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Everything posted by Ultimate Bastich V.2.
Ultimate Bastich V.2. replied to Ivan_Creed's topic in Gothic, Electro & Industrial + Neofolk
Mrtva tema ajde da se ozivi malo sa novim remiks albumom!!!! ARTiST....[ KMFDM TiTLE.....[ Brimborium GENRE.....[ Electronic LABEL.....[ Metropolis KHZ.......[ 44.1 MODE......[ VBRkbps / Joint-Stereo ENCODER...[ Lame 3.97 Mod REL.DATE..[ Feb-14-2008 TRACKLiST Nr. TRACK TiME: 01 Tohuvabohu (MS 20 Mix) By Combichrist 04:46 02 Looking For Strange 05:28 (Super Strange Mix) By Die Krupps 03 Superpower (Buttfunk Mix) By Kapt'n K. 04:14 04 Headcase (Hallowe'en Mix) By Jules Hodgson 04:25 05 Tohuvabohu (Ex Nihilo Mix) By Angelspit 04:47 06 I Am What I Am (The One And Only Mix) By Steve White 06:26 07 Looking For Strange 06:31 (All Strung Up Mix) By Velox Music 08 Saft Und Kraft (Saft Und Crack Mix) By DJ Acucrack 05:48 09 Not In My Name (Check Yourself Mix) By 16 Volt 05:41 10 Headcase (Fix Mix) By Angelspit 04:15 11 Spit Or Swallow (Electric Stomp Mix) By Velox Music 04:55 12 You're No Good (Zomb'd Out Mix) By Zombie Girl 06:46 13 What We Do For You 09:14 TOTAL PLAYTiME (MiN): 73:16 RELEASENOTES KMFDM, on the cusp of their 24th year, present their first full blown remix album ever, Brimborium. The album features 13 tracks and clocks in at over 73 minutes running time, offering dancefloor freaks and ultra heavy beat fans a disc that is packed with remixes and never before released material. Brimborium contains 11 remixes of tracks from Tohuvabohu (KMFDM's 2007 release), a remix from 2005’s Hau Ruck (never before available on CD) and one new track (created from fan’s phone calls). The remixers include none other than KMFDM themselves – with entries from Sascha K., Jules Hodgson and Steve White. Also featured are remixes by past KMFDM opening acts – Combichrist, DJ? Acucrack, 16 Volt and Angelspit. Additional remixes by industrial music pioneers Die Krupps, future electronic superstar Velox Music and Icon Of Coil/Zombie Girl legend Sebastian Komor round out the high-caliber list of contributors. Brimborium can be loosely translated as “something with no meaning or value”, perhaps a comment on most band's approaches to a remix record, but not so with KMFDM! Aside from an all-star cast heavily reworking tracks on the CD, the accompanying booklet features explosive new artwork from Brute! and liner notes that tell the behind-the-scenes story of KMFDM's Fan Phone. Brimborium features double doses of Tohuvabohu's most popular tracks, the title cut and "Looking For Strange". The album's one all-new piece is called “What We Do For You”, a title lifted from a line in the band's hit song “Light”. This new audio collage is built out of samples from some of the best (and craziest) calls KMFDM received on their Fan Phone during the recording of Tohuvabohu. KMFDM offers you yet another top-notch release that is filled to the Brim(borium) and proves once again that KMFDM are "the power you can trust!" http://rapidshare.com/files/91926588/k-b.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/91925615/k-b.r00 -
Ma piju vise ipak su mladji a i jetre su im i dalje zdrave, ali ne zadugo
Prava hriscanska familija za primer drugima.
E da ih ima vise gde bismo sada bili.... Nadam se da ce da izbace neki live dvd, mislim da bi se svasta moglo videti na njihovim nastupima, a bogme i iza bekstejdza.
Nista specijalno ova dva remixa....
word Meni za sada fansong ima najsmesniji tekst na albumu. Bolje bi im bilo da kada zavrse 2 sezonu ove godine izbace i 2 album taman da ubace ove nove pesme i ove koje nisu usle na prvi album tipa Crush My Battle Opponent's Balls(ta bas nekako fali da upotpuni ceo dozivljaj, ah) P.S. Hajde neka moderator ispravi ime benda
Liar Liar pants on fire bilo je jace od mene
17.4.2008 Agnostic Front at SKC!!!! http://www.mad-tourbooking.de/tour.html Kada nisam bio prvi put eto sada cu ici
Jebu mame. Jedu malu decu. Posle slusanja dovode do svrsavanja.
Hm, jel se meni cini ili Roadhouse Blues ovde bolje zvuci nego na Last Sucker-u?
Pobogu zasto izdati troduplo izdanje? Izbacite petostruko jer to niko nece ocekivati, a i ne verujem da je iko to uradio do sada
Ma album je pravi metal tr00-est of the tr00! Favoriti su Awaken, Briefcase Full Of Guts, Birthday Dethday i naravno Duncan Hills Coffe Jingle Valjda ce Brendon da nas do kraja ove godine iznenadi sa novim albumom, jerbo to bi bilo kul, mnogo.
Slusam ga upravo, ovo je uradjeno samo da se uzmu pare, plasim se samo sta ce Al da uradi sa Revolting Cocks-om i Lard-om posle toga kada raspusti Ministry, samo da i oni ne zastrane pa da odu u dalje pljuvanje Busa...
http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/press_..._fools_day.html sve pise o albumu ko gostuje itd. Mene samo zanimaju ove obrade koje nisam imao prilike da cujem, ove sto su se vec nasle na albumima me ne interesuju...
Kec je najbolji sve ostalo je preseravanje...
Jahaci magle 2008? Pa nije valjda da ni ove godine necete izbaciti taj prvi album
Mindless Self Indulgence
Ultimate Bastich V.2. replied to Sinstrel's topic in Gothic, Electro & Industrial + Neofolk
Ko leba ti? -
Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)
Ultimate Bastich V.2. replied to VoivodBG's topic in Film, serije, emisije
Pa ni predator nije ubio predalien-a Ostade nereseno, vise srece u sledecem nastavku -
Jasta, but aint gonna happen....
Mogli bi da ih dovedu na Castle ali kako izgleda stanje....
Mindless Self Indulgence
Ultimate Bastich V.2. replied to Sinstrel's topic in Gothic, Electro & Industrial + Neofolk
Nikada nije kasno -
Sranje, jel si uspeo da ih nadjes negde evo ja trazio na par sajtova i nista nema....
The Hunt, Sarcastic Existence, Altered State, Dead Embryonic Cells, Inquisition Symphony meni bi to bilo dosta od starijih da odsviraju, mada voleo bi da padne nesto i od nailbomb-a