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Everything posted by Svart

  1. Kako nema ove teme ...
  2. Svart

    Rotting Christ

    Nisu se ni oni bas dobro culi na pocetku ali kasnije je bilo
  3. Svart


    Ma kakav Hellhammer sta vam je... jedino mozda neki ludi fan Euronymousa mada ne verujem ... life goes on...
  4. Svart


  5. Svart


    Ovo nema, to je intervju u jucerasnjim novinama ali kontam da ce biti...
  6. Svart


    Nasao sam taj intervju ali je na norveskom a nema engleske verzije pa ako neko zna norveski nek desifruje ja nazalost ne znam
  7. Svart


    The web site of Varg Vikernes (a.k.a. Count Grishnackh) — the former BURZUM mastermind who is currently serving a Norwegian prison term for the August 1993 murder of MAYHEM guitarist Oystein Aarseth (a.k.a. Euronymous) — has been updated with the following message: "Although Varg has been denied parole, he is allowed to leave the prison for a while to walk around Tromsø [Norway; where the prison is located] and visit his family: his mother, his wife, a one-year-old son and a fifteen-year-old daughter. Varg's wife is now pregnant and they both are waiting for an addition to the family. Varg owns a small farm in Telemark (Norway), where he is planning to move as soon as he leaves the prison." "I'm ready for society — and I have been for many years," Vikernes told the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet in a brand new interview which was published today (July 6). "I have learned from my mistakes and become older. Now I just want to be together with my family. My mind has never been in prison; I think all the time about what I should do on the day that I am released."
  8. Svart

    Judas Priest

    Misli na Metal Masters turneju - Judas Priest, Motorhead, Heaven and Hell i Testament
  9. Svart

    Judas Priest

    To bi vredelo svakog dinara ali je to samo za Ameriku i nece biti u Evropi
  10. Svart

    Judas Priest

    Zanimljiv clanak http://www.novosti.rs/code/navigate.php?Id...atum=2008-07-04 Najzanimljivije mi je: Halford je za "Novosti" rekao: Zakazaćemo novi datum za Beograd, to vam obećavam!
  11. Svart

    Amon Amarth

    Swedish Viking metallers AMON AMARTH have set "Twilight of the Thundergod" as the title of their seventh full-length album, due this fall via Metal Blade Records.
  12. Svart


    Da se vratimo Satyriconu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqDVFlGy5oA
  13. Svart


  14. Svart


    Citao sam ja sve to samo to je samo jedna (njegova) strana price... i to sa dosta ne bas ubedljivih detalja... U svakom slucaju placa za ono sto je uradio... jedino je Snorre tu izvukao deblji kraj...
  15. Svart


    Pa istina je da ga je Varg ubio tako da se ne bi izvukao sigurno
  16. Svart

    Judas Priest

    Koliko ja vidim oni na celoj turneji sviraju isti setlist tako da svi koncerti isto traju... tako ce biti i u Sarajevu
  17. Svart

    Judas Priest

    Na njihovom sajtu ionako i dalje pise CASTLE FESTIVAL/BELGRADE, SERBIA
  18. Svart

    Judas Priest

    da bar sviraju u SD, nego Beograd ispade Sarajevo
  19. Svart

    Judas Priest

    Downing on a possible full-length "Nostradamus" tour next year: "We could dress up and put ourselves in the moment, regress a few centuries with a big orchestra and choir. It would be brilliant really. We could do it with loads and loads of spooky special effects and great theatrical production. Whether it's a dream or not, I don't know. The first thing we have to do is get out there and rock! We're going to do some major shows this year. We're going to China for the first time, and New Zealand, Sarajevo, and Turkey; places we've never been before. We'll be giving those people what they expect from Priest, then we'll see what happens after that." Jel to stvarno ili se on malo pogubio po ex YU zemljama?? Nema nista o tome nigde...
  20. Svart


    Ne mogu da verujem da ne znate ko je Snorre (ili ste se malo zbunili) Snorre Westvold Ruch (aka Blackthorn / S.W.Krupp) Svirao je kratko u Mayhemu ali je njegov glavni bend THORNS Bio covek osudjen na 8 godina jer je vozio Varga u Oslo kod Euronymousa
  21. Svart


    Na novom albumu ce gostovati Snorre
  22. Svart


    Potpuno se slazem
  23. Svart


    All music and lyrics by Infernus, except track 1 (lyrics by Hat), track 2 (music by Tormentor) and track 4 (music by King). Recorded live in studio in 2007/2008. Engineered by Pytten at Grieghallen Studios in Bergen and Nico Elgstrand at Threeman Recordings in Stockholm. All bass re-recorded by Infernus at Threeman Recordings. Mixed by Nico Elgstrand. Mastered at Cutting Room in Stockholm by Infernus and Mats Lindfors. Cover design by Magnus Wolfhart. Ovde pise da je snimljen u studiju. Dakle nema publike.
  24. Svart


    To je "live" ali nema publike, znaci nije sa koncerta.
  25. Svart


    Nema tu improvizacije, samo se tekstovi nikada ne objavljuju... sto nema smisla s obzirom da oni tvrde kako im je ideologija vaznija od muzike
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