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Everything posted by F4R15

  1. A Jerry-jeva solo karijera? Mene cudi zasto on nije uzeo mikrofon
  2. Kako sam slasno usnama istopio chokoladu
  3. A jos da vidite koliki je... Megafucks... :)
  4. Necu da skidam dok ne kupim cd
  5. Mozda se i ne shali http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/56/fotografija0023gu0.jpg http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/5909/fo...fija0022nd2.jpg http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/1470/fo...fija0024vw9.jpg Neki dan kupio
  6. Kakav sam čoko smoki danas dobio
  7. Tri na karte uvek dodam kada hocu da se prodam kradena su moja kola sobu delim pola, pola ne lazem te kad ti kazem istina je da te lazem
  8. Mah dobro, nisu jedini bend...mislim jos nesto narucit od drugih...al eto da znam. Btw. mozhe ovo ako ti je usput
  9. Filmovi, serije za skidanje. Organizacija na nivou
  10. E za ovaj sam se smijao oko 5 min.
  11. F4R15


    Sepulturium A heavy metal only found in Brazil on Chaos A.D., discovered Beneath the Remains by extremely good lyricist Max Cavalera. Known to be extremely deadly in it's first four stages. After it reches its Roots, it is completely useless. Often causes Schizophrenia and Morbid Visions. If children are exposed, it causes them to Refuse food and Resist their parents. It could also cause the obliteration of mankin
  12. -.-' Jel neko upoznat kako ce prodavat...? Pare u kovertu i na adresu, a meni poslije stigne cd( standardno) ili imaju neki necro grim inovativni nacin ?
  13. Ocekuj skrnavljenje tvog tijela od mracnih sila zato sto si izabrao logo na svoju ruku.
  14. Mama mi ne slusa Blind Guardian. Kaze da je Hansiju glas puko poslije Nightfalla, al...sta ona zna.
  15. Skino neke stvari, i odusevljen sam
  16. Sepulturium A heavy metal only found in Brazil on Chaos A.D., discovered Beneath the Remains by extremely good lyricist Max Cavalera. Known to be extremely deadly in it's first four stages. After it reches its Roots, it is completely useless. Often causes Schizophrenia and Morbid Visions. If children are exposed, it causes them to Refuse food and Resist their parents. It could also cause the obliteration of mankind. :)
  17. F4R15


    UnSun is a Polish Gothic metal/Alternative metal band formed by the guitarist Maurycy "Mauser" Stefanowicz member of the death metal band Vader. http://rapidshare.com/files/186329861/unsu...end_of_life.rar
  18. Coffins are a Japanese heavy doom/death metal band, formed in 1996 by guitarist and vocalist Uchino. SoCal's long-but-awesomely-monikered The Arm & Sword Of A Bastard God make their four track debut on the split. Similar in style to both Graves At Sea and Coffins with some added dirt n grime production wise and insanely pissed gutteral vocals, The Arm & Sword... are among the best new bands to come from the barren sunburnt wastelands outside LA. http://rapidshare.com/files/188522721/coff...bastard_god.rar
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