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Everything posted by Svart

  1. Svart


    Ian also commented on the rumor that stemmed from a recent interview SLAYER guitarist Kerry King gave to U.K.'s Metal Hammer magazine in which King stated has heard through the grapevine that METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich is plotting a tour that would include METALLICA, MEGADETH, SLAYER and ANTHRAX. Scott said, "There's this big rumor that we're gonna do METALLICA, ANTHRAX, SLAYER and MEGADETH next summer in Europe, and this is supposedly coming from the METALLICA camp. So whether it's true or not, I'm really excited about it, and I'll say right now that we will absolutely do it. So we're in. [laughs]"
  2. Mogao bi Shagrath da peva i clean i svira bas da ustede nesto, ipak je kriza.
  3. Pa ne bih ja rekao da je losiji, ali kad sam ih ja gledao nije se dobro cuo.
  4. Sad nek se pobiju pa ko pobedi nek peva :)
  5. Taj intervju je napravljen pre nego sto je Vortex otisao iz Dimmu. Sad cemo videti sta ce biti..
  6. Evo sta kaze Hellhammer u septembarskom broju Sick Drummer casopisa: How did you feel when Arcturus broke down? HH: The breakup of Arcturus was a spur of the moment - kind of thing. Because of Vortex in Dimmu Borgir, mainly. So we just announced it on the last day in Australia, "This is the last circuit of Arcturus!", and the other members were like, "Is it?". Arcturus will get back together again with or without Vortex. We've already talked to Garm, and he is eager to do it, so there will be more Arcturus for sure, we just need to get our stuff together, and get the right scheduling together.
  7. Kad ce taj live izaci?
  8. Svart


    Ma kakvi ... U poslednje vreme sve nekako mirno, nema nikakvih sranja po forumu.
  9. Svart


    Morao sam da proverim koja je ovo tema
  10. Infernus iskace na binu iz kovcega ovih dana
  11. Ne mogu bas sve ovo da citam samo sam preleteo preko teksta i naisao na ovo:
  12. German thrash metal veterans KREATOR have issued the following update: "[Drummer] Ventor [real name: Jürgen Reil] will be sitting out of some of the upcoming tour dates that we have, due to some personal issues. Not to worry, Ventor is fine and will be playing live again soon. "For the time being, we have recruited Marco Minnemann, a world-class drummer that has graciously stepped in to help us out. Marco is best known for his stints in NECROPHAGIST, ILLOGICIST and EPHEL DUATH." Minnemann will fill in for Ventor on all KREATOR dates between September 11 in Moscow, Russia and October 31 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  13. Ja bih to ozbiljno ispremestao i dodao jos par stvari.
  14. RAMMSTEIN, the Berlin, Germany-based industrial metal sextetwell known for its controversial and fiery live performances, willrelease a new single, "Pussy", on September 18. It will be made available a two-song digipack, also featuring the track "Rammlied" as the B-side. A video for "Pussy" was recently shot with renowned Swedish director Jonas Åkerlund, who has previously worked with METALLICA, SATYRICON, MADONNA and THE PRODIGY, among others.
  15. Eto objasnjenja i od njega.
  16. Vidim da su odlozili onaj nastup u Americi i valjda ce jos dodati par koncerata. Ne isplati se bas ici tamo zbog jednog festivala.
  17. Pa jeste. (dobro necu vise )
  18. Meni npr. nije jasna tolika potreba da na svakom mestu i u svakoj prilici naglasis koliko ih ne volis. U svakom slucaju ovo je tema o Dimmu i ja sam svoje rekao povodom ovog pitanja.
  19. Razumem ja da neko ne voli Maidene, to je normalno ali ako neko ko slusa metal ne shvata koliki je njihov znacaj u muzici i barem ne postuje njihov rad to dovoljno govori o toj osobi.
  20. FUCK OFF!!
  21. Izgleda da je ovo jedini metal festival koji kod nas moze da uspe.
  22. Napisi to u svoj profil.
  23. Sve je to lepo ajde sad se vratite na Dimmu.
  24. A Samotha? Tryma?
  25. Svart


    Vidi novi megadeth se pojavio
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