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Everything posted by Svart

  1. Svart


    Ako se ne varam postoje dve pesme sa Dead-om koje su snimljene u studiju.
  2. Svart


    Donekle je to tacno ali ne treba preterivati sad traziti filozofiju u svakoj pesmi. Ekstremna muzika a narocito bm je bila vezana za odredjene ideale i danas je ali to ne znaci da je besmislena ukoliko nisu u prvom planu, jer pre svega muzika je najbitnija. Meni su ti ledeni fjordovi i zimske oluje upravo dokaz ovoga o cemu govorim. Moj je utisak u poslednje vreme da se previse skrivaju neki iza tog kocnepta i smisla i ne znam ni je kakve tematike i onda izdaju prazne i promasene albume.
  3. Svart


  4. Ovo je jedna od najboljih epizoda u poslednjih nekoliko sezona.
  5. Svart


    Ako i nije najbolji, svakako je najbitniji. A sto se tice Bathory-ja to je mnogo vise i kompleksnije od BM.
  6. Svart


    Jos Dark Funeral da odbrani cast svedske scene i gotovo za ovu godinu.
  7. Svart


    EVILE Bassist Dies At 32 Just a few days into the band's European tour with AMON AMARTH, bassist Mike Alexander of British thrashers EVILEwas suddenly taken ill and rushed to hospital, but tragically passedaway in Luleå, Sweden [on Monday, October 5]. He was 32 years old. EVILE members Matt Drake, Ol Drake and Ben Carter have released the following statement: "Thisis so hard to find the words to express fully how we feel. We can'tbelieve or accept what's happened. One minute we're talking to ourbuddy, Mike, the next minute we can never speak to him again. "There'sso many things rushing through our heads that we want to say, do andfeel. We half expect him to come round the corner and call us'dickheads'. We can't get our heads around it. "It upsets us so much that he was away from his family when this happened, although knowing Mike, we're at least glad he was on tour doing what he loves. "We'relost for words. We all miss him so much already. He was such aheadstrong, genuinely nice guy who loved music and his family. We'vegot so many brilliant memories with him. "Our hearts go out to his daughter, family and friends at this tragic, difficult time. "Mike is much loved and is sorely missed. "Rest in peace, brother."
  8. U sredu nova epizoda. Zove se Dead Celebrities, to bi trebalo biti zanimljivo.
  9. Svart

    Dark Funeral

    To ima u milion filmova, i ja sam ocekivao nesto jace. Inace nije losa pesma uopste.
  10. Svart

    Dark Funeral

    A zasto je ovo uncut version?? Sta to ima tako strasno?
  11. Sepultura je posebna prica, mislim ovo sto se naziva Sepultura.
  12. Svart


    Ipak je Hat najbolji.
  13. Svart


    Kakvo sranje hahaha
  14. Dobre vesti.
  15. Svart


  16. Svart


    Sto sklonise spot??
  17. Svart


    U skladu sa tradicijom u black metalu. Inace meni je totalno nezanimljiv na prvo slusanje, videcemo jos...
  18. Svart


    Skida se.
  19. I ja isto
  20. Svart


    TO TO i da nema nista vezano za Kiss.
  21. Svart


    MEGADETH's MUSTAINE Says 'Endgame' Is Better Than METALLICA's 'Death Magnetic' Mustaine: "The record is a complete smash success right now for us. Even web sites that are notorious for hating MEGADETH, like Blabbermouth,we got an 8.5 out of 10 there. I mean, go figure. And they even saidsomething that was kind towards me, saying, 'Well, maybe it's time forus to take a lesson from Professor Dave.' And I'm thinking,'Huh?!' I guess hell must be frozen. [laughs] And I just heard thatthere's a magazine — a very high-ranking, established institution...magazine in the U.K., one of the guys there said that MEGADETH is better than METALLICA.And I was like, 'Oh, my God. The next thing you know I'm gonna wake upand I'm gonna be 16 again and I'll have somebody really hot and younglaying in my bed.'" :haha::haha::haha: Koji debil!
  22. Ajd sad dosta s tim poredjenjem, valjaju oba albuma.
  23. Ne seri. Inace Talvi, tu ti je ravendark u pitanju, samo grim and frostbitten Ne valja to puno analizirati samo
  24. Ovo nije normalno, ne mozes stici sve preslusati sto se pojavljuje ovih dana.
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