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Everything posted by Маузер

  1. Hah! Prekrsti se inverzno!
  2. Sto jes jes. Taj album je bas zver u malom.
  3. MOzda sada angazuju Ihsahna.
  4. Ala meni ovo zvuci na Pita u pizdu materinu!
  5. A i imaju najboljeg vokala bma.
  6. Dark Funeral, bend paketa.
  7. Bato moj, pitaj ove iz Marudka da li su rasisti.
  8. Tada se nebih bunio.
  9. Dark Funeral predgrupa Watainu.
  10. Haha! Dobro je da ne mislis na Funeral Mist.
  11. Nadam se da se salis. U suprotnom: Ja, hent oksa og... kutt dem ned! EDIT: Mislis na FM ili one gore?
  12. Koji kurac vam je ono Gypsi?
  13. Og om du noengang lukter kristenmanns blod Oppi fjellet Ja, hent oksa og... kutt dem ned!
  14. HEXENWAHN - TOTENKULT Ovo je ime.
  15. http://fantasti.cc/videos/permalink/megaro...p;em=&kind=
  16. Ali ime albuma!
  17. Monday, 23. February 2009 RECORDING UPDATE FROM THE STAGE ONE STUDIOS PT. II Demons are you ready for the next chapter? After two weeks of being in the studio, working very intensely, here is another update. Helmuth states about the progress: "Hi all, just returned from the 2nd studio session, completed all rhythm guitars and Serpenth laid down the bass lines. The nine sound collages started to show their grim face and i can say we..re pretty damn pleased, totally blown away by the evil atmosphere. All sound more epic than ever, with lots of cold, haunting melodies, we also added a lot of new elements/ structures to our sound. " The band shot some photos during the recordings, click: www. BELPHEGOR. at THE MASTERPLAN: HEXENWAHN - TOTENKULT! As opposed to previous tales of the inquisition, this focuses upon the darker, more dismal magics of the mighty, powerful witches who conjure and worship demons. Those who have a pact with the forces of hell through the occult. The concept deals with demonology, witchcraft/ Hexenwahn, depraved suKKubi, blackest erotica, and as always, the grand devil, himself. "Well, these days we rehearse for the Scandinavian tour till Thursday, then we fly over to Estonia/ Tallinn where the Einmarsch kicks off. There are a lot shows in countries where we never had the chance to shred, we are looking forward to this tour, see ya soon,"....added Serpenth.
  18. Joj i Rege Diabolicus! Kakva moc! xD I ovo naravno: :)
  19. E vala hocu! A jos i ako dodje unleashed, pa da opet to Asgard we Fly! AJOJJJJJJJJJJ!!!1!!
  20. Evo gledam, pa umirem. Jos jednom da cujem Archon i Nemecic, odo ja da pajkim vecno!
  21. Vaistinu. Covece, pred morbide sto sam ga spopao kako on zna mog burazera, a on me gleda kao da sam pobegao iz Gotamske ludare. :)
  22. Hah, izlazi u slicno vreme i album DFa, pa vas mogu kao predgrupu na turneju staviti. Pa da ovi taman opet dodju kod nas! xD
  23. Ovde su bubnjevi ono bucni jako, i kao da nema trigera.
  24. Ne mislis na taj album. Na Ateri uopste ne zvuce izvestaceno.
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