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Geralt of Rivia

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Geralt of Rivia

  1. why :confused: koji ce im on koji moj? njegov vokal ni malo ne pristaje uz zvuk gojire...jao,kako su se samo sjebali ne verujem !
  2. najjaci sajt SPANKWIRE
  3. aha ,jos malo pa sad ce...
  4. kad sad
  5. objavili su imena dvoje pesama sa novog albuma..."Yama’s Messengers" i "All The Tears"...ukupno ce ih biti 12 i plus jos koji bonus
  6. bice bas jebano ako ne bude Jesus build my hotrod i jos po neke cool stvari...mada i ovo nije lose...vazno je samo da dolaze
  7. za sad najbolje sto sam video i cuo ove godine...
  8. karaju sve tri...pogotovo ova treca...Ghost Of Karillah !
  9. objavili su naziv novog albuma THE WAY OF ALL FLESH...izlazi 17. oktobra...nadam se najboljem
  10. ^ ma jok ,krenule su jednodnevne u prodaju jos prekljuce cini mi se...do 23-eg ce karta za svih 5 dana biti 5400 posle poskupljuju...evo ja za koji dan uzimam kartu za Ministry...bice oko 2800 din.
  11. I'm IN pucamo se onda za vikend...
  12. sta se desava sa Davids-om? jel otiso iz Ajax-a...nacuh nesto da pali opet u premier ligu...
  13. evo vam onaj novi DVD sto ste trazili....Anatomy of the melancholy...
  14. Rihanna - Umbrella http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=AfAeKr9Q0kg&...feature=related
  15. black metal idol...
  16. 1.Gojira 2.Mastodon 3.Celtic frost ...
  17. kakvi carevi...ovo se treba pogledati http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVhqJ4pRTlI...feature=related
  18. dojaja...sve sam preslusao sem The Beyond...
  19. odlican album...pogotovo koncept albuma koji je bas mocan..barem meni
  20. najavljen DOOM 4...evo sta kaze predstavnik id Software-a: "Production has begun on DOOM 4™, the next journey into the legendary DOOM universe. We are expanding our internal team and are currently hiring to work on this highly anticipated title. "DOOM is part of the id Software DNA and demands the greatest talent and brightest minds in the industry to bring the next installment of our flagship franchise to Earth," said Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software. "It's critical for id Software to have the best creative minds in-house to develop games that meet the standards synonymous with our titles." The DOOM franchise is one of the most recognizable and important in gaming history, having been named "one of the ten most influential games of the decade" by PC Gamer and "the #1 game of all time" by GameSpy. DOOM 4 will join the award-winning series which has consistently topped sales charts throughout the world. We are looking for talented, ambitious and passionate individuals eager to join our accomplished team of developers working on the industry’s most innovative and anticipated games. For a complete listing of available positions, visit our id Careers page. Resumes can be submitted via email to [email protected]. All applicants must be authorized to work in the United States."
  21. po ovome sto sam video ima da bude spot godine...
  22. @KRANG jel ovo neka remastered verzija...
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