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Vrućina, 'ladnoća i ostale vremenske (ne)prilike
Ајлин replied to Dead Man Walking's topic in Sve & Svašta
Pa kad je smešno, jbg. Ionako tvoji postovi zauzimaju 95% teme Najsmešniji najgluplji, dal' smo ti svi "dušmani" ili ti stvarno daješ takve izjave, proceni sam... Nego, dobra je ova kišurina, ne moram da zalivam cveće tri puta dnevno Jedini zez je što mi patike imaju neki glupi kao vazdušni otvor na đonu pa sve cvile kad hodam Mnogo smešno zvuči. -
Odličan sijetlski prog osamdesetih... Nastali su u isto vreme kad i QRyche što im je donekle omelo razvoj karijere jer je menadžment obraćao pažnju na QR a ne na njih... drugi razlozi su neraščišćeni računi oko autorskih prava koje su imali sa izdavačkom kućom... Ko voli QR iz ranih dana voleće i ovaj bend.
Најбољи (најсмешнији, најглупљи) постови свих времена
Ајлин replied to Axeanosilas's topic in Sve & Svašta
Evo nešto povezano sa komentarima.
Ne, ali radujem se ako je istina... Na ovo bih, osim Testamenta koji će nas po svoj prilici zaobići, volela da odem
Pola sata valjda u tvoju koris' majka mu stara Radite na ovoj temi? Vid' đavola, i ja isto
Bili bi to veoma skupi omoti...
Da li se stvarno budite tako rano, ili je ovo zaostavština od noćnog bdenja nad temom Slejer? @timepiece : ko priznaje pola mu se dodaje
Brzo to ispravi sada S obzirom na to da ovaj gornji linak ima jednu stvar koja se ne završava i to me mnogo nervira... vredi pokušati sa ovim tvojim linkom Forgotten heroes ... lepa bas linija Edit2: Gle! Planiraju novi album... Sunce ti (Wiki doduše ali da se proveriti) History After the successful release and production of "Eye of the Sun" in 2006, the band were slated to begin writing/recording courses for their next album and scheduled it for release in 2007. However, the year of release was then rescheduled to 2008, but on that year, they released their first compilation album "The Definitive Part One", so now Throne of Damnation is currently planned for official release in 2009. This will be the first album with all-original material in a long time since 1989's A Sultan's Ransom to feature again Russ North on vocals and Jon Brown on drums.
Sad sam više iz dosade guglala da vidim šta se o njima piše u poslednje vreme, verovali ili ne, imaju ljudi sajt.... Postoje tri albuma: Graceful inheritance (1986) Triad (ovo nažalost nisam čula) One Small Voice (1989)
Probaj odavde nešto http://sharebee.com/683ed744
Brate Tigre, 14 stvari, ja skinula, evo ga šljaka.
Heh, gle ima tema... izvol'te neki linak http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0TD859LK
Au, pa tek sad videh ... Family tragedies The late 1990s were a very trying time for Beksiński. His wife, Zofia, died in 1998; a year later, on Christmas Eve 1999, his son Tomasz (a popular radio presenter, music journalist and movie translator) committed suicide. Beksiński discovered his son's body. Unable to come to terms with his son's death, he kept an envelope "For Tomek in case I kick the bucket" pinned to his wall. On 21 February 2005, Beksiński was found dead in his flat in Warsaw with 17 stab wounds on his body; two of the wounds were determined to have been fatal. Robert Kupiec (the teenage son of his long time caretaker), who later pleaded guilty, and a friend were arrested shortly after the crime. On 9 November 2006 Robert Kupiec was condemned to 25 years of prison, and his accomplice, Łukasz Kupiec, to 5 years by the court of Warsaw. Before his death, Beksiński refused a small loan to Robert Kupiec (few hundred złotys; approximately $100). [edit] The person Although Beksiński's art was often grim, he himself was known to be a pleasant person who took enjoyment from conversation and had a keen sense of humor. He was exceptionally modest and somewhat shy, avoiding public events such as the openings of his own exhibitions. He credited music as his main source of inspiration. He claimed not to be much influenced by literature, cinema or the work of other artists, and almost never visited museums or exhibitions. The last time he went to a museum was in October 2004 with the young painter Lukasz Banach (now Norman Leto) and with Valdemar R. Plusa, his agent from Toronto and owner of Belvedere Gallery. Beksiński avoided concrete analyses of the content of his work, saying "I cannot conceive of a sensible statement on painting". He was especially dismissive of those who sought or offered simple answers to what his work 'meant'. [edit] Artistic legacy The town of Sanok, Poland, houses a museum dedicated to Beksiński. He is still represented by his agent Valdemar R. Plusa, owner of Belvedere Gallery in Canada. Plusa has continued to maintain Beksinski's website [1], which features prints of his work for sale. A Beksiński museum (Muzeum Zdzisława Beksińskiego), housing 50 paintings and 120 drawings from the Dmochowski collection, opened in 2006 in the City Art Gallery of Częstochowa, Poland. A 'Beksiński cross', in the characteristic T-shape frequently employed by the artist, stands in the Nevada desert. Inače sad videh kako se piše sa poljskim slovima - prezime se čita Beksinjski. Tragična sudbina...
Ma dobro oprostićemo im, ipak su oni Slejer. Slatko iščekivanje...
Ma dobro izaći će do kraja godine. Taman da bude album 2009.
Slušaj nemo' da s' predomislim za Murisa.
Go to http://www.yumetal.net/forum/index.php?sho...t&p=1835432
Ako uvežu prevoz sa kartama, naravno da bi bio pun pogodak... Šta kao, svi misle Beograđani ne vole Srbiju, jes' ne vole. Kakvo sranje kroz gusto granje. Jedva bre čekam da odem kod drugarice u Sombor ili već negde, da mi dupe vidi put.
Preslušala dva puta juče... Šteta, mogli su glat albumčinu da izdaju. Majku mu...
Neverovatno jutros sam pomislila baš na ovu pesmu! Telepatika
javlja mi se da ćemo svi čekati tvoj novi hdd šalu na stranu, nemam toliko prostora ni ja
Zašto domaći metal bendovi prave tekstove na engleskom?
Ајлин replied to Теша Тешановић's topic in Deep Vault
Obuzdaj se od takvih izjava ja te najlepše molim. Spoznaj granicu bar jednom u životu.