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WOODEN STAKE "Vampire Plague Exorcism" MCD Vanessa Nocera - Vocals, Bass (Scaremaker, Loathsome) Elektrokutioner - Guitar, Drums, Keyboards (Scaremaker, Decrepitaph, Tombstones (USA), Foreboding, Eternal Suffering, Beyond Hell, Encoffination, Loathsome...) The debut release from this occult horror Doom Metal band with dark, haunting female vocals! Heavy, catchy, and eerie Doom from the apparition-drenched shadowlands!
That's about it, što se mene tiče ubacio bih još i Krieg, Woe i Twilight, slušao sam još milion bendova, ali tu se meša sve i svašta, da sad ne nabrajam (npr. Celeste, Kvelertak, Castevet, Ludicra, Lantlos i još dosta toga) Prošle godine sam se lako odlučio za najbolji album jer je Katharsis jeb'o kevu, sad baš i nije tako lako, ali su na vrhu Burzum, Deathspell Omega, Nachtmystium i recimo Krieg. Weapon je stavrno odličan, bolji od prvog.
My Silent Wake - IV Et Lux Perpetua mediafire megaupload rghost Latest offering from the Gothic/doom ensemble My Silent Wake. Very atmospheric stuff with a slight touch of funereal bleakness and lot of dark/goth vibes. This new release is different from other My Silent Wake releases as it uses no acoustic instruments and its easily the heaviest album from them to date but its also the shortest at 46 minutes. They are labeled as an Gothic Doom act but any Goth-Doom elements they might have had before have been shaken off as their style now is much more in the Death Doom vibe with a progressive edge.
Izašao novi Ubuntu nedavno, pa sam se malo zezao sa tim jednostavnije
Kayo Dot – Stained Glass EP With a large ensemble of glimmering malleted percussion, shrieking distorted organs, crystalline guitars, and sighing horns, violins, and vocals, Stained Glass' translucent passages of unearthly beauty set a new standard in soothing terror. Stained Glass features the return of original Kayo Dot lyricist Jason Byron, as well as a guest appearance by electric guitar genius Trey Spruance (Secret Chiefs 3, Mr. Bungle).
Nachtmystium - "Every Last Drop" Video (Stereogum Premiere)
Moraću se ovih dana vratiti tom prošlom Nightbringer-u, malo da uporedim, što se tiče zvuka ovog novog, kontam na šta misliš, u ovom slučaju mi to ne smeta, nekako mi se uklapa u fazon skroz. Znači očekuje se i novi Negative Plane, nice, spominjao sam ih ja ranije, ali nisu bas naisli na neki odziv haha.
Mogu ti reći da mi je album odličan, čuo sam ranije jedan od njihovih demosa i stil mi se baš svideo, pa sam zalepio mental note da pripazim na bend i evo danas nalete album. Dobra produkcija, vokal, artwork, po meni, prilično dobro ukomponovani ti drone i sporiji delovi koji nekad mogu sjebati stvar, čak i ona pesma od 27 minuta ne predstavlja problem. Stvarno jedno kvalitetno izdanje...nego, danas ponovo pustim novi Nightbringer, niko nije komentarisao taj album, jako dobar, jesi slušao, ameri piče black sve moćnije.
Necrite – Sic Transit Gloria Mundi (2010) After five demos and six years of anticipation, Bay Area black metal tyrants Necrite have finally unleashed their debut curse upon us. Seamlessly fusing elements of droning doom, funeral ambience, and black metal, 'Sic Transit Gloria Mundi' is a monument in the legacy of West Coast black metal. Necrite has created something very special and very creepy on 'Sic Transit Gloria Mundi' brandishing over 66 minutes of horrifying, ambient black metal of the most oppressive and bleak type.
every electric wizard clone iz a friend of mine, sve je bilo jasno jos od onog splita, a ja jos nisam cuo zanimljiv sludge, some things are meant to be boring.
Viral Load / Putrid Pile [split] (2010)
Baš odličan, legende, evo jednog dobrog live snimka pesme Satanic Rites Of Drugula (obožavam tu pesmu), ima jos tri sa iste svirke.
Ja obozavam sludge (i sve te moguce drone, doom black and what not kombinacije), nisam hteo sa tim da smaram ovde ima shit load of bendova, Bongripper je napravio bas dobar album, od ostalih iz 2010-e picim dosta Thou, Ramesses, Unearthly Trance, Rorcal, Harvey Milk, Pombagira, Fistula EP, Dopefight, Coffinworm, Jucifer, ona dva Fleshpress EP-a...iiii tako. Ovaj bend mi je isto dobar, izasao album 26-og, nema jos linka, ali moze na bandcamp-u da se cuje, bas mi dobro zvuci (prosli Power Hor je bio dobar, ovo ce izgleda biti jos bolje). Lesbian - Stratospheria Cubensis
Odlične preporuke, super demo za Dark Covenant, k'o voli epičnost, biće zadovoljen, mora da padne neki album ejsep. Danas sam baš i slušao nešto slično, podsetio se Concept Of God albuma, Argus, Isole, Place Of Skulls, Wheel, prvi Warning i ne mogu da verujem da sam tek danas ozbiljno preslušao poslednji While Heaven Wept, odličan album, kad je izašao uopšte mi se nije svideo. Nisam očekivao da će Haarp tako da zvuči (skinuo sam onaj EP), odličan vokal i prilično moćna svirka, Warchetype sam malo proleteo, isto obećava...
Live Evil Mix 2010 (unofficial mix featuring all the bands performing) more info and download link
Argus (USA) - Argus 2009 (Heavy/Doom Metal) Preslusao sam par puta album, prilicno dobro. This debut full-length bleeds influence from a wealth of heavy metal's elite. Piles of melodic twin guitar attacks obviously hearken vintage Thin Lizzy and Iron Maiden, so those currently pitching tent over Slough Feg or Brocas Helm should obviously take note. But where Feg and Helm choose to inject a healthy dose of tongue-and-cheek flavor and pedal-to-the-metal rockin', Argus favor a more serious and dour delivery that's obviously magnified by the classic doom firmly imprinted on their metal foundation. Penance will likely come to mind, not only because they share the same vocalist, but because both generally duck the great misconception of doom having to be "sloooooow" by maintaining a solid mid-paced stride. There's also evidence of classic Trouble/Sabbath when things really hit a groove, and Candlemass/Aeturnus when things are rollickingly epic.
New Zealand’s metal pride and joy, Ulcerate, has released a taste of its new album, The Destroyers of All, out January 25, 2011 on Willowtip.
Sto bi rek'o Bill Hicks...and i quote You see, I think drugs have done some good things for us. I really do. And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor. Go home tonight. Take all your albums, all your tapes and all your CDs and burn them. 'Cause you know what, the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years were rrreal fucking high on drugs.
Jeste slusali Teeth Of Lions Rule The Divine - Rampton, ne preporucujem, samo pitam hehe, ekipa Lee Dorian, Greg Anderson, Stephen O’ Malley i Justin Greaves, that is some crazy-ass shit, bas kako volim, nasli se tokom neke turneje i odradili taj album. Slusao sam sve te njegove projekte, meni to sve dobro, ne pitajte zasto, nemam pojma.
Au! Na arhivama stoji samo demo (1993), a na meta area ima link za neki promo (2008), odma cu to sredim, rip je na 128 al boli me kurac...
Od gore nabrojanih nisam čuo samo Sinistrous Diabolus, ovi ostali su svi razbili, zna li se kad treba Antediluvian da izadje (cuo sam onaj demo iz 2008-e), Vassafor EP je isto ok, valjalo bi čuti album. @ Grob Ghost album mi je ubedljivo najviše išao na repeat, jebeno sam oduševljen.
Hm? Ja očekujem Grave Ritual, voleo bi da čujem i Coffins / Hooded Menace split, koji je izašao, al nidje linka...pičke!
Brao! danas sam baš preslušao split, i mislio da ga postujem ovde, Cough mi se svideo još od prošlog Sigillum Luciferi albuma, treba sad i novi da izadje. Super je pesma, tamo negde na 6-7-om minutu nalece i Electric Wizard momenat, a Wounded Kings isto razbili, naštelili zvuk najbolje do sad, super split.