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Everything posted by Fake City
Kejt je zlo i naopako.
Pretrazujem nesto imdb i naletim na ovaj novi horor sa Megan Fox, provalite poster. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1131734/ http://showclix.com/blog/wp-content/upload...lood_poster.jpg
Bio sam se ponadao da ce otici posle onoga kada su mu iscupali slusalice iz smrdljivih usiju, ali je camugi dobro u Partizanu jer moze da se kurci, a da ne snosi posledice (ali ne jos dugo). Ima stan od 150 kvadrata u elitnom delu NBG-a koji mu uglavnom placa Partizan, satro kao i on nesto placa za taj stan ali jede govna. Da sam na mestu onog Djordjevica ili tako nekog veterana isamarao bi camugu sve u 16, da se malo spusti na zemlju. Mogu da se kladim da ce ove sezone biti kerov kurac, videcete.
Dijari treba jebati mamu u picku on je jedini pokretac te lose atmosfere. Majmun se malo osilio, izgleda da mu onaj incident u busu nije dovoljan.
Mogla si da nam napises i sta ces da jedes danas, kada ces sutra da operes zube i tako...
Hahaha dobar si... Pa kad bi isao tom logikom onda ne bi gledao 90% danasnjih filmova. xD Uglavnom to ucenjivanje sa slikama uopste nije ni bitno toliko u filmu, to je shvatio i g. Bruks, tj. njegov alter ego da taj lik i nije tako velika pretnja jer zeli samo da izbaci neke svoje komplekse putem ubijanja. Slike su mu sluzile samo da bi usao u taj "zatvoreni krug". Film je i vise nego dobar triler, naravno da ce biti nekog kome se nece svideti.
bice zanimljivo sa atinskim ciganima, na terenu i van njega grupa je zajebana, posebno sto jos ne znamo na sta ce tim da nam lici. ali verujem u duleta.
Ranije sam gledao dosta Cartoon Network dok su bili dobri, znaci Courage Cowardly Dog, Scooby, Ed, Eddn Eddy ... Ovi novi su teski krs. Od sinhronizovanih sam kao klinac najvise voleo kornjace i alfreda kvaka. Mnogo vise mi leze ove FOX animirane serije, i sa Comedy Centrala (FG, SP, Simpsonovi, Drawn Together itd.)
evo sta je dodato u DC -When Rorschach is in Blake's apparment, immediatley after he says "Somebody knows", two cops enter the appartement and he attacks them. - Just as Dan leaves Hollis' appartement, they see a news repport about Rorschach and the cops he attacked. - The scene when Dan goes to his house is also extended. - The conversation between Dan and Rorschach in the kitchen is extended. - After Rorschach leaves, you see him walking in the streets while he "reads" a journal entry, the famous line "Evil must be punished, even in the face of Armaggedon" is in there. - When Rorschach goes to the Rockefeller Millitary Research Center, in the journal entry, he says "Vedit, possible homosexual, must envestigate further." - When Laurie is in the cab, after eating with Dan, he points out that some millitary people are following her. - The funeral is also extended. You can see Kovacs with the sign, walking in the sidewalk. - All the flashbacks except Sally's are extended. - When Dan and Laurie are walking to Hollis', there is a scene where the fat Bernie tells Kovacs that the New's Frotiersman issue hasn't arrived yet and you can see the other Bernie reading TOTBF. - In the Face to Face with Dr. Manhattan, there are a couple of new questions from the reporters. - After Dan and Laurie get mugged she says something like "Jesus, us getting mugged" and moments later she says she doen's want to go to Hollis'. - There is a new scene where Dan arrives to Hollis' house and they see the Dr. Manhattan freakout on TV. - Jon actually teleports every one on the set before teleporting himself to Mars. - When Jon is on Mars, I think the flashback sequence is extended. The shot with him in the sky with leaves falling is there (I remember everyone freaked out because they didn't know when or why that happend... Well, it's nothing...) and you can see him drawing the symbol on his forehead (I don't remember if this was on the Theatrical Cut). - After the Mars scene, some millitary pepole interrogate Laurie. They ask her if they had a fight and stuff like that, and I don't know why, she has a flashback. It's the one where The Comedian talks to her after the Watchmen meeting and Sally appears. There are a couple of scenes after that, with the cops and Laurie. - I think that the scene with Nixon in the millitary room is extended, but I don't remeber the TC. - When Chess appears in the elevator to shoot Vedit, the scene is much more gruesome (for example, he shoots off a couple of fingers of Vedit's assistant). - I think that the journal entry Rorschach reads after he sees Laurie and Dan leaving the Diner is extended and there is a couple of more scenes with him in the alleys of NYC and he actually goes to Roy Chess' appartment. - The scene with Kovacs and Dr. Long is extended and when he tells him how Rorschach was born when he killed that guy (what was his name?), the scene where he splits his head with the thingy is much more gruesome, you can see his head becoming all *beep* up and there is much more blood. - Dan and Laurie's dialogue in the basement is also extended. - The tennenment fire (or whatever) scene is extended. - The jail break-in is extended, and the scene where Laurie tells Rorscach that he is an *beep* is there too. - Then comes the scene where the Knot Tops say that the Owl broke into the jail and rescued Rorschach and one of them says that he lives a couple of blocks away. - Sally's phone call to Hollis is there too. He says goodbye to her because someone is knocking on his door (the Knot Tops) - The Hollis Mason murder. I really really liked this scene. It's really cool because as he punches the Knot Tops, the screen becomes black and white and the person changes to a super villain (like the Nazi guy or the one that looked like a fat Al Capone). I loved it. - Then, Rorschach and Dan go to Happy Harry's and they see on TV that Hollis has been murdered. Then Dan sees a Knot Top and starts punching him until he spits his teeth, asking him who killed Hollis. - I think that the dialogue on Mars is extended too.
Mr. Brooks Odlican.
dobro nije bas na nivou mullholanda, ali je veoma dobar. denis huper me odusevio kako je odglumeo
Blue Velvet Ne znam sto sam stalno odlagao da pogledam ovaj film, stajao mi je na dvdu odavno. Uglavnom genijalan film. Observe and Report Ko voli crni humor neka odgleda ovaj film, dobar je.
da sam sad marej pokidao bi od kurca onu "malu" ipak federer ima najbolju picku
dvdrip ce verovatno izaci negde pocetkom septembra. inace gledao sam film skroz prosecan nista posebno.
Odgledao sam film i razocarao se. Pocetak je obecavao medjutim sredina filma je tezak smor kao da je Snajder samo nabacao stvari iz stripa bez ikakvog razvoja likova (pretpostavljam da ce u DC to biti bolje odradjeno). Poslednjih 30 minuta je solidno uradjeno, ali imam osecaj da je nekako sve zbrzano. Moja ocena 7/10 Pogledacu i DC pa ce mozda imati bolje misljenje o filmu.
I meni se to desava, popizdeo sam. Nesto sam pokusavao ali nisam uspeo, pa mislim da je najbolje resenje backup bookmarksa i reistalacija ff-a.
Moguce, ili tim likovima sto ga pljuju vise leze Ben Stiler fazon komedije.
In Bruges Jedan od najboljih filmova koje sam gledao u poslednje vreme, crna komedija. Obavezno overiti.
Dva po meni veoma ogavna filma -Boy in the Striped Pyjamas -Push
Koen je defektna debilcina jebao ga onaj raspali eminem u dupe.
Umemo li da govorimo srpski jezik?
Fake City replied to Night's Blood's topic in Kultura, Umetnost, Mediji
Pakao! Boja fonta je vrh, verovatno je devojcica u toj nekoj prolaznoj fazi treba je razumeti... -
Beetle Juice na BluRay-u, genijalan film. November sa Kortni KOKs, independent psiholoski triler zahteva malo razmisljanja pri gledanju, nije losh.