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Everything posted by Milan

  1. Hvala za Spiritual Beggars, skinuo sam ali nisam stigao da preslusam, evo neke nove nove funeralstine The NULLL Collective - De Monstris E.M. Hearst (The Sad Sun, Wraith of the Ropes, Torture Wheel) Stijn van Cauter (Cold Aeon, Dance Nihil, Beyond Black Void, Fall of the Grey-Winged One, The Ethereal (Bel), Pantheist, The Sad Sun, Solicide, In Somnis, Until Death Overtakes Me, Wijlen Wij) S.P. White (Dynamical System Collective, ThoraxEmbalmer, Edge of Darkness, Uncertainty Principle) This is what you might call Extreme Death Doom. Indeed, if there were such a thing, I'd call this 'Traditional Extreme Death Doom'. It harks back to the less progressive times of early Evoken and Esoteric. It's blunt, no messing about, it's simple in contruction and effective in delivery. Like those early extreme albums, 'De Monstris' takes the more brutal approach to creating depression.
  2. Milan


    Evo ga i Man’s Gin
  3. Slusao, dobro je...juce sam saznao za ovaj bend, treba da im izadje novi album, pa skinem ja lepo ovaj prethodni, naravno ima tu svega, nije bas ni "user friendly" ali svideo mi se. Ehnahre – The Man Closing Up (2008) The term “experimental death metal” can be applied in any number of ways to this Boston, Massachusetts band. Featuring ex-members of Kayo Dot, Biolich and forcefedglass, this quintet take elements of doom, death metal, ambient and sludge to an entirely different level. The band’s spastic, crushing and dissonant sound will turn your bowels inside out with ease as they shift from soul damning, suffocating doom to seizure-inducing rhythms with little to no transition.
  4. @Grob : Da, cekam to, na arhivama pise da izlazi u septembru za relapse, a da se na itunes-u pojavio ovog meseca, cover je cool, ko incantation-ovi, samo crno-bela fora. Taj Electrocutioner (bubnjar) je lud, ima zilion "projekata" zajebace i onog Roggu iz Paganizera, a sa Encoffination je napravio odlican pos'o, proverite to ako niste. Prosanctusa nema jos, slusao sam neki demo njihov, ni ne secam se kako mi se to svidelo.
  5. Niko od vas bitcheza nije provrteo novi malevolent, cccc, ok ostvarenje, jebiga, ja sam nji ispustio posle kultova i ove neke novije albume bas slabo ispratio, tako da ne mogu bas da ocenim, ima li nekih poboljsanja ili je ovo neki "swansong" njihov. Uplasio se kad vidjeh Rutana medju produkcijom, ali iznenadjujuce korektno zvuci (sjebo mi je novi Aeon, picka mu materina) Hit of the evening...Target Rich Environment
  6. Pjan sam kao smrad najgori, ali samo da ubacim, Portal je izvikaniji, ali pravo zlo ispostavlja impetuous. Portal mozes da iskuliras, pletu oni svoje ali kad ide impetuous tu se sve baca i album se preslusava u stanju "zatecenosti" bilo da se radi o 1-om ili 17-om slusanju...ljudi su jednostavno napravili magiju u sred ovog sranja i svaka im cast.
  7. Malevolent Creation - Invidious Dominion
  8. Stargazer & Invocation - Harbinger/H.A.S.T.U.R. Split CD 1999 Two magically odd and extremely kvlt Death Metal bands from down under do battle on this obscure split CD from 1999. First up is Stargazer, their attack is a relentless swarm of pestilential riffing. Invocation (who would later morph into Portal) counter with some excellent, mutant, mid-era Gorguts style death. Novi album StarGazer-a izlazi ovog meseca, a Portal i ostala ekipa bendova (Impetuous Ritual, Grave Upheaval, Aethyrvorous...) su nesto najzanimljivije sto se pojavilo u poslednje vreme.
  9. Milan

    BM noviteti

    Profanatica - Disgusting Blasphemies Against God mediafire (preimenujte tar ekstenziju u rar)
  10. http://www.electricretard.com/how-to-cook-steak/
  11. Milan


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr5ltiEg2Ag Man’s Gin is the side project of Erik Wunder, the instrumental visionary behind the American black metal band Cobalt. Man’s Gin is not a black metal band. It sounds like Alice in Chains circa Jar of Flies, or Mark Lanegan’s minimalist solo material, or Dax Riggs’ bluesy work with Deadboy & the Elephantmen. Still, though it may not be metal, Man’s Gin is heavy—heavy in concept, heavy in feel. Like a brutal, endless night spent drenched in sweat and agony, it’s murky and bleak and desolate: humid as August, dark as 3 a.m., fueled with alcohol and sadness, like the dog days themselves. Street Date:August 24th, 2010
  12. HYPNOS 69 - Legacy (2010)
  14. Heathendom - Nescience mediafire rapidshare These guys walk the path of bands such as Solitude Aeturnus, Memento Mori, Candlemass, Sorcerer, Memory Garden etc, but are also influenced by bands such as Sanctuary and King Diamond . Wherever a definition of Power/Doom Metal is written, a photo of HEATHENDOM should be next to it. A solid wall of heavy riffs, inspired, fast although doomy and powerful is hitting the poor unaware listener. While the constant crushing technical guitar riffing is building the musical visions of the band, you will be totally stunned by the vocals of Dimitris Koutsouvelis who sings like an out-of-this-world musical child of King Diamond and Messiah. 10 tracks of doom, epic, dark, operatic, majestic music but most of all, HEAVY metal music and emotions that not many bands can create. A complete work, in all ways, from all sides, this is a piece of art, haunting, balanced, professional, visionary, in its own way and identity.
  15. Sta radi Voja danas...mozda ce nekoga zanimati, ja upravo slusam i lepo to ide Fleshwrought - Dementia/Dyslexia Formerly known as Fleshrot, Fleshwrought consists of multi-instrumentalist Navene Kopperweis (ex-Animosity, Animals As Leaders) and vocalist Jonny Davey (Job For A Cowboy).
  16. ^Nice, to je must za slusanje (Incessant Desire For Palatable Flesh) Evo jedne pesme sa albuma koji treba da izadje krajem septembra, poslusao sam je jednom i brisnuo, kulturno cu sacekati album, izgleda da ce biti ok October Tide - Blackness Devours
  17. Milan

    BM noviteti

    Pojavilo se i ovo Blood Revolt - Indoctrine (2010) za sada ifolder A.A. Nemtheanga - Vocals (Void of Silence, Plagued, Primordial, Twilight of the Gods) C. Ross (aka Vermin) - Guitar (Axis of Advance, Sacramentary Abolishment, Weapon (Can), Revenge (Can)) James Read - Drums (Axis of Advance, Conqueror (Can), Cremation (Can), Revenge (Can), Arkhon Infaustus, Kerasphorus)
  18. Demiurg – Slakthus Gamleby (2010) Rogga Johansson - Vocals, Guitar (Carve, Paganizer, Banished From Inferno, Edge Of Sanity, Deranged (Swe)... Dan Swanö - Lead Guitar, Keyboards (Bloodbath (Swe), Brejn Dedd, Darkcide (Swe), Diabolical Masquerade, Edge of Sanity, Godsend (Nor), Incision (Swe), Infestdead... Ed Warby - Drums (Hail Of Bullets, Gorefest, Ayreon, Star One, Impact (Nld), Aggressor the 11th Hour... Johan Berglund - Bass (This Haven, Ribspreader, The Grotesquery) Pär Johansson - Clean Vocals (Satariel, Belsemar, The Duskfall, Torchbearer, The Few Against Many)
  19. Uf, bas bezveze, ko zna kada ce se ponovo ukazati prilika za tako nesto (a MC se i meni visoko kotira medju omiljenim bendovima), jos kad sam pogledao onaj live snimak (neko je to postavio na youtube, mislim bas sa te turneje ili tako nesto), kako su mocno zvucali...
  20. Slazem se sa tobom, slusam sve te pravce sto si nabrojao i odavno sam se pomirio sa tim da toga kod nas nece biti, eventualno moze da se desi da neki od tih "egzoticnijih" bendova stignu do Madjarske, Slovenije ili Hrvatske, i to je sasvim izvodljivo (finansijski), uskladiti to sa poslom, godisnjim, slobodnim danima, to je vec druga prica. Ispratio sam dosta koncerata ovde kod nas, ali nikada nisam uspeo da se organizujem da odem negde izvan Srbije, sto mi je jako zao, video sam dosta bendova koje slusam godinama i ostaje mi zelja da vidim (bilo gde) neku super sludge ekipu, koliko se secam Mournful Congregation je prosle god. imao neke nastupe (dakle, funeral doom svirka) a kad bi na ovo uspeo da se dovucem nekako...kraj Roadburn Festival
  21. Danas sam to procitao, a upravo slusam Grave Upheaval (demo), jos jedan super band uz Aethyrvorous, jedva cekam albume. edit: sad mi dodje na listu ovaj bend, mislim da bi trebalo ovo cuti, bend postoji tek od aprila ove godine i sad su izdali ep sa 3 pesme da ne davim, "this is the kind of death metal that leaves you feeling like you need a wash afterwards" Filtheater - Caliginosity [ep]
  22. mhm, konacno izdase album dostojan imena im.
  23. THE HIGH CONFESSIONS - Turning Lead Into Gold with The High Confessions Relapse Records has announced the signing of the newly formed THE HIGH CONFESSIONS. The band features in its ranks Chris Connelly (MINISTRY, REVOLTING COCKS, KILLING JOKE), Steve Shelley (SONIC YOUTH), Sanford Parker (MINSK, NACHTMYSTIUM, BURIED AT SEA), and noted recording engineer Jeremy Lemos (SMOG, STEREOLAB, JIM O'ROURKE). THE HIGH CONFESSIONS will release its Relapse debut, "Turning Lead Into Gold With The High Confessions", this summer.
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