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Grob je spomenuo ne nekoj od prethodnih strana da EP treba izadje, ne bih da trošim reči na Encoffination, meni je to genijalno, a Diocletian treba još da se sluša, prvi utisak mi je odličan, mislim da su uspeli da nadmaše prethodni.
Six! Six! Six! volimo te
Tyranny je super, mada ako se krece, ja sam uvek za klasike, tako da pored Skepticisma, uvek...ali uvek ide i Mournful Congregation, Worship i Evoken. Esoteric je isto mocan, Ahab, Longing For Dawn...moglo bi se tu dodati jos dosta, ako to prodje, onda kreces dalje, naleteces na jos minimum 10-15 super bendova.
Diocletian - War Of All Against All sunce ti...evo ga i ovo Encoffination - Seventh Temple of Laodicean Scripture EP
Upravo sam pogledao i skroz mi se svideo Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) prevod The story of how an eccentric French shop keeper and amateur film maker attempted to locate and befriend Banksy, only to have the artist turn the camera back on its owner with spectacular results. Billed as 'the world's first street art disaster movie' the film contains exclusive footage of Banksy, Shephard Fairey, Invader and many of the world's most infamous graffiti artists at work. Thierry Guetta, is a French immigrant living Los Angeles with his loving wife and children and a good honest job, but there is one object he will never leave the house without; his video camera. Guetta has been enticed into the everyday cinema verité movement of simply recording any, and everything that goes on in his life. From playing with his children, to his ultimate attraction of following other street artists around and documenting their work, Guetta loves to watch, document and admire from behind the lens. Guetta eventually earns the trust and respect of various artists around the globe including the elusive Banksy, his cousin Space Invader and Shepard Fairey, and provides the audience with an up close and personal view of a culture (or industry) which has been projected into the limelight over the past five years. This isn't a film about 'graffiti' though, as some may simply see it as on the surface, aside from the exploration of a fast growing community it is also a deep, scary and heart-warming look at Thierry Guetta's life over a decade onwards as he constantly leaves behind his family and his job to follow various artists around the globe. Mentally unstable, or one of the greatest French minds of the last twenty years, nobody is quite sure what Thierry Guetta (also known as Mr Brainwash) is...
Tema za Ghost , ako uopste ima potrebe, jebo teme, cim neki bend ima temu to je dosada, vako je zanimljivije...ovde je najveca koncentracija ocooltizma...satanic pleasures!
I kod mene ista situacija...nisam se prevario, ocekivao sam kvalitetan album, svidja mi se, namesti dobru atmosferu od pocetka i vozi. Spominjao sam i bend Chris Grigg-a Woe (svira bubnjeve na ovom albumu), izasao je novi album Quietly, Undramatically meni odlican.
Dobar, dobar...evo sad vidim na MA da imaju i novi album Masochist, bas dugo nisam picio neki brutal death, eno i novi Cliteater na novitetima, cool!
@мать dobra pesma stvarno, pored ovih nabrojanih ne znam puno bendova na taj fazon, mozes probati sa ovim SubRosa . Talvijev Blood Ceremony je dobra preporuka (istina, malo meksi stil), a danas sam posle duzeg vremena poslusao i Dark Castle i album Spirited Migration (malo cvrsca varijanta, meni dosta dobro). A sto se tice preporuka, stavicu jedno usisavanje, demo koji vrtim dosta ovih dana, cenim da ce se najvise dojmiti morbidu (ako vec nije cuo). Ancient and Evil Death/Black Metal since MMVI A.B. emerging from Chile. In vein of impure acts as Necrovore, Demoncy, Beherit, Von, Archgoat, & Mystifier. Wrathprayer - In Utter Darkness (demo)
Ha, bravo i meni je satan prayer ostao posle prvog slusanja, mada je i Con Clavi Con Dio super, sa basom na pocetku i onim Lucifaaaaa!!!...we are here hahaha, ceo album je odlican, pesme sa ep-a i demo-a provereno dobre, Ritual mi je jos sa demo-a totalni hit i ponavljam da mi se jako svidja produkcija, tu su me iznenadili, nisam ocekivao da ce tako odraditi, dobro je sto nisu preterali sa onim intro smaranjima...i nemam pojma...bezim od racunara, four in a row preslusavanja, mislim da mi se to skorije desilo samo jos sa novim Hail Of Bullets.
Let the bastards cry haha, a mi cemo da uzivamo u albumu, ja vec treci put pustam jednom od mojih omiljenih blogova (da ne break-ujem spell)
Za sada ne, znam da cesto zajebava, ovaj put sam skinuo dosta brzo, vec sam na sestoj pesmi, uboli su produkciju perfekt, ne znam sta da kazem, uzivam, meni je album za sada skroz mocan.
eto ga, nego me sjebo forum
Ghost - Opus Eponymous Darkness, occultism, Satanic Pleasures and guitars. mediafire
Woe – Quietly, Undramatically On Quietly, onetime loner Chris Grigg has assembled a full road-tested band featuring members of Absu, Woods of Ypres, the Green Evening Requiem, Infernal Stronghold, Rumpelstiltskin Grinder: It results in a denser, heavier, stronger, more chaotically reigned, aggressive sound, with slightly downplayed production and vocals lower in the mix. a ako nekog zanima, izasao je i Skagos/Panopticon - Split
Don't mind me, I'm just passing through
@Morbid Naravno, uslovno receno, mada u poslednje vreme ima toliko dobre muzike da nije nimalo lako pratiti sve. Ima ovde par stvari koje sam propustio a neke nisam ozbiljnije poslusao, ce se utefteri. Sa ove liste mi se nije svideo Denouncement Pyre, vidim nisi spomenuo StarGazer, meni medju top albumima do sada. Sve u svemu, super mi je kad vidim da neko ovako ozbiljno slusa i ceni muziku. @Grob Nista novo za sada, izgleda su i oni k'o Aethyrvorous zaglavili na tim demo kasetama, bice valjda, jos da izleti i onaj Grave Ritual ih!
U! svaka cast na ovom postu, radilo se naporno ovih dana a? vidim tu i nekih par mojih preporukica, cool sto ti se svidelo, a ima par stvari koje bi i ja mogao proverit.
Dobri su ovi bendovi, taj Pallbearer bas ima Warninga, bice to dobar album, Fangtooth mi se svideo, steta sto nisu uspeli da izvuku bolju produkciju. Da ubacim nesto potencijalno simpaticno za ovu heavy okultnu ekipu. the 2010 demo and the 2010 Elisabeth 7” vynil myspace zanimljiv about Ghost do sound “old” heavy metal pleasantly “poisoned” by some doomy riffs and sinister atmospheres, don’t expect the typical Rise Above Records’ extreme doom stuff à-la-Electric Wizard. They don’t sound like the “normal” doom bands we are used to hear, maybe they recall a bit some blackish NWOBHM sounds in the vein of Witchfinder General. Svirace sad na Roadburn festivalu i na onom Fenrizovom Live Evil, a polovinom oktobra izlazi album za Rise Above (Opus Eponymous)
Evo i prve epizode 2 sezone, nisam jos pogledao, ali sam sad pogledao klip i podsetio se koliko je cool serija. engleski titl megaupload
Vou! Keep 'em Comin' Black Masses (full-length) Rise Above Records, November 1, 2010 Tracklist: 1. Black Masses 2. Venus In Furs 3. Night Child 4. Patterns Of Evil 5. Satyr IX 6. Turn Off Your Mind 7. Scorpio Curse 8 Crypt of Drugula
Holy shit! Znao sam da ne treba da otvaram stranicu, now i have to change my undies, nema loseg benda...nema komentara
Ma da taman mislim da malo iskuliram...kad ono uvek nesto naleti, idem da slusam neku elektroniku Zaboravio na Autopsy, preslusao 3-4 puta, svaka im cast!
The Dead (Aus) - Ritual Executions 2009 (remastered 2010) Comparisons have been made by some reviewers with the dank, doomy, crypt-like death metal of early Incantation, or the quicker moments of legendary gut-wrenchers Disembowelment. Apparently the remastering has been made by Aphotic, the guitarist of the experimental black metal act Portal, who contributed in highlighting the avantgarde shades of the sound. There are enough fuzzed-out and groovy moments to push this album into sludge territory, in such way that, beside Rameses, Hooded Menace, Coffins and Claws, even “Church of Misery playing death metal” have been invoked! Inace, Hooded i Coffins izbacise split, al ga nema jos nidje.