kvalitetno komponovanje pre nego na popunjavanje kapaciteta CD-a po svaku cenu, a mislim da se svi slazemo da je to prioritetnije.
  6. Ta-daaaaa: http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/2003/adhdcover.jpg Exactly 44 minutes and 44 seconds will be the length of the upcoming, fourth Riverside album entitled “Anno Domini High Definition,” the most energetic and rockin’ record of the band. The material recorded in Studio X in Olsztyn will be released worldwide on June 19th, 2009 by InsideOut, and on June 15th, 2009 in Poland by Mystic Production. The booklet layout has again been designed by Travis Smith. There will be five pieces on the album: 1. Hyperactive 2. Driven to Destruction 3. Egoist Hedonist 4. Left Out 5. Hybrid Times Some of them will be played at the forthcoming Riverside concert – on April 26th in Studio club in Kraków.
  7. Mene zanima kakav ce ambijental da nacini.
  8. ^ Slazem se sa gore iznetim. Sto i dalje ne menja cinjenicu da PT ne pripada pravcu zvanom progresiv metal vec samo koristi metal kao deo svog muzickog recnika. Ali, stagod... Steta za odlaganje DVD-a do daljnjeg. Ipak, u medjuvremenu, septembar se blizi...
  9. Meni je ova Rudessova izjava o zvuku i produkciji albuma: "The sound of the instruments - all the instruments sound even better than they ever have, like the drums sound really really good, and the guitars are really dialed in, as well as it could be, the keyboards sound great, and the bass sounds better than, i think, it ever has on a dream theater album and the vocals sound awesome [...] even down to the mastering of the album, the mastering was much more effective, and the dynamics are still left in the music in a big way, more so than a lot of albums these days - that whole loudness war that i'm sure you've heard about [...] where people are trying to make it so their music is louder than other music [...] this time around we said we're not going to play this game, that's ridiculous - we left the dynamics really in the music. I think it makes a big difference to the listening experience..." Dakle, ignorisu besmisao loudness war-a i zbog cega ce album imati vise dinamike. To je falilo SC-u zbog cega je delom i bio tako los album. EDIT: I, kad sam vec u copy-paste mode-u, evo par reci o albumu od strane Rich Wilsona za koga pretpostavljam da je muzicki novinar jerbo poprilicno uvazavaju njegovo mnenije. I guess it all depends on the content. If the music's decent then 80 minutes is great, if it's 40 minutes of filler then you ain't going to be impresseed. That said, this album is 80 minutes of awesomeness. I really don't want to ruin anything and start chuck spoilers in there. But for me, it is a far better album than Systematic Chaos. The last two tracks in particular are incredible. And no frigging Dark Master lyrics either which always helps.
  10. http://www.daveling.co.uk/diary.htm
  11. Nikako metal etiketa. Zapravo, nikakva etiketa.
  12. Neshvatljivo dobar album. Svidja mi se sve rasprostranjenija filozofija pravljenja kracih, konciznijih albuma po uzoru na albume iz zlatne ere albuma kao, da kazem to pretenciozno, medija bez presije da se iskoristi svih 70+ minuta raspolozivog prostora jer je to necija direktiva iz major labela...ta sloboda doprinosi da se stvore ovako kreativni albumi. Svaka cast! PS The Last Baron je zapanjujuca.
  13. Hvala za Ilosaarirock, trazih ga po netu, bezuspesno. Zadovoljice PT apetit do septembra i novog albuma. DVD je, izgleda, odlozen do sledece godine. Steta, ali barem imamo cemu da se radujemo i za 2010.
  14. :) :) Mudonja sa znackom, 16. soljicom instant kafe i nicknameom Hot_Princess_4_U FTW.
  15. Sjajan, sjajan omot. Naziv albuma odstupa od Dream Theater "feelinga" na koji smo navikli u njihovim naslovima do sada, ali to je svakako dobra stvar - pogotovu ako to povlaci odstupanje i od onoga cemu su bili skloni na zadnjih par albuma. Ne znam gde, ali JR je dao mali nagovestaj da ce album biti zacinjen i elementima gothic chantova i atmosfere...Bas me zanima kako bi to zvucalo u njihovom izvodjenju.
  16. Od strane osobe koja je prisustvovala SW-ovom in store meetingu i davannu autograma: Well.... where have I been? I've been to Cardiff. Who did I spend over an hour with? Why, our friend Mr Wilson. Exhausted. Happy. It's always a frustrating thing. You play through in your mind before you go how you want it to happen, and it doesn't. Mainly because the nerves and adrenalin kick in (yes, even I get excited sometimes). Horrible, horrible drive through grey drizzle and rain to cardiff. Got there early to be at the head of the queue... which paid off. I estimate about 70 people turned up to get stuff signed and shake SWs hand etc. He was amazingly polite, given that it must be quite an arduous task, and one he doesn't HAVE to do. He treated each person with courtesy and a smile, and signed copious things. Thr guy beside me had brought.... well, everything by PT, and some No-man for signing. Interesting what was being signed. A lot of Insurgentes, obviously, including about ten SE books. A lot of PT. a good number of Blackfield. Very little of anything else. A couple of No-man. One IEM vinyl.... two UEM. I think I was the only person bringing any Bass Communion. He signed for me: Ocean Song by No-man 12" single ("Haven't seen this in nearly 20 years!!" he said) No-man Schoolyard Ghosts (already signed by Tim Bowness, as a prize for winning the No-man street team promotion competition last year). Bass Communion : Pacific Codex. Told him I loved that one. Bass Communion : Ghosts on Magnetic Tape. We both agreed we loved that. No-man promo single Break-up for Real (only 100 copies exist! Steven didn't know it did and said he ought to try and get one.) Insurgentes : Big book Insurgentes : Regular retail (bought there). As I was at the front of the queue, having done the hand shake, signing and photos... http://i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/s...r/SBmeetsSW.jpg I stayed by Steven, listening to all the questions, and seeing what was being signed. Then after everyone had gone I stayed and chatted with him. So what did I learn? Well, the commonest question asked was "when will you play Cardiff?"... which he couldn't answer, as it's down to his management where he plays, and Cardiff doesn't have a suitable mid-size venue, perhaps. New album... is written. They start the recording this coming Sunday (15th March), hoping to get it finished by May, and the release is set for the end of September. It's scheduled to be a double. The first CD is one long 55 minute track ("Epic" said our man Steven). Then the 2nd CD will be a whole load of shorter tracks. "But plans can change" said Steven, so nothing is certain. I think he's going HEAVIER with this one, as there was mention of "drop B tuning" which to me sounds "interesting". Will there be a 5.1 mix? "Of course...." he laughed. Guest musicians? He was tight lipped on this one. He talked a lot about Insurgentes. Obviously very pleased with it. Gave his stock answer about lyrics "I don't know what I was singing...". Seemed very pleased with walls of sound on the album. Seemed intrigued that I had transcribed much of the lyrics for PTF. Claims he knows PTF but doesn't have the time to ever visit here. I sent him love from Krys ("thank you") and regards from GK (SoD), who he thinks very highly of, it seems. I had a long discussion with him about abstract noises. The bzzzt bzzt in All Sweet Things, in the right rear channel just as Tim sings "The schoolyard ghosts..." He was intrigued, as he said he didn't know it was there, was probably feedback and would have to go listen himself. But it led on to a conversation about him not liking things "clean". I pointed out my other bugbear, the whistle in the middle of Shesmoveon, and he tells me it is guitar feedback that he decided should stay in there, though was accidental. We talked about No-man. Wild Opera hoping to see a release again soon. He reiterated what TBo had told me, that the problem is with the cover art. When I asked if L&L would ever see a rerelease.... we had a set to. He dismissively said "No one would want THAT thing....." I was shocked, and told him it's my favourite thing he's ever done.... and we had a little arguement about it. (Personally I think his opinion of it is tainted by the fact he's never made a penny from it, and it was a very unhappy relationship with OLI. I then told him exactly what I thought of the HK video. Indeed. I used the S%^t word. He was taken aback, telling me he was "REALLY pleased with it". He tried to sway me by explaining its homage nature to independent film. But we ultimately agreed to disagree. He loves it. I think it's crap. But he was ok about hearing something negative. When I told him I didn't "get" a few of his BC projects, but assumed he was ok with that, he totally agreed. Lots more... but this has gone on too long. He's much smaller than I remembered. But very nice. Stubble was evident on chin. He was drinking OJ out of a starbucks cup all the time. He's been vegetarian for 12 years. All in all, a very successful afternoon. Thank you SW for being so patient with me, and hello to all the nice people I met in line. Very nice people. ... I came.
  17. Pridruzite me ovoj ekipi koja ide iskljucivo zbog Novembre.
  18. Harmony Korine video
  19. Kritiku? Da li si upoznata sa znacenjem reci "dubiozno"?
  20. Da se razumemo - i ja sam (bio) veliki fan DT-a. I dalje smatram Scenes From a Memory jedinstvenim muzickim i konceptualnim klasikom i tome slicno. I bas zato je svako spominjanje ovog benda kod mene osenceno nekom dozom rezignacije - ne zato sto ih a priori (ili a posteriori, svejedno) ne volim. Vec zato sto osecam da su dozvolili da se uljuljkaju u jednu stranu svog kvaliteta - a to je virtuoznost - i stoga zanemare svaku primesu kreativnosti. Sto zatim, kao zatvoreni krug, pocinje negativno da se odrazava i na njihovu doticnu virtuoznost tako sto je prestaje biti, postaje repetitivnost. Portnoy je primer - postao je uzasno predvidiv, kao i njihovi albumi. Ogroman offtopic, ali jbg.
  21. I vise od toga. Harrison je u ovom trenutku daleko kreativniji bubnjar od Portnoya koji prati korake svog maticnog benda - u zabokrecini.
  22. OK, fair enough. Ja to ne cujem, ali i svidja mi se sto postoji vlastito tumacenje i asocijacija tonova kod svakog ponaosob.
  23. Naravno da ne lici, ukoliko mislis na pesmu. Tool niti koriste eho zvuk klavijatura niti onakva melodicna gitarska razlaganja.
  24. Nikako na Tool, mada su i APC, PT, Blackfield reference takodje dubiozne. Po meni, oni imaju jasno definisan, unikatan atmosferican zvuk od samog pocetka...zaista, od prvog slusanja pa do sada, ne asociraju me ni na sta od navedenog i nenavedenog.
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