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Everything posted by Маузер

  1. Sada ce da mi stignu za koji dan ta Emperor reizdanja. Lepa crna pakovanja!
  2. Jel Bosko castio?
  3. Маузер


    Pa Dekanac je naselje u Mitrovici. Najgrdje ubedljivo!
  4. Ja sam Frubiju obecao pivo, ali izbegava me! Ne voli me! Ali ako jednog dana dovede EmperoR...BICUTI DOMACICA DO KRAJA ZIVOTA!!!!!
  5. Iz svog ljutog porsea!!
  6. Маузер


    Joj covece dazivis u Dekancu da vidis koji su to magarci! Ono, kada uvate da te nabijaju na banderu onda si gotov! :)
  7. MA Frost je jaci sa svojom tarzankom!
  8. Маузер


    Pa ono ja sam se toga naslusao ovde od nekih matoraca i kuraca, jer ovde gde ja zivim niko nije normalan! A ono samo je rec, da satanizam, po onim danasnjim stanistima, nije vera u djavola, nego u neki kosmicki kurac! Bes sve to, PAGANIZAM IST IN! :)
  9. Meni su na festu najjace bile Find the Arise, On the Floor i Slowly we Root!
  10. Jel ide on u teretanu?
  11. Маузер


    Zavisi koji Satanizam gledas, po Laveju, satanizam se ic ne razlikuje od hriscanstva! Ali ja shvatam satanizam kao silu koja se nalazi u svakom coveku! Covek mora naci nacin da bi oslobodio tu silu. To se dobija konzumiranjem droga ili padanjem u trans. Ovakavom satanizmu pribegavaju samanisti. Samo sto to neki zovu samanizam, a neki satanizam. Moj poznanik zbog tog padanja u trans pribegava drogama, ali meni ne treba. Lud sam ko strujai jak kao konj! Ja se odjavljujem, dosta mi je warnova!
  12. Маузер


    Nek se dignu legije, dodjem, prdnem, oni nestanu. Tako to ide! Bolje nadji nesto da jebes nego sto serendas. Neku Aboridzinku!
  13. Маузер


    Ja sam potomak Rjurika! Ne zanima me sta ko kaze!
  14. Behemoth-Demonica Emperor-Prometheus Emperor-Wrath of the tyrants Emperor-XI Equilibrium (sva tri limited crni boxset) Darkthrone-F.O.A.D boxset
  15. Маузер


    Znaci Rakic fan Baltaka! Pa dobro svako ima svoje misljenje, a meni je Baltak smesan. Ja pisem bolje textove!
  16. Маузер


    Lepo si mu rekao! Lik je magarone bre, a to da misle da su potomci Aleksandra Makedonskog je isto koliko sam ja potomak Rjurikov! Sta onaj magarac sere za May Result!
  17. Bathory-Wooadwoman Resting by my fire. Looking deep into it's flames. My mind must have been somewhere else Far beyond these plains. I am suddenly aware of a pair of eyes staring at me. I turn around and behold the most ugly thing I have seen. The woman standing in the glade like a shadow in the night Points her wretched finger at me with a wretched smile And she asks me in a voice that sounds as if it's been so long since she spoke, if I seek magic then I should come along I'm but a man. Mortal, a man. But she leaves no footprints in the snow Still I follow on to where she is going For she has promised me magic if I follow on. She takes me to a part of these woods few have ever seen. Where the sun surely won't reach Still the ground ominously gleams. She says she's seen me coming and that she knows where I'll go. But before I leave she says there is this one thing I should know. She offers me the ability to take a fatal wound. Every cut by sword or spear will be absorbed by her tree-womb. The magic will remain until it's time for me to part with this mortal world. And all she'll claim is my young heat. I'm but a man. Mortal, a man. And I'll need all the help that I can get. So I give my heart to the woman of the dark With or without it...my life is not over yet. Wing of bat and lizard's eye. Dust of a star fallen from the sky. Tears of a virgin, *** of a god. Thirteen drops of an infant's blood A twist of a cat's spit and oil of the moon Stir for a while and very soon A salve to be applied upon the chest close to where the heart beats strong. No pains will occur when her hand is pushed into my flesh She'll slowly draw my living heart out of my open chest. She'll place my heart in the pit of the snake and behold the years go by. Hers to keep from the moment when the time has come for me to die.
  18. M jok, ja se nagudrao pa bulaznim!
  19. Jebo Snorrea, ocu opet Satyricon da gledam u Srbiji!
  20. Hriscanin do SMRTI! Nego opet uzeo ja da preslusavam Prometheusa i ne mogu da verujem kako neki album moze da bude tako dobar!
  21. Ma Snorre je obican pederko. Ono muzicar je vrh, skidam kapu. Ali ocinkariti druga, ja nebih mogao, pa da me jebu po sred analnog otvora!
  22. Маузер


    Zamisli sliku Seselja i Varga kako se rukuju. To da vidim pa da umrem!
  23. Sta je kurve, zajebo vas bog! Ode sve u pizdu materinu! Nefas kralj!
  24. Ja od domacina najvise stujem The Stone! Ono bend je stvarno, elite black metal!
  25. A meni pika Armada vec nedelju dana. Kada sam prvi put uzeo da preslusavam, nije se desilo nista. Nego ja uzeo pre nedelju dana, ono, mozda mi se promeni misljenje i album me je prosto ODUVAO!!!!
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