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Everything posted by Milan

  1. Milan

    BM noviteti

    U sunce ti, odlicno je ovo, nisam znao za bend, to je taj trip koji mi bas lezi sad, malo da smirim posle fourth reich-a My link ima na sajtu i direkt link za download
  2. Milan

    Ov Hell

    Jebote, posle trece pesme sam bio na vrhuncu...ali dosade
  3. Milan


    Interview with Varg Vikernes (February 2010)
  4. Odlican je EP, valjda ce se skontati da snime i album, stvarno ima puno bendova i meni je uvek problem da izaberem nesto za preporuku, nekad pogodim nekad ne. Materijala ima puno pogotovo u cenjenom nam doom pravcu ali uvek gledam da ubacim neke malo neobicnije stvari jer se ovde klasici znaju a prate se i novi bendovi. Ova tri benda sam dosta slusao u poslednje vreme, kontam da su onako prilicno cudni, cak bi se i iznenadio ako bi se nekom svideli ali eto ako imate vremena i strpljenja pored hiperprodukcije i ostalih cuda bas me interesuje da li bi jos nekom pasovali. Linkovi
  5. Jedan dobar blog http://atheistmovies.blogspot.com/, dokumentarci, e i audio knjige, vecina je na rapidshare-u jebiga ali noviji postovi imaju i megaupload.
  6. Bas sam sad odslusao taj, a sad ide A Crimson Cosmos, isto super album, prva pesma Boogie Bubble carski! Hit Dana
  7. Danas se pici diskografija, genijalan bend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnVxhpemOAg
  8. Milan


    U je, kaki blast from the past, imam mirrored hate painting na oridjinalesu
  9. People Who Do Noise is a film about the experimental music of Portland, Oregon. Extensive interviews and intimate performance footage provide an intense portrait of the motivations, emotions, and ideas that go into this uncompromising, sometimes brutal musical form. Unwavering in its focus, the film brings to light an art form unfathomable to many, with only the words of the musicians themselves providing any explanation for the pulsating sonic chaos they create. The film takes a very personal approach, capturing the musicians working alone with no interference from a live audience. What often took place in crowded basements or dark smoky venues was stripped bare for the cameras, providing an unprecedented glimpse of the many different instruments and methods used. Covering a wide range of artists and styles, the film features everything from the absurdist free-improvisations of genre-pioneers Smegma, to the harsh-noise assaults of Oscillating Innards and everything in between. Many of the artists in the film, such as Yellow Swans and Daniel Menche, have performed and sold records all over the world. In spite of such successes, noise music remains one of the least understood and most inaccessible of genres. With an unflinching cinematic style, the film defies any trend-setting or commercial representation, opting instead for a stark portrayal of a musical underground at its most genuine and vital. For the subjects of the film, noise music is a way of life; a life in opposition to the tidy, orderly, and vacuous pop-culture experience. Mediafire Sajt
  10. Dude, that's just plain not cool at all to post stuff like that on this topic
  11. Funeral Circle is a Doom band hailing from Vancouver, Canada and have released their first official ep courtesy of Miskatonic Records. Within the 30 minutes or so of this CD you will sounds similar to Candlemass, Pentagram, The Lamp Of Thoth, Paul Chain, Saint Vitus, Witchfinder General, Solstice. If you’re into traditional Doom Metal and if you are a old school Doom fan you will dig the hell out of this baby. When I Say Worship...You Say Satan!
  12. Sta nas boli kurac i onako ih nikad necemo vdet live ha ha, pa eto ti npr ova pesma koju ja pustam vec 4-ti put
  13. Bome, svemoguci immolation nam isporucuje veoma kvalitetno ostvarenje dostojno imena svojega, Ros deliveruje fantastican vokal, ideje iznad mojih ocekivanja pijan sam ko stoka a uspeli su da me fokusiraju da nabacim sluskeu 4.30 ujutro i da poslusam album, veliki respect za immolation, mnogo dobar album, bas sam zadovoljan, ima tako mocnih pizdarija bas uzivam, death metal za 21 vek, ostar, precizan i nadasve zajeban. u2 sa ovim zajebanim nadimcima, kad ponovo budete prolazili pored Unholy Cult-a pozdravite mi Harnessing Ruin (if u know vat aj min) Brate, A Glorious Epoch kaka pjesma
  14. Ma da, taman odo nedje da se uroljam
  15. Sranje, nema vise nigde, kuku kad david vidi ovo bice pizdarija, rapid free zakucan do 01:00h
  16. Karta je stvarno predivna, i pored tog gafa sa datumom je vrhunski odradjena (bas sam nesto razmisljao, to joj jos vise daje na kvltnosti). Ima li sanse da se napravi neki dogovor sa tim momcima na ulazu da se karte ne cepaju, voleo bi kada bi nam izasli u susret jer mi od toga zavisi da li cu uopste i ici na koncert.
  17. xubuntu 9.10 karmic koala, elementary tema i docky u panel modu.Milina
  18. Evo dva Finska old school akta, prosto obozavam ovakav zvuk, prvi bend je Rippikoulu ciji je demo Musta Seremonia sad reizdat na LP-u i CD-u LP Mediafire Starting as a punk metal band way back in the day, Rippikoulu turned around their act and are credited as the first Death Metal band to sing entirely in Finnish. Only releasing a measly two demos, these guys made quite a splash in the DM community among their cult, underground followers. They play a rather heavy mixture of Death and Doom, sometimes going all out like any other old school DM band, while in other songs, we experience the morbid, dragging Doom elements that saturate the track, dripping with painfully slow rhythms and chunky destruction. Drugi bend je Purtenance, za razliku od Rippikoulu oni su stigli da objave EP pa cak i full lenght Member of Immortal Damnation, pre toga su imali demo kao Purtenance Avulsion Jebote Mediafire A Finnish classic and the only full-length of Purtenance, they left their mark in the Death Metal world. What we have here is a very intricate and well-structured release. Most DM records tend to meld together into one long mushy song, but not Purtenance. You'll never hear the same thing two songs in a row, as they alternate quite a bit between straight-up, ferocious Death Metal and slower, plodding, doomy parts interlaced here and there. The vocals are nothing to sneeze at and are the deepest of the deep, very sinister sounding. The production is also pretty cool and meshes well with the buzzsaw guitars. Overall, a very wonderfully fluent and interesting release.
  19. Milan

    BM noviteti

    Lunarov cascadian black metal bedroom projekat metnuh na skidanje, pa cemo videt
  20. All right Steve, seems to me you have a lot ov dzobs to fin(n)is Kod mene se vrti Emil Cioran to mama zemlja niti bilo sta drugo ne sme priustiti da rodi, ever again, sebi. Ultimativno razjebavanje svih budalastina i stavljanje svih banalnosti oko kojih se drndamo tamo dje im je i mesto. In d smece
  21. I meni se svideo, zato ga i nakacih na preporuku, iznenadio sam se, odgledah ga do kraja, inace ove novije gasim na pola uz 2-3 socne psovke. Ima neku ok atmosferu a naravno glavni lik me je odusevio pricom, pogledao sam posle Match Point i Cassandra's Dream, nja nista posebno a Vicky Cristinu nikako da se nakanim smaraju me te trouglaste fore. Sad skidam Daybreakers, videcemo na sta su ga nacinili
  22. Odlicno, odlicno, Jason...The Dragon, cizus sta rade travuljina i burbon, neko je imao neki zestok fles Nastavlja se sprdnja sa Dixievim upucavanjem, turneju su nazvali Nine Toe Tour, kaki ludaci North Carolina's WEEDEATER - in light of the recent loss of frontman Dave "Dixie" Collins' toe due to a self-inflicted gun-cleaning wound - have announced the routing for their upcoming US tour, now officially dubbed the Nine Toe Tour. The month long tour kicks off a week before this year's SXSW, where Weedeater will headline the Tone Deaf Touring showcase on March 20th. Support bands for the tour include BLACK COBRA, ASG, BLACK TUSK, THE GATES OF SLUMBER, US CHRISTMAS and STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Vidju ove support bendove, oj zivote lutalico!?
  23. Demented Ted - Promises Impure 1993 @ mediafire Hailing from Chicago, Illinois, Demented Ted play a chunky, technical-sounding style of Death Metal.Skroz dobro
  24. Nice, poseticemo ck, uzeleo sam se malo ovog zvuka
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