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Everything posted by F4R15

  1. Satir je u Satirikonu, Manijak u Mejhemu.
  2. F4R15


    2506 United States 1430 United Kingdom 541 Sweden 445 Finland 408 Serbia 227 Croatia 220 Norway 104 Greece 89 Germany 84 Canada 72 Bosnia 67 Switzerland 61 Denmark 43 Australia 30 Brazil 28 Unknown
  3. Skida se samo zbog vomitinga
  4. F4R15

    BM noviteti

    Jel ovo neki novi Vozd?
  5. F4R15

    Rotting Christ

    Nakon višemjesečne pauze, pustih AEALO, i ne vozi me više kao kad je tek izašao, ali je stvarno super album koji se može slušati bez napora.
  6. Najznačajnija death-doom/funeral doom izdanja ove godine?
  7. Ejprile daj link za Howling Void
  8. Može neko da mi ispiše bar nazive live albuma? Ne mogu da pohvatam sve. I da, bar ove što su izašli u 2009/'10
  9. Pjesma kida
  10. Mnogo ne mogu da slušam to Super je ova zadnja trojka albuma, mogao bih da ih vrtim do besvijesti
  11. F4R15


    To bio Mayhem?
  12. Usudiću se da se složim sa tobom
  13. Ali nije rekao da neće snimati
  14. Jebo te Bog... blago vama
  15. Jeeej, nisam se ni zadnjeg naslušo ko čojk
  16. Ko kaže da nisam? Samo, ako je to gore vokal, Carcass nema takvog.
  17. Mogo si mi vokal neki dat
  18. Nije mi to nikako jasno. To kao da imaš political vokale. o.O
  19. Taj gore se ne primjeti u muzici koliko ja znam
  20. Ima
  21. Dobra fora za omot
  22. F4R15


    Malo opširnije o albumu ANNIHILATOR's new, self-titled release is the band's thirteenth studio album and is due to be released in Europe by Earache Records on 17th May. ANNIHILATOR guitarist and main man JEFF WATERS discusses the artwork: "The new Annihilator CD cover art was, again, done by the great Gyula Havancsák (http://www.hjules.com). He has done the art for the last 4 Annihilator studio releases, as well as the 'Ten Years in Hell' DVD. The concept was mine and came to me in a dream (more like a nightmare) and seems to be 'Alice' (Alison Hell), returned from the grave! Musically, the new CD ended up being far more aggressive than expected; thus, the new CD cover seems to compliment the songs perfectly." 'ANNIHILATOR' is set to feature ten tracks of heads-down, no-frills metal, and is sure to be a highlight in the band's already-impressive catalogue.
  23. Kad jbt?
  24. Slab novi MGMT
  25. http://www.rapidshare.com/files/133977714/Desultory_-_Bitterness__1994_.rar
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