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Everything posted by Svart

  1. Svart

    Rotting Christ

    Cista avangarda:
  2. Svart

    Rotting Christ

    Taj sam, sad cu da cujem.
  3. Svart

    Rotting Christ

    "For the first time we will listen to a lot of guest appearances whichmake the final result even more interesting. First of all, after allthese years we listen to Magus (NECROMANTIA) again in ROTTING CHRIST. Alan from PRIMORDIALguests in one track of the album giving a shivering effect and thenthere is the guest appearance of the multi-vocal traditional choir fromIpiros (in Greece's mainland) called Pliades which sings traditional Greek songs that used to be sang in funerals. There is also the guest appearance of Daemonia Nymphe who enhance the ancient Greek element to the sound of ROTTING CHRIST as the theatrical band DIRTY GRANNY TALESwhich makes the result even darker, haunting and mysterious. As ifthese all weren't enough, one more surprise is added up to the newalbum to blow out everything we thought we could expect from the next ROTTING CHRIST album and be left in awe. The one and only, unique Diamanda Galas give an even more intriguing effect to whole album. One song of hers, 'Order From The Dead', in which Sakistook out the bare vocal lines and composed music upon in an absolutebreathtaking outcome. A unique song which refers to the Destruction OfSmyrna."
  4. Oce li taj Dark Funeral vise?
  5. Gledao sam ih na Exitu prosle godine, najjaci im je onaj timpanista koji svakih 10 minuta udari pa jednom a i tad se ne cuje
  6. Svart

    Dark Funeral

    Ovo valja, sad jos vise cekam album.
  7. Svart


    Frozen Lakes On Mars, a brand new track from former EMPEROR vocalist/guitarist Ihsahn, is available for streaming on GuitarWorld.com. The song comes off his new album, "After", which is scheduled for release on January 26, 2010 via Candlelight Records.
  8. Sto ste pozurili sa tim temama o najboljim albumima, jos ce izlaziti albuma do kraja godine.
  9. Svaka cast. Vidi se da ste napredovali od proslog puta, odlicna svirka, profesionalno odsvirano.
  10. Moram i ja :haha:
  11. Samael
  12. Rano je jos za opstu. To krajem decembra.
  13. Steta sto ne znas o cemu pricam.
  14. Bane nece ti prihvatiti bend na Metal Archives jer moras imati neko izdanje. Ne moze samo demo na myspace-u.
  15. Vidim da imaju evropsku turneju na prolece ali uglavnom zapadna i severna Evropa pa ce pretpostavljam na leto po festivalima i onda u medjuvremenu malo u Ameriku pa ce nadam se kod nas.
  16. Satyricon je tek sa ovim odvratnim albumom otisao u potpuno pogresnom pravcu. Meni je recimo Now, Diabolical dobar album ali ovaj novi je katastrofa.
  17. Kultna epizoda.
  18. Ustvari trebalo je staviti glasanje na ovoj temi, tako bi bar malo imala smisla. Inace Norveska pobedjuje.
  19. Ja bih opet isao da gledam svaki bend na cijem sa koncertu bio osim nekih predgrupa naravno.
  20. Gde si iskopao sad ovu temu?
  21. Niko ne govori o muzici jer tu nema o cemu da se prica.
  22. Svart


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