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Everything posted by Svart

  1. Ako ne radi na jedan click, nista od toga Oce u posebnom tabu.
  2. Koliko samo u toj recenici ima stvari koje me nerviraju.
  3. Svart

    BM noviteti

    Cuo sam jednu pesmu, nije losa.
  4. Zato sto je to sto gledaju jako dosadno.
  5. Steta sto ja necu biti tamo.
  6. Jel neki koncert kod nas? Ako nije nista ..
  7. Svart

    Amon Amarth

    Ja necu da se izjasnjavam jos, retko koji album mi je na prvo slusanje jako dobar. A da lici na sve prethodne je tacno.
  8. Svart


    Taj covek je smesan na svakoj slici.
  9. Svart

    Amon Amarth

    Kad ste toliko zapeli za zanre - Melodic Death Metal i nista vise.
  10. Probaj
  11. Dobra vest, ako je tacno.
  12. Da, on
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er8qyAKX7Gg
  14. Svart


    Oni treba da izdaju Live album sa Atillom, ne znam sta cekaju.
  15. Sto vise slusam sve mi je bolji album. Jos jedan Blasphemerov masterpiece.
  16. Ave Talvi.
  17. Ajd sad si moderator, obrisi ono (noviji) u naslovu.
  18. I bitan deo o Khanu: He states, "I am here in Norway still recovering from what seems to have been a severe burnout syndrome. I am getting better, but still under medical care. My priorities at the moment are my health and family. My future endeavors in KAMELOT and music in general are being evaluated. However, at this time my focus is on getting back on my feet and spending time with family and friends. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes!"
  19. Tu ce titulu Frubi dobiti kako stoje stvari.
  20. In honour of Kalevala Day, we are proud to announce the title and artwork of the upcoming Amorphis album. The Beginning Of Times will be released on June 1, preceded by the single You I Need in April. The tracklist is as follows: 1. Battle For Light 2. Mermaid 3. My Enemy 4. You I Need 5. Song of the Sage 6. Three Words 7. Reformation 8. Soothsayer 9. On a Stranded Shore 10. Escape 11. Crack in a Stone 12. Beginning of Time (digipack bonus) 13. Heart’s Song The new album is the most challenging Amorphis album so far in terms of both music and lyrics. Its central character is the iconic hero of Finnish mythology, Väinämöinen, whose tale has been masterfully retold by lyricist Pekka Kainulainen. The Beginning Of Times was produced by the band; vocals were recorded under the guidance of Marco Hietala in his home studio in Kuopio. Like its predecessors, the album was mixed by Mikko Karmila. Its cover artwork shows Travis Smith’s magnificent interpretation of the mythological birth of the world from a duck’s egg. In June, Amorphis will embark on the extensive The Beginning Of Times tour, which is scheduled to continue through 2012. <h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":"msg"}"></h6>
  21. Svart


    Pa normalno, sta je tu cudno?
  22. Mislim da je vreme da preseku vise i odluce se za nekog pevaca dok se Khan ne vrati, samo ne ovog naravno. Ovaj Michael Eriksen dobro zvuci.
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