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Ultimate Bastich V.2.

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Everything posted by Ultimate Bastich V.2.

  1. Radio Moscow obavezno cekujte, psychedelic rock u svojem najboljem izdanju Plus gitarista zvuci kao novi Jimi Hendrix.
  2. Excepter Debt Dept. 2008 Intelligence Deuteronomy 2007 Radio Moscow - Self Titled 2007 HiM - 1110 2008
  3. Muzika mi se svidja, ali tekstovi....mislim vec je sve rekao sa Sepulturom i Soulfly-em...
  4. Vokal mu varira na svakom albumu, meni je bio najiritantniji na ep, na Kezia je bio popast, a sada na Fortress je uskladjen sa onim growlovima. Los breakdown, a sta je to?
  5. Dios mio, vokal mozda zvuci homo na trenutke ali to je to, da nije takav vokal ne bi bila ista atmosfera, tako da gej vokal+zika=awesome
  6. Ma svi su strejt, a azal je mislio na taj record label i na taj bend sa kojim su isli na turneje.
  7. Pesma sa Serjovog solo albuma koja se dobija samo preko itunes-a http://rapidshare.com/files/87863364/17_-_The_Reverend_King.mp3
  8. Sinoc je moj ortak Luka komentarisao Bloodmeat spot, kako Rody mora da je gej, samo zbog feminiziranih pokreta, ja sam naravno otisao u ofanzivou rekavsi da je i Halford gej pa nema feminizirane pokrete, go figure....
  9. Izasao album i zasluzuju sada sopstvenu temu a ne da se o tome prica na Sepultura temi. Inflikted http://rapidshare.com/files/88037683/CC-I_www.mediaportal.ru.rar Ekipa: Max vocals/rhytm guitar Igor drums Marc Rizzo guitar Joe Duplainter bass
  10. Ima ga na ep a i vidis da ce biti bonus na albumu, a za album ces se malo nacekati
  11. Ne, Massive Killing Capacity i dalje im je najbolji
  12. Johann Kraus. fuck yeah Ocekivanja za film su porasla.
  13. merging from the studio amid a flurry of critical acclaim over their new album Fortress, Canadian metal gurus Protest the Hero have heard our mortal cries for epic rawk and are embarking on a massive cross country rampage with Silverstein. In celebration, we've put together a prize pack worthy of the greatest dive bomb guitar solo in history! WHAT YOU GET (click the album to visit PTH's wicked site) Nexopia and Protest the Hero have joined forces to put together a prize pack guaranteed to get you through any event; be it a protest, heavy metal show, or just a date that's going really really well. Here's what we have: 8 separate prize packs consisting of the following: 1 Protest the Hero golf shirt - $30 value 1 signed CD booklet (no CD unfortunately) - $10 value 1 Protest the Hero poster - $5 value PTH condoms PTH stickers 1 year of Nexopia Plus 1 Nexopia bandana Nexopia sticker And don't forget, you can grab tickets to see Protest the Hero at any of the dates listed below from Ticket Master. Here are the dates and locations: January 28: Vancouver – Croatian Cultural Center January 30: Edmonton – Starlite Room January 31: Edmonton – Starlite Room February 1: Calgary – MacEwan Hall February 2: Saskatoon – The Odeon February 3: Regina – The Distrikt February 4: Winnipeg – The Garrick February 7: London, Ont. - Cowboys Ranch February 8: Toronto – Kool Haus February 9: Montreal – Club Soda February 10: Quebec City – Imperial February 12: Fredericton – Kinsmen Center February 14: Riverview - Dan Bowen Center February 14: Moncton – The Manhattan Club February 16: St. Johns – Junctions February 16: Halifax – Pavillion February 18: St. Johns – The Basement HOW TO ENTER We're completely OCD when it comes to knowing everything about the Canadian music scene and we love hearing about new bands that are about to take over the world. So, in the spirit of sharing a love of music, we've made this our easiest contest to win yet. All you have to do is tell us who your favorite 5 Canadian bands are right now. Who knows, you might even end up walking away with tickets to some of their shows one day. When you have your picks narrowed down, post them in the Protest the Hero thread in the Nexopia Contest Forum and voila, you're on your way to walking away with a pretty sweet package. Kuje prodali su se, napravili su kondome kao Kiss i Man-O-War pre njih
  14. Gledacu ga kada se pusti normalno u bioskopima van ovih premijera.
  15. http://www.mediafire.com/?ajztrtyyden Hm,ako je fejk mnogo dobro skida Dzejmsov glas, i cini mi se da jeste fejk jer me mnogi rifovi podsecaju na black album(ko zna mozda su konacno obradili sami sebe )
  16. Discography 1993 120 Days Of Genitorture 1998 Sin City 2000 Machine Love 2002 Flesh Is The Law EP 2008 Odlicni su, zika im je kul, tematike o s/m, bolu i seksu sta cete vise. Imaju mozda i najbolje/najneobicnije nastupe od svih bendova jer im se na stejdzu pridruzuju striptizete, pornicarke koje ucestvuju u s/m performansu i slicnim cudima. Pevacica Gen je carica, zmu joj je David Vincent(Morbid Angel) aka Evil D, koji takodje svira u bendu bas.
  17. I zavrsi na mestu na kojem najmanje zelim da vidim ovaj bend....
  18. Uvek ostaje desanka. Tako mi je rekao ovaj lik iz bad music for bad people,jutros mu javili da su otkazali celu evropu.
  19. Qui otkazali celu Evropsku turneju!
  20. Darthmaul stavio datume sa majspejsa,a evo i postera Ako neko ima linkove ka albumima two cow garage neka stavi ovde.
  21. Artist Ascension Of The Watchers Album Numinosum Label 13th Planet Records Year 2008 Style Goth / Pop / Ethereal Quality Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo Source CDDA Type Promo CD Date 01-07-2008 01. Ascendant 05:49 02. Evading 07:51 03. Residual Presence 05:52 04. Canon For My Beloved 08:23 05. Moonshine 05:32 06. Mars Becoming 06:14 07. On The River 04:41 08. Violent Morning 02:54 09. Like Falling Snow 04:22 10. Sounds Of Silence 04:20 11. Quintessence 16:29 http://rapidshare.com/files/82096372/as.rar.html
  22. Qui - Love's Miracle http://rapidshare.com/files/48121005/qui_-...e_s_miracle.zip P.S.Qui kod nas u martu pa ko voli nek izvoli.mjetal.
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