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Duke Of Borca

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Everything posted by Duke Of Borca

  1. Drzi link: http://www.totentanz-magazin.de/tab_reviewcd.php?ID=2744
  2. Recenzija sa www.totentanz-magazin.de Uneben. Ein passender Name für eine Band, die verschiedenste Einflüsse zu einem wilden Stilmix zusammenrührt und obendrein fast ausschließlich in krummen Takten spielt. Uneven kommen aus Serbien und sind hörbar von der Folklore ihrer Heimat beeinflußt, lassen diese Elemente ungehemmt in ihre Musik Einzug halten. Gleichzeitig frickeln sie gerne vor sich hin, der Drummer groovt wie ein Monster und wirbelt hauptsächlich im 7/8tel-Takt vor sich hin. Mit dieser Mischung aus Progressive und Folk Metal fallen mir spontan Tyr als Vergleich ein, was aber auch nicht stimmig ist, denn die epische, majestätische Atmosphäre der nordatlantischen Wikinger geht Uneven völlig ab, sie wirken ungezähmter, leidenschaftlicher und wilder. Wenn beim instrumentalen Titelstück, bei „USSR“ oder „Uneven“ die ganze Bande scheinbar chaotisch und doch punktgenau durcheinanderwirbelt, muß ich auch an The Dillinger Escape Plan denken, nur sind die Serben eben melodischer und folkiger. Ihr seht, diese Band ist nicht einfach zu kategorisieren, aber euer Interesse sollte ausreichend geweckt sein, um mal reinzuhören. Auch wenn der letzte Song „Fire in the hole“ qualitativ stark abfällt, bin ich von diesem Demo sehr angetan und freue mich auf ein volles Album von Uneven. Valjda im se svidja haha
  3. Hvala drugar, vidimo se opet nekad u Nisu Recenzija sa www.metal-mayhem.co.uk Uneven - Vrzino Kolo (Independent Demo, 2009) Heavy metal is truly global. Take Serbia's Uneven, who is proving that a band from a little country in central/southeastern Europe, which is not usually known for its abundance of metal music, can be a noticeable force in the genre. Founding members Darko Minic (guitar) and Stevan Radoicic (guitar) have blended their love of heavy metal with Balkan ethno folk music, which is a mixture of odd and uneven (hence their band name) rhythms and scales that are indigenous to the Balkan region. They weave complex rhythms and odd time signatures, mixed with social and political lyrical content to create a unique ethnic metal zest on their five-song demo "Vrzino Kolo." On first listen, you'll hear System of a Down comparisons, as well as Dream Theater's influence, especially on Dordo Vujicic's creative drum fills. Self-titled instrumental opener "Vrzino Kolo" (literally translated as witch Sabbath), is an old Serbian superstition about a dance that witches or fairies would perform. It has an eerie "Arabian" sound that sets the tone for the following songs. Dark humor abounds in "Nights in the Club," which has sort of an ' 80s-metal feel to it. "Uneven" is a fun song with groovy guitar riffs and great melodies. Anti-communist piece "U.S.S.R." starts off with sampled Churchill, Kennedy, Reagan and Clinton quotes; the song seems to profess a "what if" message, with references to Soviet politician Nikita Khrushchev and the Cold War. CD closer "Fire in the Hole" has a thrashy edge to it and is the heaviest song on the CD. This is an impressive start for the Serbians. The band has created something catchy and memorable. Their musicianship is tight, and the production is of high standards for a demo. With a few tweaks here and there, Uneven could find themselves moving on to bigger things. For a free download of Uneven's demo, go to http://www.megaupload.com/?d=094OUQ00 or visit their MySpace page [HERE] - 8 - Kelley Simms
  4. Recenzija sa www.archaicmetallurgy.com Sometimes, even though way too seldom, fresh-sounding metal can be heard. Serbia's Uneven are of this rare breed. The band mixes Balkan ethno music with heavy metal in the way I've never heard before. The folk music influence is clearly heard on some chord patterns as well as in odd rhythms, like 7/8 or 11/8. Uneven rhythms, and that's where the band's name originates from. The instrumental opener 'Vrzino Kolo' is a fine example of non-rock rhythm based song-craft, and its heavy/thrash metal guitar work is very catchy, thanks to its folky roots. 'Nights in the Club' is like the Serbian version of Skyclad; hellishly catchy, joyful piece of folky heavy metal. 'USSR' is a dark heavy metal song with thrashy edge, and let's not forget that ethno music element. 'Uneven' is music-wise similar to the opener, but nursery rhyme lyrics add another dimension to it. 'Fire in the Hole' is the heaviest song on offer with its shredding riffage and hefty tom drum beats. The vocals are very varying. Various styles of clean singing and shouting can be heard. The voice or the skills of the vocalist are not the best, but he totally puts his soul into it. The lyrics are about war, politics, and other social isues, so it is no surprise that the vocals are so into it when remembering the history of the band's homeland. And that also transpires from the instrumentalists. Everything is rigorously performed, but the sound job with guitar string sounds left untouched, let's it breathe. At the end of the day, these five songs are a bit too much from the same mould, as the ethno rhythms are present throughout the demo. However, it still is a fresh gust in the world of heavy metal. The band sound fully ready for the album, especially is they can provide more comprehensive musical appearance. A da, sledeca svirka 22-og living rum, Demo Masters polufinale
  5. Jel si video u Maricu? Tamo sam video tako nesto, samo ne znam dal je to sto kazes za palac, ili ima i za ostale prste.
  6. Drugarice, najbolja si
  7. Sta obradjujete?
  8. Marici su lopuze, njihovo racunanje evra uvek moze realno dobro da te zajebe ako nemas 500-1000 kinti viska, od stvarne cene. Kupi polovne, nek ti neko ugradi i vozi.
  9. Zdravo drugari, zivi smo, mnogo pijemo, radimo na novim pesmama i obradama, u medjuvremenu treba nam vasa podrska, glasajte za nas na sledecim adresama: http://www.blrockopen.com (samo dva klika je potrebno) http://www.metalcamp.com/ (Potrebno je registrovati se, pa je tek onda moguce upisati glas) Hvala
  10. I jos recenzija, bas ih ima u zadnje vreme Ovaj put Nocturne magazin Uneven – Vrzino Kolo (Demo) Bez ikakvog ustručavanja, već na samom početku recenzije moram reći da zaista odavno, ne samo na našoj već i na stranoj metal sceni, nisam čuo nešto ovako osvežavajuće i novo! Čemu ovoliko oduševljene pitate se? Iz jednog veoma jednostavnog razloga – ovi momci su uspeli da zaista stvore jednu unikatnu vrstu muziku, spajajući balkanske etno ritmove i metal muziku! Najbliže i najjednostavnije rečeno – Vlatko Stefanovski meets heavy metal  I to ne samo u smislu vrste muzike, već zaista i po kvalitetu sviranja. Izuzetno teške neparne ritmove po kojima je i bend dobio ime, momci iz Unevena sviraju kao od šale, tehnički precizno i uigrano. Za sada bend iza sebe ima samo jedno izdanje, demo snimak pod nazivom Vrzino Kolo. Iako samo demo snimak, kvalitet snimka je zaista fenomenalan i može da se poredi sa bilo kojim regularnim stranim full lenght izdanjem. Jedina zamerka može se uputiti na vokal, koji je zaista u nekim delovima pesama slabiji, pogotvu kada je neophodno izvući neke visoke tonove. Međutim čak i ovaj mali nedostatak ne može da pokvari jedan opšti utisak, koji čovek stekne slušajući ovaj demo, a to je da po prvi put posle dužeg vremena na domaćoj metal sceni imamo bend koji itekako zavređuje puno pažnje. Ako vam se svidelo šta je Emir Hot prošle godine uradio sa svojim Sevdah Metalom, obavezno se potrudite da poslušate Uneven i osetite pravi etno metal! Ocena 9/10 Ivan Zaletel
  11. O aktuelnim desavanjima vezanim za Uneven, mozete se informisati na sledecoj adresi: http://www.uneven.rs/
  12. A evo jos malo recenzija http://www.spirit-of-metal.com/album-groupe-Uneven-nom_album-Vrzino_Kolo-l-en.html While reading their “Bio”, where this Serbian progressive band is mentioning the use of odd rhythms in their music, and stating Dream Theater as one of their main influences, I was prepared to be confronted with just another ‘over-technical’, ‘no-mistakes allowed’, and, finally, ‘boring’ piece of work. Fortunately this is not the case here. Their music, as presented in this demo, although obviously walking in more technical fields, incorporates the desired heaviness and straightforward Thrash (the Iced Earth way!) riffs that keep the ensemble of sounds ‘down to Earth’. Their other Muse besides Metal, comes from the areas of folk music, mainly Balkan. This isn’t done in some “Baltic (or else) Pagan Folk Black” way where the two kinds of music have distinctive roles, but, rather, they do it in the same way as Iron Maiden’s ‘Nomad’; the whole song to be based on folk rhythms (basic ones, so to be played by a Metal band). Probably their extensive coverage of their native folk songs has left its mark. Another mark is left by the band’s name! The material in “Vrizno Kolo” is, indeed, ‘uneven’! There are parts here that are surprisingly good and force the listener to whistle the melodies after some ‘auditions’ of the album. This applies to most of the songs, especially when the guitars build themes and solos in twin-lead fashion or provide headbanging rhythms every now and then. Some choruses are, also, fun; examples being “Nights in the Club” and “USSR”. A fairly good production helps the outcome to sound strong and confident. On the other hand, there were moments here that flirted with getting on my nerves. I guess, the mixing of too many elements together can ruin the final result. You can’t sound like a melodic Power-Metal band and a schizoid System of a Down-like nu band (listen to the tail-end parts of “USSR” and “Fire in the Hole”) together, in less than 4 minute-long songs! You’re then left with a product that resembles an Andy Warhol’s poster in the ruins of a Gothic chapel! Some people might like that, but I don’t! The vocal lines also, kind of, diminish quite often, the final result; which is a pity considering the enjoyable music that accompanies them. It’s not that the singer is bad, but the fusion doesn’t work out very well. An example to that is the s/t song “Uneven” where the childish repetitiveness of 20 words crosses the borders of tolerance. All in all, it’s an interesting demo, with nice melodies and has definitely its moments. There are elements here that can, for sure, push the band further in their future compositions, but there are, also, aspects that need to be bettered in order to present a piece of work worthy of their potential. 15/20 PS. The lyrics to “Nights in the Club” is what Nikki Sixx would have written on his school desk! http://www.metalfanatix.com/album/uneven.html Serbian metal band Uneven was created when two musicians got together to combine metal and their native music. They completed their lineup shortly there after when they found others with the same musical interests. Uneven’s name comes from their use of odd time signatures, much of which is from their Balkan music influence where some time signatures can be considered “uneven.” Their music overall is traditional heavy metal with flavor from Balkan ethno music, a bit of a thrashy edge, and progressive technicality. This all culminates to their five-songs demo “Vrzino Kolo”. Starting off this demo is a two-minutes instrumental intro, which sets the vibe for these five-tracks and seventeen minutes. Throughout the demo you will hear powerful leads, some nice solos, and lots of good guitarwork. The majority stays heavy metal vibe, but they also worked some acoustic guitarwork into the demo. Drums are more than adequate. They keep the odd time signatures going at a good pace with adequate fills and beats. Clean vocals for the most part (besides an occasional scream or yelling vocal). They are done pretty straightforward. All of the lyrics are done in English to make the lyrical content more comprehensible to the diverse nature of the Balkans and the world in general. Topics written include dark humor, social issues, war, politics, and other worldwide themes. They seem to be a tight group musically. Production is damn good for a demo. It’s not perfect, but much better than what most people would think for a demo. The majority of the music on “Vrzino Kolo” is written pretty well. However there are a few parts that seem a little dull at times. It just simply lacks a spark. Most of the guitarwork makes up for it though. You don’t often see a promising metal band from Serbia, but with Uneven now on the job, they will seek to buck that trend. Nice start gentlemen! Rating: 75
  13. Uneven na hitu 202 livingroom 12.9.2009. Vidimo se tamo
  14. Odlicno, oduzmi od ona 4 sto mi dugujes vec 5 godina, znao sam da ces da glasas, ipak si demokrata.
  15. Hvala drugari, vi ste mehurici u nasem pivu
  16. To je sada IN
  17. Zamolio bi sve ljude koji imaju minut vremena da glasaju za Uneven: http://award.rockthenation.eu/vote.php Hvala
  18. Skoro pa ko Cipi
  19. Sta zna stranac stra je frula
  20. www.metalreviews.com It’s amazing how little recognition Metal bands from certain parts of the world are accorded. Can anyone, from the top of their heads, name just three Serbian Metal bands, for instance? Yet, as proven by the quality of this initial demo from Beograd-based five-piece Uneven, there’s a wealth of talent awaiting the ears of any Metalhead curious enough to do some research. Uneven are remarkably talented for a band that’s barely two years old, and I couldn’t believe that this was a demo at first, such is the quality of the five songs here. The band play a mixture of Balkan Folk and equally traditional Progressive Metal, the strange time changes and obviously technical drumwork combining with singer Ivan’s Folky voice and story-telling lyrics to create an intriguingly original sound for the band. Really, the Folk element is what makes this such an interesting listen, the patterns and melodies of Fire In The Hole and opening instrumental Vrinzo Kolo especially clearly influenced by ethnic music and all the better for it. Other influences range from Dream Theatre to System Of A Down (far more of the former than the latter – the frequent drum rolls are total Portnoy worship!) and the guitar riffage is tight and focused. Even though this is a demo, I’m struggling to think of any criticisms at all. The songs are varied and interesting, from the fun 80s Metal of Nights In The Club to the sampled Churchill and Reagan quotes on the epic USSR, and really there’s not a weak moment present. Five more songs and the band would have a debut album that any of the larger Metal labels would be well-advised to release... a few tweaks here and there is all that’s needed for Uneven to go very far indeed. The skill and passion are there already, now all that’s needed is the support! You can hear the entire demo on the band’s MySpace, linked below, according to which they are currently touring across Serbia. I wish them all the best and hope to hear more from them very soon.
  21. Trebalo bi da dobavimo nekako, nadam se da ce biti ovih dana
  22. Kao sto rece Dule Savic: ako ne danas, sutva, ako ne sutva, pvekosutva... Ima vremena , bar smo se dobro narakijali
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