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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by SkullKrusheR

  1. omot ne sme da prodje bez teshe. morate nekako da ga ukomponujete u celu prichu.
  2. chitao sam ovo vec, ali je prejako. najjacha stvar: shtuca mi glavic.
  3. aj probacemo da vidimo koliko ce ovo kultno da bude, ali inache full-lenght albumi ne dolaze u obzir, samo demoNi. narochito ako su na kaseti...
  4. ne bih ni ja, ali chinjenica je da mnogo slabije peva u odnosu na proshle 2 decenije.
  5. ne mlatim. "I was walking back from Starbucks one morning trying to figure out what Brian Tatler, the guitarist from Diamond Head, was thinking when he wrote that song. I got to the studio and the phone rings and they say 'Brian Tatler is on line one.' I thought, you got to be fucking kidding me. He lives in England and how in the world could he find me over here in some studio in LA? So, I told him I wanted to do homage to him in the vein of 'Am I Evil' and he said OK. Brian and I are working on a project together. So to answer your question-fuck off!" (Mustaine, 2001) "'When' is actually supposed to resemble 'Am I Evil.' I also think that saying we're going back to the NWOBHM is quite accurate. We never really left that style of music. We just didn't go after it as hard as we used to, for a while. Even though I talk to Tatler regularly, I underline that I don't wanna take away the focus from Megadeth. It's something that means a lot to me, to work with Tatler, but I absolutely do not want to discourage the band members of Megadeth who are my friends and business partners. It's definitely not a priority, if it happens it happens." (Mustaine, 2001)
  6. pa da, to je trebalo valjda da predstavlja tribjut (ili tako neshto). nije slushajno.
  7. russ je propao sad.
  8. nije losh novi album. nije nishta posebno, ali moze proci.
  9. do the muthafuckin' toxic waltz!!
  10. poslao mu sotona lichno na kucnu adresu.
  11. al' zamalo... edit: sad je u redu, malopre je josh bio king diamond, samo spljoshten.
  12. moj predlog je da se ova preimenuje u "Koga biste od članova(članica) yumetal-a voleli da vidite kao od majke rođenog (rođenu)", a da se otvori nova za chlanove bendova.
  13. ljudi, vi ne mozete da zamislite moju reakciju svaki put kad vidim sliku...
  14. jebote, ja bio u gradu sa ortacima, i na svakih 10-15 min. sam pochinjao histerichno da se smjem, setivshi se teshine slike...
  15. Saturday, March 07, 2009. The day of absolute kvltage.
  16. nije, izashao je 2000. odlichan album. takodje izdvajam josh i quo vadis, hieronymus bosch i kanadski martyr.
  17. imam osecaj da mi posle ovoga vishe nishta nece biti zanimljivo i smeshno u zivotu, uopshte. nema svrhe vishe ziveti. koji ce mi kurac porodica, karijera i buducnost posle ovoga: http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh312/l...or/S7301168.jpg
  18. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) jebote... boli me stomak... kraj. nema vishe. sad sam sve video. mogu slobodno da umrem u miru.
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