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Everything posted by Svart

  1. Dobro zvuci.
  2. To je poznato da su oni oduvek bili drugaciji od ostalih norveskih bendova po svojoj tematici i uverenjima.
  3. Evo jedan intervju: Christopher Porter of the Washington Post Express recently conducted an interview with Demonaz of Norwegian black metallers IMMORTAL. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below. Washington Post Express: How is your tendonitis? Can you play any guitar these days? Demonaz: I play guitar every day, and I make songs. I'm working on my solo project, on Nuclear Blast,that will come the beginning of next year. Yeah, I play guitar everyday — I play 10 minutes here and maybe have a break, then maybe playfor 15 minutes. I can't do that hard picking for an hour in a row. If Ihad to rehearse every day with the band, or every second day ... I willhurt myself. I can play the solos and everything with the speed, butafter 10 minutes my arm is like, "OK, you have to take a break." It'schronic; I will always have the problem, maybe. But it's got muchbetter the last [few] years. ... But it's been a long time since thishappened, and for me and Abbath, the most important thing is tokeep the band together. ... When I got my problems, instead of takingon a new guitar player, we had Abbath to take over the guitar and we found a new bass player instead so that we could still work together. Because me and Abbath, at that time if we were to separate, none of us could do IMMORTAL, because this is the vision we had together. I can't do this without me and I cannot do this without him. Washington Post Express: Abbath was married to your sister, and then they got divorced. Did that situation play any role in IMMORTAL's break? Demonaz: No, never. There was no problem. They separated as friends. ... It sounds quite strange, but Abbathand I have never had any serious issues and never had any arguments orproblems that would hurt the band in any way. Even I really don'tunderstand why it is like that. Washington Post Express: So, why the long break between IMMORTAL albums? Demonaz:Everything got too much routine, and that band became — everybodyexpected something. The industrial side of being in a band — where therecord label's demanding you to do things and management wants you togo on tour, we felt the spark and the spirit were slowly drifting awaya little. Things were not going up, even if you had a really big albumlike "Sons of Northern Darkness". And we had a lot of offers,but to just go on tour and tour and tour — there was something missing.I'll be the first one to admit, just before this [hiatus], me and Abbathdidn't hang together so much at this time and we were drifting a littleapart. I think that was natural because of what happened. We did the "At the Heart of Winter", "Damned in Black" and "Sons of Northern Darkness" without me [playing guitar], and still there were little problems with [other band] members. I think [me and Abbath]were drifting a little apart — if we didn't see that at the time, I cansee that now. ... Everything on the outside looked good for everyone,but internally it started to lose the spirit a little. We never talkedabout it, and [then] he said, "Maybe we need to take a break to savethe band, and we can take it up again when we want to." That was whatwe decided to do. We never felt like the band should be out playingMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday just to get bread on the table. IMMORTAL is not a factory, it's not a job for us — it's a band, and a band needs the spirit. ... [Then] me and Abbathstarted to write again and we did the [side] project and we wanted todo the I album [during] the break. ... It was a big relief for us.After 13 years, just to let your band go. ... I think that was reallygreat for us, and we could be objective toward the band for the firsttime in our lives. IMMORTAL has been everything to us since westarted it. I think a lot of other bands should do the same: Don't goout on tour and burn yourself up and destroy your band totally. I thinkit's better, at least for us. We never let IMMORTAL become our job. ... It's like Abbath said, "If we have to take other jobs to save the band, that's good." So we did that ... in the break. Washington Post Express: IMMORTAL has never been a political band, but some of your words on "All Shall Fall" feel like they are addressing contemporary situations, such as war. Is this a political album in some way? Demonaz:Not really. I'm not big influenced by politics or religion. I try notto get too much influence from the world of politics or the TV. But theapocalypse is a thing I've always been influenced by. It's [about]apocalyptic visions as seen from a Nordic perspective — how I wanted itto look, how I want to stand on the mountain and see [the world] falldown and still have my pride. It's a little cliche, but it does it forus.
  4. Svart


  5. Ja se cudim sto sad nabrajaju pesme
  6. Sledi logicno pitanje a koliko si gay foruma i zasto posecivala?
  7. Nista do januara, onda ce se znati cena itd.
  8. A moze i: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e7qs0bszLw
  9. Svart


    Evo malo Fenrizove mudrosti : GREAT NEW METAL DECADE AHEAD! Melle sent me an advance tape that refuses to leave my tape deck! YESEVERYONE, it seems that the new decade in the underground resistancepart of the metal world will be fantastic. THE CASSETTE holds 3recordings to be unleashed in 2010, and it is a stunning ANTICHRIST(Sweden) demo, VOMITOR album in their usual obscure style, and last butnot least HELLISH CROSSFIRE has succeeded in making an album that mustbe the perfect 80s thrash LP. So to conclude, even though ÜBERPOSERSlike "king" ov hell are constantly trying to destroy REAL metal, thoseof us that are smart enough to stay away from the front-page metal canenjoy another superb metal decade. Let's make 2010-2020 a gloriousTREAT, and STAY AWAY FROM THE POSERS! TURN YOUR BACKS AND BREAK THECHAINS!!! Also, Darkthrone's new album comes out very soon, and Varg Vikernes is working steadily on a brand new release. Forthe death metal freaks out there, a new fanzine has arrived! It iscalled DOWNTUNED & MORBID, and it's the best death metal mag i haveever read. It holds so much information that buying it will keep youextremely updated plus entertained for MONTHS! - f e n r i z
  10. Ne bih ja rekao da to tako ide, ako bude dobra ponuda i odgovarajuci termin doci ce oni.
  11. Bolje da razmisle o sviranju u susednoj drzavi.
  12. To se moglo i ocekivati.
  13. Svart

    Dark Funeral

    Sviraju u Zagrebu 2.4.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ3m2CrB_54
  15. Svart


    Tako je.
  16. American/Norwegian melodic metallers KAMELOT have set a March 22, 2010 tentative release date for the group's highly anticipated follow-up to "Ghost Opera". The band recently spent time at various studios — including the Gate Studio in Wolfsburg, Germany — under the watchful eye of Sascha Paeth and Miro as producers. "The new songs are really inspiring," stated guitarist Thomas Youngblood."We feel the long touring and time away from writing has been perfectfor new ideas and an aggressive approach to the new songs."
  17. Svart


    Panterinih klonova ima na hiljade.
  18. Svart

    Dark Funeral

    Neces videti Jona iz Dissectiona, to je death metal :haha:
  19. Svart

    Dark Funeral

    Pravi mizantrop mrzi i sebe pa se ubije, sto nas dovodi do u crnoj muzici.
  20. Svart

    Dark Funeral

    Svi, ali ne i Watain.
  21. Svart

    Dark Funeral

    A sta kaze Watain o smislu zivota?
  22. Svart

    Black Sabbath

    HEAVEN & HELL drummer Vinny Appice underwent surgery on his right shoulder on November 30 for an injury sustained during the band's last tour. The surgeon expects Vinny to be back behind the kit in about five months. Iommi je operisao nedavno prste a i Dio je bolestan. U junu krecu na turneju. To je metal
  23. Svart

    Rotting Christ

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