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Everything posted by SkullKrusheR

  1. to sam i ja rekao. ali je barem izashao kao pobednik iz svega ovoga, pod uslovom da ne uhvate u nekoj hipotetichkoj buducnosti (ili josh bolje da nadje negde onaj disk shto je snimio sa henkom i iskoristi to u zamenu za slobodu i nekako dobije starateljstvo nad brokom, to bi bio ultimativni hepi end). meni je super shto na kraju niko ne zna gde se nalaze svi oni milioni.
  2. kako je moguce da je ovo '87. kad je tada carnivore vec izdao drugi album, a piter na svim slikama iz tog perioda izgledao kao divljak sa dugom kosom? rekao bih da je slika neshto starija.
  3. [–]XLeyva 148 points 18 hours ago How Do You feel about Miley Cyrus jacking your style? permalink [–]DannyBrownBruhBruh 845 points 18 hours ago lol she jacking hood rats style not mine
  4. Plug is a five piece band from Austin, Texas who formed in the winter of 2011. Plug is an allstar band of sorts featuring members of Mammoth Grinder, Iron Age, Lie And Wait, Feed, Bitter End, The Mites, On My Side, and Gleeson. Bass duties on this album were handled by Chris Ulsh, who also plays in Mammoth Grinder, Power Trip, Hatred Surge, and The Impalers. Plug play a killer style of punk, stoner rock, and noise rock. The band cites The Melvins, Motorhead, The Wipers, Discharge, ZZ Top, Unsane, Black Sabbath, Helmet, Torche, Cactus, and Pantera as influences, which makes for a diverse wealth of influences and makes Plug truly stand out in a major way. Back On The Skull is the band's debut eleven song LP which was self released by the band on September 13th, 2013. Back On The Skull features eleven songs of sludgy, psychedelic, desert rock tinged, and metal informed punk. The band member's talent shows up in spades on Back On The Skull. The closest comparison I can make with Plug is to picture Torche channeled through Motorhead. Seriously, this a an amazing album and should not be missed. http://www1.zippyshare.com/v/16865724/file.html dobro sranje.
  5. http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/8966066/ ortak mi malopre poslao link, valjda je pravi.
  6. slazem se za wonderbread. bolje da je grown up ubacio na album.
  7. dobro su i tamo poredjane kad ih sortirash prema broju pesme. tagovane su dobro, ali su imena vecine pesama u folderu napisana bez broja ispred.
  8. http://instagram.com/thenastygal apgrejdovana verzija abele anderson. i woulda put a ring on it.
  9. Jamie Carragher: Arsenal have got the best midfield in the league, Liverpool have got 2 of the best strikers in the league, Chelsea have got too many big names in their team which can be a problem at times. Anchor: What about United? Jamie: Well City is above them, that says it all..... Gary Neville: But City lost to Villa and Cardiff as well! Jamie: I meant Hull City. :haha:
  10. SkullKrusheR


    opet ce da ga zduva kao proshle godine. em je mator, em se ni sam ne seca kad je poslednji put igrao kvalitetnu kosharku, netsi samo njega chekaju.
  11. odlichna detaljna analiza sa kojom se 100% slazem. http://www.sbnation.com/2013/9/30/4785066/breaking-bad-felina-and-the-end ima i nekih detalja koje ste mozda propustili. i gif na kraju je pobeda.
  12. plakao sam kao curica. nije moglo bolje od ovoga.
  13. kakve akcije kod oba gola, kao na malom fudbalu. remzi se izjednachava na vrhu liste strelaca. 8 golova u svim takmichenjima.
  14. kakav festival danas. curke i chelsi podelili bodove, manchesterski blizanci gube, samo josh ovi moji da ne kiksnu protiv velshana.
  15. ja sam bio ubedjen da je on u penziji vec par godina.
  16. lazo, reaguj!
  17. SkullKrusheR


    super su dresovi, bolji od proshlogodishnjih.
  18. http://noisey.vice.com/blog/meet-young-dirty-bastard-son-of-ol-dirty-bastard kakva dileja
  19. novi doomriders... http://www64.zippyshare.com/v/15060545/file.html obrcem sad prvi put, ubija na mestu.
  20. pa nije spominjao plavo.
  21. kul je ova stvar. nishta novo, ali skroz ok. mozda i skinem album.
  22. nece se taj izostanak osetiti pored remzija golgetera. moze i mijaici malo da se kali.
  23. bendtner-san
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