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"First thing you notice is that Death Magnetic is very very long. Possibly, the longest record in their whole career. The shortest song on Death Magnetic is the last one, and it lasts more than 5 minutes. The rest, all are above 6 minutes. Does it mean that the album is boring? Definetely NO. There are tranks that pass in a blink of an eye, and others that, because of their inner characteristics, can let you a little tired... but in general is a very enjoyable.
Speaking about music, I must say that my overall impression is that I have returned very happy with the band, according with what I've listened. The band has done an album with much personality and unique in their discography. Then, you may like the album or not. "Death Magnetic" has nothing to do with "St.Anger", that's for sure, and it moves in a stylish line that can be close to an hybrid between the complexity and technic of "...And Justiec for All" and those heavir METALLICA with a modern touch from Load and ReLoad, but allways remarking that this album have a very special feeling and personality. An album that never follow the shadow of their past, but take impulse on it to create ten songs, more or less inspired, that are the full reflex of what Metallica are in 2008.
Another important detail is that it is an album very riff-oriented, an album where the most important thing are the guitars and where the guitars of Kirk and James stress all over, where the bass of Rob has gained much importance and where the drums of Lars, althought he doesn't make a bad job, don't convince me because of the limited and repetitive of his rhythms.
Besides, being a so long album, we will face tracks with a very extensive stylistically variety, even inside every track. So, we will encounter sections that will remind us of previous records from "Kill'em All" to "St.Anger".
Lastly, I'll say that Kirk Hammet has returned to the solos, and although some are obviously more inspired than others, in general they are full of technique, and it will not be rare to listen to a few tracks with three, and up to four solos, as far as I also have found a disc rather technical, as in his day it was "… And Justice For All", by continuing the comparison.
I will also comment that the voice of James is simply the expected, as usual, with little change, although it is true that in this new album seems as though it were tired of singing, judging by the huge instrumental parts which present in the new record.
Now, here there are a few brushstrokes of what awaits us with each of the tracks in "Death Magnetic:
1 - That Was Just Your Life: The first contact with the disc could not be better, and leaves you almost certainly very hopeful and with renewed faith in what lies ahead. The song has an almost acoustic beginning, but soon begin these guitars so characteristic of most heavy Metallica that will not disappear virtually throughout the disc. In fact is the first thing that draws attention, the forcefulness of the guitars and the wisdom these riffs that often turn into riding rythms in a few stanzas in plan 'allegro', accompanied by a discrete drums, that come to lead to a chorus in the way of the Bay, shortly defined and certainly nothing commercial. The share of solos I have found one pass, the first being very classic, accelerated and technical, followed by another slower and addressed to the more melodic vein of Hammet. Ultimately, a track of 7:10 that doesn't feel long at all.
2 - The End Of The Line: This one was the first "The New Song" which came out last year even without words ( "The Other New Song" seems that it has not reached the final tracklisting). His start reminiscent of Metallica's "Load" / "Reload", but more heavy in the vein of the current group, and then switch to a tempo considerably lighter (these changes occur all across the entire disc ). If you have listened to the song previously, you know how the song will be. The tempo has been a little accelerated.
3 - Broken, Beat & Scarred: "Broken, Beat & Scarred" has also a very heavy start where the bass has an extra protagonism, followed by a main riff of these that you'll find yourself singing and all under the rythm imposed by a Lars that continues with a very discrete job. The final of the track improves a lot the song, with another change of tempo and a great solo, building an end that appears more inspired than the rest of the rack. It is at this point where certainly makes it quite clear where the fact that this is a disc with a very own personality and characteristics, which is not intended to copy anything, what I personally am very grateful.
4 - The Day That Never Comes: This is the first single disc, and far from being the typical single, (easy, commercial...) is for my taste one of the best cuts on the disc if not the best, which incidentally is on the network since four or five days. That is why I do not dwell too much on this specifically, but highlight the initial part with that almost hypnotic melody for my taste that is signed by the best Metallica. Great also that transition from ballad to a more heavy minutes but without losing the feeling, something that they allways have donde quite well. It's also noticeable that Hammett solos could be better, although that taste to "… And Justice For All" at the end that reminds "One" is invaluable.
5 - All Long Nightmare: Maybe the best track of the album. The beginning is already good, but the change that comes after will put all of you a smile in you faces if you want it or not. Vey good. It puts you in the tunnel of time to the best Metallica (even if the tempo was a little even faster and stronger the song would be perfect). Another track full of changes, very varied, but that puts you in its course since the second 1 until the end. At times, it sounds as if today Metallica were recording "Kill Em 'All", for example. That old sentiment adjusted to what the group is today.
6 - Cyanide: You can listen to "Cyanide" as it has been released in Youtube, and I must say that is the worst track in the album by far. Reminds St. Anger "so repetitive and imaginative bit of the lyrics, which sometimes seems that doesn't fit very well and let alone the music, which is many levels below the rest of the record. It seems that in Cyanide they got empty of inspiration and didn't know what to compose. Song with a clear aftertaste to Metallica's more "moden" taste.
7 - The Unforgiven III: This is, I guess, the most awaited by every Metallica fan who appreciates and has followed the group's discography, as already one third part of known theme surprised. The bad news is that with the first, the original, the bar was very high, and after hearing this third, it is inevitable that an impression is left like that in the last two songs, as early as the second part of the album, the level gets lower , although trust me when I say that this assertion is not subject to any comparison with the first version of "The Unforgiven."
The start will take your beath away, starting with a single line of beautiful piano, which was shortly thereafter joined some 'cellos', creating an atmosphere that promises a lot. Then comes little by little guitar with a gentle tap and after the foundation, and just after, when the thing goes up and finally breaks the tone and atmosphere, I can not help but turn the gesture and awakening of the illusion that the song had created. Finally ends up being an song that has not convinced me, one more, below many of the disc, perhaps because the expectations that the name of the song creates let you something cold, although I must say that has given me the impression that this is one of those songs that gets better and better the more times you listen to it (like the entire album). The track is unlike any of the other two versions, and is coming to an end with a single envelope technique but lacked feeling altogether.
8 - The Judas Kiss: Now the album starts to rise again, although the track ends being a little too long, compared to the previous ones. A song in the very general tone of the disc but more successful in its composition than the rest, which you can spare a few minutes, at least for my taste. Riff blunt, heavy topic of Metallica pure and simple, and this time slightly more garish guitars, somehow different to the rest of the compact. What is undoubtedly the best part of only a single followed by a tremendous very much instrumental.
9 - Suicide & Redemption: This track will make rivers of ink flow. More than ten minutes of instrumental theme that begins pulling a lot of low, and as it seems logical that has a cast of guitars for every taste, from the most forceful and incisive from inception to more melodic later, all without losing the flavor Metallica, but falling into the monotony at least in my opinion, but here, as in "The Unforgiven III", gives me the feeling that we are facing another of those songs that will grow the more you listen to it. Nor a part especially quiet and emotional at the end of the item where James once again raise its facet more "tender" to end the court as usual, with the main riff.
10 - My Apocalypse: "Death Magnetic" definitely touches to an end with "My Apocalypse", a track that raises a lot and the overall level of the second part of this album with a murderer initial riff. One track is "short", about 5 minutes (the shortest of the disc) and also the most direct. In the final section highlights the guitarists Hammett,very good and not losing that thraser heart that we all thought they had forgotten. Great track to end a great album."