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Anonimus of Metal (1/6)
Ja preleteo kad se pojavilo, planirao sam malo ozbiljnije to da preslušam pošto sam pročitao pozitivne kritike, čim se izbavim iz nekog poganog blacka što ga slušam ovih dana.
Hail Satan Worship Doom
Evo i Colosseum - Chapter 3: Parasomnia 2011
Haha, super, pretpostavio sam da si cuo ali nisam bas mislio da si na "de si brate" sa njima haha. U svakom slucaju odlican bend i dobra vest za EP. Od Sule mi je odlican bio i Kosmonauts, jako mi se svidja taj fazon, moze li se taj Electric Moon vec naci na netu ili tek treba da izadje? Nisam ni ja fan regea ali ovo je fino upakovano i odlicno mi je leglo ali nije neka preterana steta ako se propusti.
Dobre su ti preporuke, nisam cuo drugi i treci bend, i will see to it. Evo jednog interesantnog noviteta (koji me je upravo izvukao iz masivnog hangovera) Lionize - Destruction Manual Destruction Manual (produced by J. Robbins of Jawbox) finds the band continuing its exploration of the stoner-rock, funk and reggae landscapes. This twelve-song LP calls to mind classic reggae and rock albums with a decidedly modern spin. The band’s foundation on drums and bass are LaMel Randolgh and Henry Upton who hint at a rock-and-roll version of Sly and Robbie joined with the classic scorching Hammond organ and key sounds from Chris Brooks and the commanding guitar and vocal work of Nathan Bergman. Reggae heavyweights David Hinds and Selwyn Brown of Steel Pulse lend their vocal talents on the track Killers and Crooks as well as stalwart guitar work from Tim Sult of Clutch who also lends his talents throughout this record. Ne znam da li si cuo za bend Tia Carrera album Cosmic Priestess iz 2011, dobra svirka. Skoro sam poceo malo vise da slusam taj stil i sve vise mi se svidja. Download The gods of improvised psychedelic stoner jam rock released a new album and it is like a neverending psychedelic LSD trip! COSMIC PRIESTESS is Tia Carrera's fourth release overall and second for Small Stone Recordings and it was completely improvised and recorded live with an Otari MX-70 1" Tape Machine at the Home Studio in Austin Tx Jako mi se svideo Brain Wash od Sula Bassana & Modulfix, imam jos dosta cool albuma ali me strasno mrzi da pisem sada haha
Ih Astrallise propustio si citav roman, krenulo je od doom preporuka, sad ima i tema. Meni se jako svideo bend jos od dema i Ep-a a onda je izasao album, pa su se sire narodne mase dokopale istog i poceo je shitfest, "ne znam sto toliki hajp "ovo ustvari nije nesto posebno" i ostala proseravanja. Super album.
How will be called the forthcoming Klimt 1918’s album? For months, I am haunted by “The Sentimentale Jugend”, or “Die Sentimentale Jugend”. This is a clear reference to the homonymous band formed in 1981 by Einstürzende Neubauten’s Alexander Hacke and Christiane Vera Felscherinow a.k.a. Christiane F. author of the book “Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo”. This is not a musical tribute but rather a language infatuation (Sentimentale Jungend played cacophonous noise). I’m in love with the cold atmospheres described in the Felscherinow’s novel. I thought long of Berlin, I thought the memories that tie me to this city. There is enough material to write a concept album. For now, I wrote these words in huge letters on my Moleskine notebook: Sentimentale Jugend. The images flow from the words. The notes come with the remembrance. It will be a cold and solemn album, like a winter walk along the icy Karl Marx Strasse. http://klimt1918.tumblr.com/
E, odličan album, slabo slušam tako nešto ali ovo mi se baš svidelo (uz Ghost) pa sam to spomenuo ovde, ima i link za album koji još "radi". Meni omiljena pesma Desert Rose, tu sam pesmu vrteo k'o nenormalan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQsO4T-TjLs
Brulvahnatu - Menstrual Extraction Ceremony 2011 Kib Sreng handles all vocals, instruments, recording and artwork. Recently joined Begrime Exemious (imali su dobar album prošle godine "Impending Funeral Of Man"). Ovo, šta god da je (but it made me moist) možete čuti ovde eternalobscurityrecords. To je najduža pesma, ostale su...ako ne i bolje.
Nova pesma The Thought Of Losing You
Jos dva dobra izdanja u (recimo) tom stilu Locrian - The Crystal World (download) i Detritivore - Pakt
Mozda Menace Ruine – Union of Irreconcilables, ima link posle recenzije.
Explosions In The Sky
Milan replied to _Grotesque_'s topic in Post Rock, Dreampop, Ambiental, Shoegaze...
Explosions In The Sky - Take Care, Take Care, Take Care 2011 -
Jebem ti, ne mogu da prestanem da vrtim ovaj EP Grey Waters - Below The Ever Setting Sun (2010) Featuring members of Woods of Desolation and Austere. With vast musical influences from metal to rock, Grey Waters moulds it into one to create a sonic medium of despair and loss. I Woods Of Desolation imaju dobar album ali to nije za ovu temu. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZF9QaJu5Zs