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Everything posted by Telcontar

  1. Pa dobar U svakom slucaju, nista cudno... mnogi su tako poceli...
  2. Pre 3-4 Him, a sada neki black, jel tako... ako mogu da pogadjam, onda CoF... Klasican razvojni put svih mladih metalerki....
  3. NE verujem kakvi su ovi Apocalipticari postali lameri, da rade sa VVom....
  4. Zvali su se Tricky Beans. pa Tricky Means, pa SonatA ArcticA ...
  5. JA IMAM MASTERA, ali problem je sto ne mozemo da uskladimo termine... Cimacu ga ovih dana, pa cemo da vidimo
  6. Dobar je, ali nije bolji od Ecliptice i Silence-a
  7. Sto ne videh taj besto of... damn it..
  8. Pa kad si se zablenuo u te svoje krave i tenkovi i ores njivu sa T-72.... Dobro si se setio da nas posetis.... ja vec mislio da si nas zaboravio...
  9. Cuj, dal ima mesta... ma jok ja, Queen i moiraina cemo sami da rolamo....
  10. Pa Queen, kako je krenulo do doceka 2006 cemo odraditi 1-2 seasion-a...
  11. Dokle cete vise bre sa ovakvim glupim temama... Otkud znam, valjda je bila metallica.. il maideni... pojma nemam... Znam da je prva kaseta tvrdjeg zvuka bila "Goblini U magnovenju live tour" al to nije bio metal...
  12. MY SELENE Nocturnal poetry, Dressed in the white and silver, you smile at me Every night I wait for my sweet Selene But, still... Solitude's upon my skin the life that's bound by the chains of reality would you let me be your (?)? [ let me fear and i would know ??? ] I won't bathe in your moonlight, a slumbering beast, enchanted by your kiss and forever sleep... But until we unite, I live for the night Wait for time, two souls entwine In the break of new dawn, my hope is forlorn, Shadows they will fade, but I'm always in the shade Without you... Serene and silent sky Rays of moon are dancing with the time A perfect sight, the world divine And I, the loneliest child alive, always waiting, searching for my bride, I'm still alone in the dead of night... Silent I lie with smile on my face, appearance decieves and the silence betrays As I wait for the time, my dream comes alive Always out of sight, but never out of mind, and under waiting moon, still I long for you, Alone against the light, (??) In the end, I'm enslaved by my dreams In the end, there's no soul who bleeds for me Hidden from daylight and sealed in my cave Wrapped in the dream that is slowly turning to nightmare where I'm all alone... (?) light when you're but a dream, the book is still open, the pages as empty as me... I cling to the hope that's beginning to fade, Trying to break the desolation, my hate But until we unite, I live for the night Wait for time, two souls entwine In the break of new dawn, my hope is forlorn We will never meet Only misery and me... This is my final call, my eve and fall Drowning into time, I become the night By the light of new day, I'll fade away Reality can't speak Would you bleed with me, My Selene? SHAMANDALIE Shamandalie In good old times Remember my friend Moon was so bright And so close to us sometimes Mirror still blind If what a bliss Painting the world of our own For our own eyes now Can we ever have what we had then? Friendship unbreakable Love means nothing to me Without blinking an eye I fade, it's so needed All those moments with you If I had you beside me One cloudy day We both lost the game We drifted so far and away Nothing is quite As cruel as a child Sometimes we break the unbreakable, sometimes And we'll never have what we had then Friendship unbroken Love means nothing to me Without blinking an eye I fade, it's so needed All those moments with you If I had you beside me now I was unable to cope with what you said: "sometimes we need to be cruel to be kind" child that i was, could not see the reason feeling say (???) shamandalie I have never forgotten your smile Your eyes of shamandalie Time went by Many memories died Im writing this down to ease my pain You saw us always clearer than me How we were never meant to be Love denied that the friendship would die Now I have seen the light These memories make me cry! Can I ever have what I had That friendship unbroken Love means nothing to me Without blinknig an eye I fade, it's so needed All those moments with you See the world with my wide open eyes Friendship unbroken (???) Like the world of my childhood Then you forbidden me Now you're better off me All that payback in old times "Blinded No More" Your pretty face sudduce me Blinded me from how you used me I walk the long way home Only to get hurt by you again the longest plans or what illusions did i have of you All the reflections(???) You found all 7 ways to keep me near Near within your reach you sure knew how to harness love but never made me more then "want you" Im not sorry, you will never get more out of me Cause I am Blinded No More You sucked up my will to live You gave me the crown and killed how long would i've not to regret (???) Now there's a little left If you're to live the lies, nothing more Now i have myself to live for You sucked up my will to live You gave me the crown and killed how long would i've not to regret (???) All my life ill (???) my hands I always get returned a love, another chance say the words I wanna hear All over again Come seal me love, My only reason. nothing is service free Just things cannot be healed (???)find for me, so come here come, come, come I've sucked up my will to live You gave me the crown and killed how long would i've not to regret (???) Ohhhh In the same nightmare again Ohhhh Your tunnel of love will never end Ohhhh Taken for granted again Ohhhh To weak to say it is over ohhhhhhhhhhh All my life ill(???) my hands I always get returned a love, another chance say the words I wanna hear All over again Come seal me love, My only reason. We always seem to end up here and break the lands(?) ready to give it, to the love another chance You say the words I wanna hear All over again (???) Nisu skroz tacni tekstovi, ali da imate predstavu otprilike... MY SELENE mi je super i pesma i tekst...
  13. ZNa li neko hoce li biti petkom metala na dalje ? I ko je DJ na metalu ponedeljkom....
  14. Ima li nekih vesti o ovom bendu ??? Ja sam ih skoro cuo prvi put, al sam se primio na njih,......
  15. Ma Michaela na confluxu jebe keve.... U jebote, nasta lici to cudo.... bice zanimljivo slusati to....
  16. Ma JBJ je zakon.... nwoggy se samo nesto zali.... E da, za sledeci put, "Living on a Prayer" se peva " Livin for the Slayer"
  17. Pa, cini mi se da ubacivanja back zenskih vokala, uopste ne bi bila losa ideja.. naprotiv.... Cak iako ne bi bilu izvodjljivo uzvio, ipak bi bilo lepo da ima i zenskih....
  18. Nadam se da link radi... Nije nesto posebno, radjeno u paintu na brziunu u 5 ujutro ali.... it rocks...
  19. 1. BIlo je suuppperrrr 2. HVALA, HVALA, i HVALA za HAIL AND KILL !!!! 3. Prijatno iznenadjenje je bila i " Out in the Fields "
  20. Zenica Sveta - Robert Jordan...
  21. Lamerko....
  22. Pa neces se razocarati... mozda... Zapravo to je pitanje ukusa i ocekivanja, ja sam ocekivao los album, ispao je cool, ali opet meni je sonata u top 5 bendova, tako da....
  23. Iznenadilo me je na albumu i nema nesto balada... tanijen ema nijedne "Sonatovske" balade... Album je... pa cudan za sonatu... Silence ili Eclipticu kada sam cuo, pesme su mi prosto ulazile u usi na prvo slusanje.. ovde to nije slucaj... nekako, su drugacije, cak pomalo lice jedna na drugu, na prvih par slusanja... Ali nisu lose, My Selene je strava pesma, Dont Say a Word je cool.. Shamadalie ( whatever that is ) je isto cool, to je recimo balada, mada malo cudna....
  24. Imam novi album.... I Dobar je
  25. Treba da znaci : OTHER BANDS PLAY MANOWAR KILLS !!!
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